...Name: Please input your answers on the ANSWER GRID located on the last page of this document. Save and submit as an attachment to the Assignments link. Q1: What must a needs analysis do? a. determine the training needs of the organization b. determine the training needs of the employees c. determine the training needs of the department d. determine the training needs of the employees and department Q2: What three areas should be the focus of a needs analysis? a. location, organization, people b. departments, organization, tasks c. organization, people, departments d. organization, tasks, people Q3: What is behavioral learning? a. how we act or behave b. pleasant or unpleasant experiences in life c. how we choose to handle life experiences d. the causes of life experiences Q4: What is cognitive learning? a. learning is based upon our performance level b. learning is based upon our ability to communicate c. learning is based upon our mental processes d. learning is based upon our ability to learn Q5: Which three topics known as “states” describe internal learning conditions? a. attention, motivation, recall b. recall, motivation, environment c. motivation, attention, ideas d. environment, ideas, recall Q6: Which of the following set of terms is part of dimensions of cultural differences? a. masculinity-Femininity, power distance, uncertainty avoidance b. standards of lifestyle...
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...The capital of Pakistan is Islamabad located in the province of Punjab. The longitude is 33.7167 North latitude is 73.0667 East. Pakistan covers an area of 796,095 square miles. Iran is on the west border, India on the East, Afghanistan in the north and north- west with the People’s Republic of China in the north- west to north -east. The Arabian Sea is at its southern border. This map shows the five political regions of Pakistan. They are Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Peshawar (aks Federally Administered Tribal Areas), Punjab, Baluchistan and Sindh. This graph shows that the population in Pakistan will continue to rise because the younger population is getting larger. Karachi!! One of Pakistan’s largest and congested cities . The official name of Pakistan is the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. There are five political regions of Pakistan; they are Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Peshawar, Punjab, Baluchistan and Sindh. Islamabad, Lahore and Karachi are the three major cities of Pakistan. As of January 20, 2014, 183,931,815 people live in Pakistan. Every hour 500.6 people are born and 139.6 people die. Most people live in villages and undeveloped areas where hospitals and electricity are not provided. Pakistan has five major physical features. They are the Northern and Western Highlands, the Punjab Plain, the Sind Plain, the Baluchistan Plateau and the Thar Desert. The most important are the Plains of Punjab and Sindh. These fertile plains provide the...
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...Assignment 2: Joe Salatino, President of Great Northern American Case Study 2/5/2013 BUS520-Leadership and Organizational Dr. Leonardo R. Serrano TiAnquaneta Q Wilson It seems like Great Northern American has done a decent job of using learning concepts to improve salesperson performance they have been going at it for 35 years, after all, and are still competitive in the marketplace. It would appear that Joe Salatino has proven techniques that help incentivize people to generate sales for the company. The case mentioned that the company was faced with stiff competition from internet sellers. With the developments in the past decade of telecommuting arrangements, there may be threats from direct competitors that employ cheaper methods of direct selling. As President of the organization he is responsible to give direction to his employees. He needs to help them to understand the Company's mission and work towards it. Joe could do an analysis of the organizational culture of his own company with them. Anonymously or directly he could ask their employees what is the perception they have about the Company. After that ask what in their opinion may have generated this perception. Mr. Salatino can show how these perceptions ultimately influence the organization both positively and negatively. He could address the differences in the each individual personality, as people have different types of management, motivational issues, training, etc .So he could do an analysis of how perceptions...
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...Access Database Terms Access is a relational database utilizing data organize into various fields and tables that when specific data is asked or sought it is the combined effort of the data, data fields and tables which yield the response to the question posed. In order for access to achieve this, access relies of 5 primary functions or objects as these are called; 1) Tables – store both the data and date fields which will provide the answers to the yet unknown questions. 2) Queries – is the term used for the questions posed, specific queries against the known data fields housed in the tables will yield the desired response. 3) Forms – Are custom documents design the easily move data between tables. 4) Reports – once the questions have been answered a report can be generated in a number of ways and exported to the desired look and feel (format). 5) Macros - Known as the robotic portion of a database, well designed macros will guide the how the requested data points, will interact with each other in order to yield the desire response in the desired report or format. Knowing and understand these terms and functions within each one, is critical to one’s learning curve for Access. Conversely, not knowing or having any familiarity with these terms and related functions will increase one’s learning curve for Access. Keeping to the basics, or establishing a solid foundation to build upon is critical the long term success of any project, regardless or scope, size...
