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William Randolph Hearst Research Paper

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William Randolph Hearst grew up with very wealthy parents in California. He grew up touring Europe, which sparked interest in many different areas inside him. He attended college at Harvard University, where he showed much interest in journalism. At the height of his career, Hearst owned over 24 newspapers. William Randolph Hearst also managed to have a short political career before returning to newspapers full-time. In the end, the Great Depression hindered his business, which he never fully recovered from. William was born to George and Phoebe Hearst in San Francisco, California. His father was a self-made millionaire from being a gold miner, rancher and was also a U.S. Senator. Growing up William had quite the childhood, touring Europe with his mother by age 10 and attending a highly selective prep school, St. Paul’s School in New Hampshire at 16. These opportunities allowed his to see and view the world …show more content…
During this time he discovered a new idol, Joseph Pulitzer who was the publisher for the New York World newspaper. After being expelled from Harvard for hosting beer parties and other transgressions, he convinced his father to hand him the reins of the San Francisco Journal, which his father won in a gambling bet. Eventually, his father gave in, thus, jumpstarting William Randolph Hearst’s career. To make his new business, Hearst spent about $8 million dollars of his family’s money. He purchased new equipment and hired the best writers. His newspaper soon became known for “yellow journalism”, which is journalism that aims to catch your eye with exaggerated headlines rather than sticking with the facts. He soon moved to New York City in 1895, where he purchased the old newspaper The New York Morning Journal. This purchase made him in a head-to-head war with his former idol, Joseph Pulitzer, the owner and publisher of The New York

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