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Word List for Technology


Submitted By luyen93
Words 1267
Pages 6
Word list for technology subject
Unit 1: Ways in to technology water tap | A faucet for drawing water from a pipe or cask | Vòi nước | Synthesizer | an electronic instrument that generates and modifies sounds electronically and can imitate a variety of other musical instruments | | Vocational | Training practical | | Unit2: Food and agriculture Reaper | Farm machine that gathers a food crop from the fields | Máy gieo hạt | Barbed wire | Strong wire with barbs at regular intervals used to prevent passage | Dây thép gai | Cotton gin | A machine that separates the seeds from raw cotton fibers | Máy tách hạt | Seed drill | A machine for harvesting | Máy gặt | Optical detector | | Máy đo quang phổ | Canning | preserve in a can or tin | Đóng hộp | Dehydration | Dryness resulting from the removal of water | Sự mất nước | Fermentation | A process in which an agent causes an organic substance to break down into simpler substances | Sự lên men | Grain | A relatively small granular particle of a substance | Hạt, hột | Pasteurization | The process of heating and then cooling a liquid | Diệt khuẩn theo PP Paster |

Refrigeration | The process of cooling or freezing for preservative purposes | Sự làm lạnh | Yield | Be flexible under stress of physical force | | Germinate | Produce buds, branches, or germinate | Nảy mầm, sinh đẻ | Pulley | A simple machine consisting of a wheel with a groove in which a rope can run to change the direction or point of application of a force applied to the rope | Ròng rọc | Treadle support/foot | A lever that is operated with the foot | Bàn đạp | Valve | | Van | Rope | A strong thick cord mean from twisted strands | Dây thừng | Unit 4: Plastic | Mold | form in clay, wax, etc | Khuôn | Textile fibre | | Vải dệt có sợi | Biodegradable plastic packaging | Made from plant-based materials | | Active packaging | Provide consumer w information about the freshness of the product. | | Membrane wrapper | Changes its permeability to oxygen and carbon. | | Biodegradable | Capable of being decomposed by e.g. bacteria | Có thể bị làm thối rữa | Durable | Existing for a long time | Dẻo, bền | Thermoset | Having the property of becoming permanently hard and rigid when heated or cured | Trở nên nóng khi phản ứng với nhiệt | Versatile | able to move freely in all directions | Linh động | Cellulose | A polysaccharide that is the chief constituent of all plant tissues and fibers | xenlulozo | Component | An abstract part of something | Thành phần, cấu thành | Pigment | Dry coloring material | Chất nhuộm, chat sắc tố | Plasticizer | A substance added to plastics or other materials to make them more pliable | Chất làm dẻo | Raw material | Material suitable for manufacture, use or finishing | Vật liệu thô | Thermoplastic | A material that softens when heated and hardens again when cooled | | Dispose of | Give, sell, or transfer to another | | Permeability | The property of something that can be pervaded by a liquid | Khả năng thẩm thấu | Polymerize | | Trùng hợp (phản ứng) | Granule A tiny grain | Hạt nhỏ | Unit 5: Alternative energy | | | | Blade | Capture the wind energy | Cánh | Hub | Links the blades to the low-speed shaft | Trục (bánh xe) | Gear transmission | Increases the speed of the shaft | Trục quay | High-speed shaft | Transfer power to the generator | | Generator | Produces electricity | Máy phát điện | Housing (nacelle) | Contains the main component | Vỏ | Brake | Stops the turbine | Phanh | Low-speed shaft | Relays power to the gear transmission | | Induce current | | Dòng điện cảm ứng | Electro magnetic induction | | Cảm ứng từ | Cogeneration | Generation of electricity and heat so that both can be used rather than the heat being wasted | | Thermal | Relating to or associated with heat | Nhiệt | Viable | Capable of life or normal growth and development | Có thể sinh sôi, sống …. | Converter | A device for changing one substance, form or state into another | Máy biến thế | Gear box | The shell (metal casing) in which a