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...are to write a full report on the present predicament facing the company. The report will be read and used by the President of the company. Deadline : 5 PM on Sunday, November 22, 2015 in a soft copy format to the following address danesh1@rediffmail.com. Please send the copy in both a doc or docx format as well as a PDF format. Groups : This assigment is to be done in groups. However no group is to have more than four members. Please include all the names of the group members in the submission. Guidelines for submission 1) Word limit Word limit for your report: 1,200 (Exclude from the count any exhibits). Penalty for exceeding the word limit: one sub-grade if the total number of words is between 1,201 and 1,300; one full grade if the number of words is more than 1,300. Please write down at the end of the assignment the number of words you have used in the body of the assignment. Any verbal tables (as opposed to predominantly quantitative tables) and footnotes (other than references) that you use in the body of the report should be counted. If you use any text boxes in the body of the report, please count the words in them separately and add it to the total number of words quoted. Any attempt to cheat will be treated severely. 2) Late submission penalty Late submissions attract a...
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...Yes I recommend the acceptance of this proposal Explanation:- To evaluate projects we mainly analyze Net present value (NPV) As first preference and then Internal rate of returns (IRR) Net present value (NPV) :- The difference between the present value of cash inflows and the present value of cash outflows. NPV is used in capital budgeting to analyze the profitability of an investment or project. NPV analysis is sensitive to the reliability of future cash inflows that an investment or project will yield. NPV compares the value of a dollar today to the value of that same dollar in the future, taking inflation and returns into account. If the NPV of a prospective project is positive, it should be accepted. However, if NPV is negative, the project should probably be rejected because cash flows will also be negative. Supporting Note:- The present value (PV) of an amount to be received in the future is the discounted face value considering the length of time the receipt is deferred and the required rate of return (or appropriate discount rate under the circumstances). The notion of present value presumes that money has a time value—today 1 ;s dollar is worth more than the same dollar received at a future point in time—deriving from inflation, interest, and other considerations. This idea is used commonly when planning a capital budget. IRR:- The discount rate often used in capital budgeting that makes the net present value of all cash flows from a particular project equal...
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...BUSS5000/CRITICAL THINKING IN BUSINESS Semester 1 2016 Assessment 4: Major Case Analysis and Evaluation Due date: Weight: Length: Monday, 23 May 10:00am on Blackboard via Turnitin 20% 1700 words (including references) Questions Read the ‘Emerging Nokia’ case that is accessible on the link that is on the BUSS5000 Blackboard site and then respond to the following questions. In responding to Question i and Question 11 below, your analysis you should only use the information that is provided in the case. Extra research can be done to substantiate your analysis and frameworks. 证实 i. Using the most relevant frameworks and concepts from those that we have covered in BUSS5000, critically evaluate and analyse the competition that Nokia faced between 1995 and 2010. ii. Identify and critically analyse any five (5) factors that you consider to have contributed to Nokia sustaining its competitive position during the 1995 and 2010 period. iii. Identify four (4) challenges you think Nokia might face in one of the emerging markets mentioned in the case and recommend ways that Nokia could address each of these challenges so as to enhance its performance post 2010. Justify your answer. Assessment Criteria Demonstrate knowledge of frameworks and business concepts covered in lectures, tutorials and unit readings. (35%) Show evidence of critical thinking in analysing the assigned case. (30%) Demonstrate responsible application of ethical and...
