...immediate prospects of recovery. In addition, 24% of reefs are under risk of collapse from human pressures and another 26% are under a long-term threat of collapse (Wilkinson, 2004). Therefore, preservation and restoration of coral reefs is of particular local, national and global interest. Although corals may have the ability to recover from natural disturbances, stresses from human activities coupled with natural stresses may inhibit their ability to recover (Edwards and Gomez, 2007). Restoring damaged and disturbed reefs may facilitate recovery and help compensate for reef destruction. This paper reviews coral reef restoration techniques and selected case studies at locations around the world. Some of the successes and potential issues of reef restoration projects are discussed along with considerations and implications for coral reef managers. INTRODUCTION Coral reefs, one of the oldest ecosystems on Earth, are highly complex and often called “rainforests of the sea” because of the diversity of life forms they support (Connell, 1978; Secord, 2001). Coral reefs are important both economically and ecologically. It is estimated that they provide US$375 billion per year around the world in goods and services, with approximately 500 million people dependent on these ecosystems for food, materials, or income (Wilkinson, 2002). Tourism is generally considered the dominant benefit. Reef recreation has been estimated at US$184 per visit globally (Brander et al., 2007), at US$231-$2...
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...The aim of this essay is to explore an aspect of care that a client group receives whilst in the community setting. The chosen aspect of care will be palliative care delivered to those patients who have been told they have a non-curative illness but are not yet at the end of life. The stage of the illness of the client group chosen is one where the patient is managed at home because there as there is nothing anyone can do to make things better (Calman-Hine Report 1998). The essay will also briefly describe three different professional groups involved in providing palliative care. It will then go on to discuss how good communication and collaborative working between these professional can provide the best quality of care of the patient and how poor communication can compromise the patients quality of care. Palliative care can be defined as the overall care of patients whose disease does not respond to curative treatment. The aim of Palliative care is to improve as much as possible the quality of life of patients and their families facing a life-threatening illness. This can be achieved by providing pain and symptom relief, spiritual and psychosocial support from diagnosis to bereavement (WHO 2002). Patients with life threatening illness may require care from a variety of different specialists and services at a number of points in their illness; this will include both statutory and non-statutory organisations (National Health Service Executive 1998). To ensure that all...
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...then an arrow for a token of friendship, understanding the Spanish castaway’s misfortune they came back the next morning with fish, roots, water and other things. Later even taking the Spaniards to their dwellings, where they danced and celebrated. 3. Some of Cabeza de Vacas men were skeptical of how kindly the Indians where treating them after such misery and distress they suffered upon their arrival. Some of his men feared once Cabeza de Vacas was to ask the Indians to take them back to their dwellings of being sacrificed to the Indiana’s idols. Upon arriving to their homes the Indians had built a hut with fire in it for them and they danced and celebrated all night, losing their apprehension of becoming sacrificed. Chapter 2: Coronado’s Report to Viceroy Antonio de Mendoza Sent From Cibola August 3, 1540 1. Coronado describe the people of Cevola to be of ordinary size and intelligent. They are also entirely naked except the covering of their private parts. The Cevola people have an abundance of corn, which is their main source of food, and make the best corn cakes he has ever eaten. They also keep their women well-guarded so Coronado was unable to see what the women look like. 2. Coronado describes the climate of Cevola is like that of Mexico because it is hot and sometimes rains, when they did have a little shower with wind it felt like the showers in Spain. The country is also all level, although there are some hills. The grass in Cevola is very good and there are tons of hay...
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...[Note: This text was originally printed as a chapter in A Primer for new Institutional Researchers and is reprinted here with permission from the Association for Institutional Research. The bibliographical citation is: Morrison, J. L. (1992). Environmental scanning. In M. A. Whitely, J. D. Porter, and R. H. Fenske (Eds.), A primer for new institutional researchers (pp. 86-99). Tallahassee, Florida: The Association for Institutional Research.] Editor's Note: The Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature, published by the H.W.Wilson Company, is an index to English language periodicals of general interest available in most libraries. We consider a periodical to be readily accessible if it is indexed in the Readers' Guide. For those periodicals not included in the Readers' Guide, we provide the address and, in most cases, the phone number to guide you in your scanning. The Encyclopedia of Associations, published by Gale Research, Inc., is a guide to over 22,000 national and international organizations. Information about how to contact the organizations mentioned in this chapter is from the 1992 edition of The Encyclopedia of Associations and is available in most libraries. Publications of U.S. government agencies are indexed in the Monthly Catalog of United States Government Publications. Most publications included in the Monthly Catalog are available from The Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, 732 N. Capitol St., NW, Washington, DC 20401. Information:...
