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We Are Unjustified In Morality Analysis

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However, I believe that Street’s claim that either realism is false or we are unjustified in our moral beliefs is unsound. Firstly, I wish to show that some moral beliefs are independent from the influences of evolution. From there, it does not necessarily follow from her argument that if moral beliefs are influenced by evolution and have no link with independent moral truths, realism is false and we are unjustified in our moral beliefs.

In the ancient Greek society, it was common for males to fall in love with one another for their wisdom. Back then, it was completely moral to do so. However, as society progressed, this phenomenon was considered to be immoral. People were condemned if they fell for the same sex and they were suppressed in …show more content…
For example, in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, when basic needs are fulfilled, other needs develop, such as the need for security and love (Zimbardo, Johnson and McCann, 2014, pp.416). When the community is no longer plagued by concerns for survival or reproductive success, it ceased to be the primary concern for the people. Other needs, such self-actualization, the highest need in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs developed (Zimbardo, Johnson and McCann, 2014, pp. 416). These higher needs are also essential for one’s desire to continue surviving and for reproductive success. Nonetheless, these needs only develop when the basic ones are fulfilled. When the basic needs are affected, evolution will shift its focus back on promoting moral beliefs that are in favor of the basic needs. During Socrates’ time, intellectual discussions were highly valued for the further progression of the society. Thus, evolution shaped moral beliefs that only males have the highest level of wisdom, and in turn approving same-sex love for the pursuit of wisdom and also self-actualization. However, in eras where there were constant wars, lack of stability in the society threatened the survival of the human species. Evolution hence indirectly influence moral beliefs to promote reproductive …show more content…
Through the process of evolution, the human species became more and more intellectual. Therefore, shouldn’t it be plausible for one to stand back and reflect on the moral beliefs? For example, the state tries to influence its citizens to have certain beliefs. But being born into the state does not entail that one is not capable of standing back and reflecting if he wants to support the beliefs or not. The North Koreans for example, are cut off from technologies and have not been under other regimes thus they have no standard to check if how their state governance is good or bad. Yet, most of them knew that it was bad despite being born into the system and beliefs of the nation. Hence, many made efforts to escape to other countries. Likewise, humans have the capacity to stand back and reflect too, even though the mind may be shaped by evolution. Evolutionists would have to bite the bullet and weaken their argument by agreeing that there are some external forces, such as the human psychology which override the influences of evolution in forming our moral

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