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Why the Same-Sex Community Should Be Accepted in Our Society.


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Words 2221
Pages 9

Should the gay community be accepted in our society globally?
Sexual Orientation:

July 27, 2016
July 27, 2016
Habiba Abdullahi – 640263.
Jimmy Elia Lomuro – 644694.
Michelle Khalenya Shimoli – 640717.
Njenga Joel Gichuhi. – 643203.

LECTURER : Brenda Wambua.
TASK: Semester Group 1 Term Paper.

Habiba Abdullahi – 640263.
Jimmy Elia Lomuro – 644694.
Michelle Khalenya Shimoli – 640717.
Njenga Joel Gichuhi. – 643203.

LECTURER : Brenda Wambua.
TASK: Semester Group 1 Term Paper.

What is sexual orientation? According to the American Psychological Association (APA), sexual orientation is an enduring, emotional, romantic, sexual or affectional attraction to another person. Basically, Sexual orientation is about who attracts us. This attraction may lead to love hence marriage. The issue of same-sex marriage is an argument that we have heard of and have strong opinions on. We believe that homosexual couples should have the same marriage rights as heterosexual couples. As Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said, "Marriage is a basic human right. You cannot tell people they cannot fall in love." While he said this in reference to the marriage between races, the same can be said about homosexuals (Smiley, 2013). Who are we to judge who people get married to or not? Homosexuality, years ago, was unacceptable. Most gay people hid it from others who would discriminate the act. They married the opposite gender in order to live out a "normal" life. There were many instances of homosexuals being prosecuted and discriminated

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