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William Shakespeare's Bubonic Plague

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William Shakespeare was one of the greatest playwrights of all time. He wrote so many powerful plays, weather they tragedies or love stories. William was born on April of 1564 and died April 23, 1616. No one but the church has any record of William’s birth date. The church does have the date he was baptized ; he was baptized on April 26, 1564 in Stratford-Upon-Avon. Which is about 100 miles away from london. Before Shakespeare was born, his mother and father had two other children but unfortunately, he passed away before birth. So William was the oldest child in the family. He had five younger siblings. Three brothers named Gilbert, Edmund, and Richard. And two sisters Joan and Anne. Unfortunately, Anne died at seven.
William did grow up …show more content…
January of 1593, the bubonic plague hit england. Lucky enough for William, he never caught the disease. The bubonic plague was a plague that wiped out most of Europe’s population. The death count form this plague was over 25 million people. William’s son, Hamlet was among the 25 million that died from the plague, Hamlet died at the age of eleven. This bubonic plague, also known as the black death, was airborne most of the time. Scientist say that the bubonic plague was in the rats. The rats and people both had fleas and lice. So the fleas and lice carried the plague right over to the people and that's how it started. Meanwhile, Shakespeare took this time to write plays. Henry VI was the first play he ever wrote. He also wrote Hamlet, which I assume was written after his son, Hamlet Shakespeare. His most famous plays were Macbeth, Julius Caesar, Romeo and juliet and …show more content…
Some of his movies was successful, and some were not. Othello, The Tempest, Titus, Hamlet, Macbeth and most of all Romeo and Juliet was made into movies. Romeo is the most popular story that Shakespeare ever wrote. It is the most popular love story as well, besides the Notebook, and Titanic. Mr. Alford claimed that Romeo and Juliet was the worst love story ever. I’ll be totally honest, I agree with him, but I assume not a lot of people do.
William Shakespeare is actually considered the best dramatist that ever existed. He wrote a total of 38 plays and over 150 sonnets. A sonnet is a poem that originally from Italy, but was ahred around the world. Shakespeare not only created many great books and sonnets, but he also created many words. He invented well over 1500 commonly used words. He changed nouns to verbs, and verbs to adjectives. He also created words by adding suffixes and prefixes.
In the year of 1616, Shakespeare died in his house. They say he died from a fever and there was no way to treat him. His wife later died as well on August 6, 1623. Anne’s death is unknown, but we do know that William died of a major fever. He was buried in the Church of the Holy Trinity, Stratford-upon-Avon, United Kingdom. On his tombstone was carved the words “Good friend for Jesus forbeare, To dig the dust enclosed here. Blessed be the man who spares these stones, And curse the man who moves my bones”. He told them to write that on his

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