Women’s Rights Throughout history women have always had fewer legal rights then men. This was due to the belief that women were inferior to men. Back in the early seventeenth and eighteenth century women had no freedom or rights. They were supposed to be controlled by their husband with little or no freedom of leaving the house. While the men would go to work the women’s duty was to take care of the house which meant cleaning, cooking and taking care of the children. Women also had barely any personal belongings because everything that they had legally belonged to the men. In seventeen fifty six a women named Lydia Taft was the first legal women allowed to vote. Her wealthy husband had passed away leaving some of his rights to her. Starting by the eighteenth century women’s rights started to gain a little more interest. This meant women as well as others spread social and political arguments all over about the matter. An early influential convention in Seneca Falls New York was organized by local women. This consisted of hundreds of them working together to achieve greater privileges. The convention was seen as a step toward a valiant effort to greater their rights in society. In eighteen forty eight the New York assembly passed the married women’s property act giving women the right to retain property they brought into a marriage. This was a huge step toward women’s suffrage During the nineteenth century women began demanding for other rights such as voting, having a say in government and law making. They were prohibited from doing this by the reform act and Municipal corporation act in the eighteen thirties. After a strong public campaign was thrown at the government a bill was passed in nineteen eighteen allowing women over the age of thirty the right to vote.