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...|PERSONAL INFORMATION |Rafieu Gibao Mambu | |[ | | | 37 Mountain Cut, Foulah Town, Freetown, +232, Sierra Leone | | | +232-78-680069 [pic] +232-77336415 [pic] +232-76-395920 | | | Radiga1982@gmail.com , RafieuM@unops.org | | |Sex: Male | Date of birth 27 July 1982| Nationality Sierra Leonean | | | | | | | |JOB APPLIED FOR |ADMINISTRATION, PROJECT & PROGRAM MANAGEMENT, LOGISTIC, TRANSPORT AND OPERATIONAL RELATED ROLES | |POSITION | ...
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...“How can nurses ensure that older people are treated with respect and dignity whilst being cared for in a hospital or in the community?” Providing dignified care is at the very heart of nursing and is the responsibility of everyone (Royal College of Nursing (RCN) 2008). Nurses play an important part in the care of older people and quality nursing care can make a substantial difference to physical and emotional well-being (Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) 2008). 'Dignity' as defined by the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) (2009) is ‘A state, quality or manner worthy of esteem or respect; and (by extension) self-respect’. Adopting dignity in practice should generate an environment that supports and promotes self-respect, allowing it to flourish by the maintenance of autonomy and informed choice, NMC (2008). The 2006 Commission for Social Care Inspection (CSCI) publication ‘Living well in later life’ highlighted the lack of dignity and respect for older people in acute hospitals as a major area of concern citing that 45% of NHS resources are spent on older people and this accounts for the greatest use of acute hospital services This discussion will identify the specific needs of the older person from a bio-psychosocial perspective incorporating complicit ethical issues. The role of the nurse in the provision of quality and comprehensive care delivery will of course be examined, integrating theory and practice and exploring the implications for inter-professional...
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...International Strategic Project Management BBIM604 In –Module assessment – Semester 1 -2011/12 By Sergey Bogdanovich Basketball Arena [pic] Executive summary Basketball is one of the major Olympic sports. And Olympic presentation of it should be as good as possible, as millions of people will watch the action from East London closely. They all want an extraordinary exhibition and performance, so the constructions of a top quality Basketball Arena, which will successfully host the games, require a lot of attitude. It is essential to understand that the arena must be a part of an Olympic vision and should address all the proposals and ideas which Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA) and London as a capital of Great Britain want to introduce during games and after them. It required a lot of effort, knowledge and an experience to achieve the overall goal in delivering basketball arena. In the end the project become one of the biggest of its type ever built for such an event. Several firms, agencies and organisations worked closely with each other to deliver a successful result on each stage of the project. Introduction The Basketball arena was a unique challenge. It was the first time a 12000 seat temporary arena with a span of almost 100 m had been built in UK. Because of the size, scale, complexity and the cost of the venue, it went through considerable scrutiny, deliberation and change throughout the course of 2006-2009...
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...Environmental Scanning By James L. Morrison [Note: This text was originally printed as a chapter in A Primer for new Institutional Researchers and is reprinted here with permission from the Association for Institutional Research. The bibliographical citation is: Morrison, J. L. (1992). Environmental scanning. In M. A. Whitely, J. D. Porter, and R. H. Fenske (Eds.), A primer for new institutional researchers(pp. 86-99). Tallahassee, Florida: The Association for Institutional Research. Issues Successful management of colleges and universities depends upon the ability of the senior leaders to adapt to rapidly changing external environment. Unfortunately, the lead time once enjoyed by decisionmakers to analyze and respond to these and other changes is decreasing. Traditional long-range planning models, with their inward focus and reliance on historical data, do not encourage decisionmakers to anticipate environmental changes and assess their impact on the organization (Cope, 1981). The underlying assumption of such models is that any future change is a continuation of the direction and rate of present trends among a limited number of social, technological, economic, and political variables. Thus, the future for the institution is assumed to reflect the past and present or, in essence, to be "surprise-free." However, we know that this is not true, and the further we plan into the future, the less it will be true. What is needed is a method that enables decisionmakers both to...