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...Week 2 Homework Help 1. State the administrative agency which controls the regulation. Explain why this agency and your proposed regulation interests you (briefly). Will this proposed regulation affect you or the business in which you are working? If so, how? Submit a copy of the proposed regulation along with your responses to these five questions. The proposed regulation can be submitted as either a separate Word document (.doc) or Adobe file (.pdf). This means you will submit two attachments to the Week 2 Dropbox: (1) a Word doc with the questions and your answers and (2) a copy of the proposed regulation you used for this assignment. (10 points) Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) regulated interstate surface transportation between 1887 and 1995. This interests me because of the changes of transportation. Yes, it does affect me because they are doing price controls and entry controls on the collective vendor’s price setting in the United States transportation. 2. Describe the proposal/change. (10 points) It is regulated through varies transportation modes starting with the railroad industry and later the trucking and airline industry. 3. Write the public comment which you would submit to this proposal. If the proposed regulation deadline has already passed, write the comment you would have submitted. Explain briefly what you wish to accomplish with your comment. (10 points) Deregulation—freeing up the trucking market to permit much more flexible pricing and service...
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...factors in your decision. Formatting using the CLI, while works fine for simple forms, is too limiting for complex documents. We have not gotten far enough to input things like pictures/graphs/diagrams ect, but when using a GUI I know from personal use that it is relatively simple. I will say, however, that when dealing with formatting from version to version of a program (lets say from a .doc to a .docx) can be frustrating. I have had times that there was no way that the file could be fixed, and that I had to make a whole new document, because the newer program would just not accept the old file in its original format. This is an advantage when using the CLI. .txt is .txt no mater what program it was created on, or platform that you were using. This is a HUGE advantage that using the CLI has over the GUI. If I am using Open Office on a Linux system to create a document, and then you want to open that same document using Microsoft Word on a Windows system there are huge problems in the “conversion” process. Even if you save said file using Open Office as a .doc file, when opening with Word, Its just not right. I think we have all ran into this issue, and it can be vexing. So I think that using the CLI to create and manipulate files is, overall, more efficient; we will always be visual beings and want to have our pretty buttons to...
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...bDoc Holliday 1 Doc Holliday Doc Holliday Holliday's dental school graduation photo, age 20, 1872 Born John Henry HollidayAugust 14, 1851Griffin, Georgia, U.S. Died November 8, 1887 (aged 36)Glenwood Springs, Colorado, U.S. Education Graduated from Pennsylvania College of Dental Surgery in 1872 at age 20 Occupation Dentist, Professional gambler, Gunfighter Known for Arizona War *Gunfight at the O.K. Corral *Earp Vendetta Ride John Henry "Doc" Holliday (August 14, 1851 – November 8, 1887) was an American gambler, gunfighter and dentist of the American Old West, who is usually remembered for his friendship with Wyatt Earp and his involvement in the Gunfight at the O.K. Corral. Early life and education "Doc" Holliday was born in Griffin, Georgia, to Henry Burroughs Holliday and Alice Jane Holliday (née McKey).[1] His father served in the Mexican–American War and the Civil War.[2] His family baptized him at the First Presbyterian Church in 1852.[3] In 1864 his family moved to Valdosta, Georgia.[3] Holliday's mother died of tuberculosis on September 16, 1866, when he was 15 years old.[1] Three months later his father married Rachel Martin. While in Valdosta, he attended the Valdosta Institute,[3] where he received a strong classical secondary education in rhetoric, grammar, mathematics, history, and languages – principally Latin, but also French and some Ancient Greek.[3] Autographed photo of Holliday taken in 1879 in Prescott...
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...to choose a credible article from a reliable news resource. Your article may be on any type of microbe and may be a story about the positive effects or negative effects of a particular microbe. However, You may not discuss an organism that you have already discussed in your week 1 or week 2 discussion. You will read the article and submit a 200 to 300 word student original summary of the article in Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx) only. You may discuss the findings of the article as well as your personal thoughts about the story. You must convey the information in your article by paraphrasing, as direct quotation in science is not acceptable. Your document should follow APA Format with regard to font, font size, margins and referencing. You should prepare a one page document with the title at the top and full reference in APA format, including the full URL of the news article, at the bottom of the page, following your short essay/summary. (Separate title page, abstract, & separate reference page are not required for this assignment.) Please attach your completed assignment word doc to the Microbe in the News Dropbox. This is due by 11:59 PM EST on Sunday. Grading Rubric: 10 points grammar/spelling, 10 points APA formating including appropriate reference with URL, 10 points assignment met...
