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Wild Game Processing

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Do you like to hunt game animals for food? Do you know someone who hunts deer or other wild animals? If you or someone you know is a hunter, you or they will need to process the animals and turn them into usable cuts of meat. But did you know that there are people who will handle the entire thing for you? Here are some reasons why you should consider using a wild game processing company:

Food safety: Unless you are the owner of a walk-in refrigerator, home game processing is often done at room temperature and in a makeshift place, such as a kitchen table. The makeshift nature of the processing area means that it's more likely that your meat will be accidentally contaminated with dangerous bacteria. It could take hours, possibly even days in the case of a very large animal, to process all the meat. If the makeshift area is kept at a temperature above 40F, this could lead to potential food poisoning. With a wild game processing company, the entire procedure is completed with dedicated equipment at safe temperatures and by trained professionals, insuring that your meat is as safe as it could possibly be. …show more content…
If done properly, the one doing the processing will be using extremely sharp knives, saws and other equipment. A minor slip of one of these tools could lead to an accidental amputation or a cut that requires a trip to the hospital and multiple stitches. Besides the tools, there is the carcass itself. Not only can it have sharp bone splinters that could cause nearly as much damage as a knife, there is also the weight of the animal to consider. Improper lifting and turning of a large game animal, in order to facilitate the butchering process, could lead to things like a hernia or a wrenched back. When you take your game to a processional processing company, you won't have to worry about getting

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