train of gears is sealed | Bánh răng | Hydraulic system | | Hệ thống thủy | Activate | Put in motion or move to act | Hoạt hóa, khởi động | Collapse (tech) | Break down | Sụp đổ , vỡ vụn | Unit 6: Aeronautics | Lift force | | Lực nâng | Drag | | Lực kéo | Thrust | | Lực đẩy | Weight | | Trọng lực | Wings | Provide lift and usually store fuel | | Engines | Provide thrust | Động cơ | Landing gear | Supports the plane on the ground | | Flaps | Provide greater wing area, giving more control for landing and take off | Cánh tà sau | Spoilers | Used to slow the plane or help it descend | | Stabilizers | Provide stability, keeping the plane level | | Cockpit | Houses all the instrument panels and the pilots | Buồng lái | Yawing | The movement of a plane in which it turns to one side, away from a straight course | | Pitching | The upward and the downward movement of the front of a plane | | Rolling | The movement of a plane in which one wing rises while the others wing falls | | Rotor | The rotating armature of a motor or generator | | Wingspan | Linear distance between the extremities of an airfoil | | Glider | Aircraft supported only by the dynamic action of air against its surfaces | | Elevator | Lifting device consisting of a platform or cage that is raised and lowered mechanically in a vertical shaft in order to move people from one floor to another in a building | Máy trục, máy nâng | Unit 7: Future home | Convertible | Capable of being exchanged for or replaced by something of equal value | Có thể chuyển đổi | Self-sufficient | Able to provide for your own needs without help from others | Tự cung cấp, độc lập | Well-insulated | | Cách li tốt | Condensation | The process of changing from a gaseous to a liquid or solid state | Sự ngưng tụ , cô đọng | Accommodation | | Sự điều tiết, thích ứng | Ventilation | A mechanical system in a building that provides fresh air | Sự thông gió | Resist | Express opposition through action or words | Chống cự, kháng cự | Partition | A vertical structure that divides or separates (as a wall divides one room from another) | Vách ngăn, | Opaque | Not transmitting light or other radiation; impenetrable to sight | Mờ đục | Unit 8: Mass transportation | | Console | A scientific instrument consisting of displays and an input device that an operator can use to monitor and control a system | Bàn kiểm soát, bàn điều khiển | Stern | The rear part of a ship | Đuôi tàu | To berth | | Thả neo | Quay | | Bến cảng | Jig | A device that holds a piece of machine work and guides the tools operating on it | Đồ gá lắp; khuôn dẫn | Barge | A flat bottom boat for carrying heavy loads | Xà lan | Traffic congestion/gridlock/snarl up | Traffic jam | | Unit 9: Petroleum engineering | | Driller | People who make a hole, especially with a pointed power or hand tool | Thợ khoan | Assistant driller | | | Roughneck | | Công nhân trên giàn khoan dầu |

Drilling Superintendent | | Quản đốc trên giàn khoan | Roustabout 'raustəbaut/ | A member of a ship's crew who performs manual labor | Người làm đủ thứ việc | Oil rig | | Giàn khoan | Bit | Cuts the borehole | Múi khoan, đầu mỏ hàn | Draw work | Lifts sections of pipe in and out of the borehole | | Kelly | Is square of hexagonal in section and is suspended from the swivel. | | Mud pumps | To lubricate the bit | | Power plant | Provides power for the draw works | | Swivel | Allows the pipe to rotate freely | Khớp quay | Travelling block | Raises or lowers the pipe | | Turntable | A table can rotate | Bàn xoay | Distill | purify or isolate using distillation | Trưng cất | Refinery | An industrial plant for purifying a crude substance | Lọc | Bitumen /'bitjumin/ | Any of various naturally occurring impure mixtures of hydrocarbons | Nhựa đường | Column | | Tháp (chưng cất) | Crude oil | A dark oil consisting mainly of hydrocarbons | Dầu thô | Fractional distillation | Fractionation of a liquid by distillation | Trưng cất phân đoạn | Derrick | A framework erected over an oil well to allow drill tubes to be raised and lowered | Giàn giếng dầu, cần cấu |

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