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...your consciousness and bring you to a constant state of awareness. A big part of the belief system of Buddhism is recognizing the world for what it is, free from deception. A lucid dreamer recognizes the dream world for what it is, a dream (Holzinger B. , 2009). A Dutch psychiatrist named Frederik van Eeden came up with the term for lucid dreams in 1913. He claimed that there are nine well-defined types of dreams in all, including ordinary, symbolic and vivid dreams. He recorded several of his own lucid dreams, and his thoughts during them and upon awakening. He remarked that they often involved flying (Holzinger B. , 2009). Lucid dreaming is normally a rare experience. Though most people report having had a lucid dream at least once in their lives, only about 20% of the population reports having lucid dreams once a month or more (Bourke, 2014). It is speculated that Albert Einstein was a lucid dreamer. Although lucid dreaming was not officially categorized nor popularized until...
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...Anxiety Scores of Informal Caregivers Theresa A. Patterson Mount Aloysius College Abstract Informal caregivers, or family members who provide care to their physically or cognitively impaired relatives, are leading providers of services to elderly individuals. However, caregivers frequently experience symptoms of depression, stress and anxiety. Also, caregivers may suffer from physical or psychological distress as a result of these symptoms. The author examined the effects of depression, stress and anxiety and suggested an assessment instrument to gauge levels of anxiety. In addition, strengths and limitations of this approach were delineated. The author hypothesized that caregivers would exhibit higher anxiety scores than non-caregivers. This hypothesis was tested by comparing a group of informal caregivers to a group of non-caregivers. Furthermore, recommendations for reduction of stress and anxiety symptoms were made. Anxiety Scores of Informal Caregivers Family members of elderly, impaired individuals in the United States provide the majority of necessary daily care for their relatives (Sheehan & Nuttall, 1988). These caregivers may be described as informal: individuals who provide unpaid care to a friend or family member out of love and respect for the impaired person (George & Gwyther, 1986). Unfortunately, many caregivers reported significant stress, depression and anxiety (Sheehan & Nuttall, 1988). Research demonstrated a correlation...
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...Papers ................................................................................................................................. Keynote presentation Q Telemedicine support for the developing world Richard Wootton Centre for Online Health, University of Queensland, Australia Summary Telemedicine has been used for some years in the industrialized world, albeit with rather mixed success. There is also a considerable literature on the potential use of telemedicine for the developing world. However, there are few reports of the actual use of telemedicine there. A review identified five telemedicine networks providing second opinions; each network had been in operation for over five years. Although they have different aims and methods of operation, they exhibit some common features. In particular, none of them appear to be dealing with markedly increasing referral rates. Rough calculations suggest that only about 0.1% of the potential telemedicine demand from the developing world is being met. Possible reasons include the referrers being too busy and a perceived loss of control. If this analysis is correct, then the right strategy for future telemedicine in developing countries will be to concentrate on the construction of within-country networks that demonstrably alter health outcomes, can be shown to be cost-effective and sustainable, and will provide a model for other countries to copy. .............................................................. Telemedicine...
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...N O R T H E R N T E R R I T O R Y D E PA R T M E N T O F H E A LT H Health Promotion Strategic Framework 2011 - 2015 www.healthynt.nt.gov.au NT Department of Health Health Promotion Strategic Framework 2011 - 2015 Background This framework provides a structure for describing the type of health promotion actions that are used across the Northern Territory. It enables a shared understanding of the actions that can be taken to improve health and wellbeing. It also provides guidance about embedding a health promotion approach into all planning processes, programs and service development across the NT. While this framework is intended to be used within the health sector, we strongly encourage other sectors and agencies outside of the health domain to use the framework. This framework should be used in conjunction with health promotion audit tools and other health promotion resources available in the NT, such as the Public Health Bush Books and the Quality Improvement Program Planning System (QIPPS). It is also designed to be used as a guide, together with other local, regional and national frameworks, policies, strategies and resources. Why Health Promotion? The World Health Organisation (WHO) acknowledges the growing evidence that health promotion and preventive health approaches are effective in improving overall health and wellbeing, reducing the burden of chronic disease and injury, addressing health inequities, facilitating the better use of resources and enhancing...