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...Business Systems and Subsystems BSA 310 September 2nd, 2013 Home Page Riordan Manufacturing is a large manufacturing company that produces many products and has many services available around the globe. From the looks of their home page there are several different systems that they employ, but in addition to that there are many different systems and subsystems that have been identified as required by Riordan Manufacturing. Selling and producing this many products, Riordan are operating at a high volume so there will be a great deal of transactions. We are sure that throughout the different locations there are will separate transaction systems with systems connecting to a central system. When reviewing the home page we can also see that they have employed a great deal of such systems. Riordan uses a payroll system, to keep information about employee’s earnings information, such as hours worked or check amounts. Additionally, they use a transaction processing system to process this information to pay their employees accordingly. There is also evidence that within the homepage that they would employ a supply chain management system because of the large production of their...
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...Farm Service Agency (FSA). FSA is an agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). 3. Where and how would a Large Company borrow to finance inventory? To build a new factory? To buy another company. Companies can borrow from banks or sell stock and issue bonds to raise money. 4. Where and how would a city borrow to build a new baseball stadium? New schools? Replace a sewer system? Cities can issue municipal bonds where to raise money for such new projects. 5. Where an how would the Federal Government borrow to finance the Federal Debt of over $17 trillion? The Federal government issues debt by selling treasury securites suchas bonds notes, savings bonds. Compose a document and attach the file in Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx) or Rich Text (.rtf) format. If I can't open your attachment you will receive a zero. If you have any questions about how to format your work contact ANGEL...
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...Facts: Oklahoma State University provided Professor Eric Angevine with a computer linked to the university network, and through it to the Internet. Angevine used this computer to download over 3,000 pornographic images of young boys. After viewing the images and printing some of them, he deleted the files. Tipped off by Professor Angevine’s wife, police officers seized the computer and turned it over to a police computer expert who retrieved the pornographic files that the professor had deleted. The Oklahoma State University computer policy states that: The contents of all storage media owned or stored on University computing facilities are the property of the University. Employees cannot use University computers to access obscene material. The University reserves the right to view or scan any file or software stored on a computer or passing through the network, and will do so periodically to audit the use of University resources. The University cannot guarantee confidentiality of stored data. System administrators keep logs of file names, which may indicate why a particular data file is being erased, when it was erased, and what user identification has erased it. The trial court held that federal agents did not need a warrant to search Professor Angevine’s office computer because he had no expectation of privacy. The judge sentenced him to fifty-one months in prison for “knowing possession of child pornography.” The professor appealed. Issue: Did Professor...
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...MGMT520 Legal, Political, and Ethical Dimensions Professor Deardurff Assignment I By Rodney L. Joash | | 1. State the administrative agency which controls the regulation. Explain why this agency and your proposed regulation interests you (briefly). Will this proposed regulation affect you or the business in which you are working? If so, how? Submit a copy of the proposed regulation along with your responses to these five questions. The proposed regulation can be submitted as either a separate Word document (.doc) or Adobe file (.pdf). This means you will submit two attachments to the Week 2 Dropbox: (2) a Word doc with the questions and your answers and (2) a copy of the proposed regulation you used for this assignment. (10 points) DEPARTMENT OF HOMELANDSECURITY Office of the Secretary-Nondiscrimination in Matters Pertaining to Faith-Based Organizations-I am interested in the proposed regulation because I am involved in a religion or faith base organization. This will affect the organization to received funds with other non-profit organizations. 2. Describe the proposal/change. Consistent with the President’sinitiative, this proposed rule would amend DHS’ regulations to make clear that faith-based organizations are eligible to participate in any social or community service programs established, administered or funded by DHS (including any component of DHS) (collectively, ‘‘DHS service programs’’), and are eligible to seek and receive Federal financial...
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