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...Wales, Bangor, UK Jennie Popay MA Professor of Sociology and Public Health, Co-Convenor Cochrane Qualitative Research Methods Group Institute for Health Research, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK Correspondence to Jane Noyes: e-mail: jane.noyes@bangor.ac.uk 2 1 N O Y E S J . & P O P A Y J . ( 2 0 0 7 ) Directly observed therapy and tuberculosis: how can a systematic review of qualitative research contribute to improving services? A qualitative meta-synthesis. Journal of Advanced Nursing 57(3), 227–243 doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2648.2006.04092.x Abstract Title. Directly observed therapy and tuberculosis: how can a systematic review of qualitative research contribute to improving services? A qualitative meta-synthesis Aim. This paper reports the findings from a qualitative meta-synthesis concerning people with, or at risk of, tuberculosis, service providers and policymakers and their experiences and perceptions of tuberculosis and treatment. Background. Directly observed therapy is part of a package of interventions to improve tuberculosis treatment and adherence. A Cochrane systematic review of trials showed an absence of evidence for or against directly observed therapy compared with people treating themselves. Method. Qualitative systematic review methods were used to search, screen, appraise and extract data thematic analysis was used to synthesize data from 1990 to 2002, and an update of literature to December 2005. Two questions were addressed: ‘What does qualitative research...
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...At liftoff, Matt Eversmann said a Hail Mary. He was curled into a seat between two helicopter crew chiefs, the knees of his long legs up to his shoulders. Before him, jammed on both sides of the Black Hawk helicopter, was his "chalk," twelve young men in flak vests over tan desert camouflage fatigues. He knew their faces so well they were like brothers. The older guys on this crew, like Eversmann, a staff sergeant with five years in at age twenty-six, had lived and trained together for years. Some had come up together through basic training, jump school, and Ranger school. They had traveled the world, to Korea, Thailand, Central America... they knew each other better than most brothers did. They'd been drunk together, gotten into fights, slept on forest floors, jumped out of airplanes, climbed mountains, shot down foaming rivers with their hearts in their throats, baked and frozen and starved together, passed countless bored hours, teased one another endlessly about girlfriends or lack of same, driven in the middle of the night from Fort Benning to retrieve each other from some diner or strip club on Victory Drive after getting drunk and falling asleep or pissing off some barkeep. Through all those things, they had been training for a moment like this. It was the first time the lanky sergeant had been put in charge, and he was nervous about it. Pray for us sinners, now, and at the hour of our death, Amen. It was midafternoon, October 3, 1993. Eversmann's Chalk Four...
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...Chapter One INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY The concept of quality has existed for many years, though its meaning has changed dramatically and evolved over time. In the early twentieth century, quality management meant inspecting products to ensure that they met specifications. In the 1940s, during World War II, quality became more statistical in nature. Statistical sampling techniques were used to evaluate quality, and quality control charts were used to monitor the production process. In the 1960s, with the help of so-called “quality expert,” the concept took on a broader meaning. Quality began to be viewed as something that encompassed the entire organization, not only the production process. Since all functions were responsible for product quality and all shared the costs of poor quality, quality was seen as a concept that affected the entire organization. Before the dramatic change, quality was still viewed as something that needed to be inspected and corrected. To survive, companies had to make major changes in their quality programs. Many hired consultants and instituted quality training programs for their employees. A new concept of quality was emerging. One result is that quality began to have a strategic meaning. Today, successful companies understand that quality provides a competitive advantage. They put the customer first and define quality as meeting or exceeding customer expectations. Competition based on quality has grown in importance and has generated...
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