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Workplace Definition Paper


Submitted By vkithanze
Words 623
Pages 3
Workplace Definition Paper: Being a Doctor

A doctor is a person trained in the art of healing and certified to practice. A doctor can be a physician, veterinarian, physician, or dentist. For many years, a doctor has been one of the most revered members of society. Sages of native tribes were respected for their comprehension of the healing art. The general practitioner not only treated patients but also offered guidance and counseling. That seems to have changed in our today’s society. The relationship between a doctor and a patient represents a personal contact between two exclusive individuals. Good doctors care about their patients. Doctors must talk and pay attention to their patients.

The tool bag of a doctor cannot miss a pressure cuff, which is used for taking blood, a tape measure, a patella hammer used for checking reflexes, an otoscope for checking ears, and a stethoscope used for listening to body sounds. As expected doctors interact with patients and as such the communication or language between them is vital. The social distance between a patient and a doctor should be greater than that of a secretary and a manager. A secretary and a manager are individuals who normally work together on a regular basis, and in fact, in many offices, contact between them is often friendly or even informal. On the contrary, a patient and a doctor have less regular contact. Moreover, a doctor has a prevailing position compared to the patient. A doctor can specialize in many different fields. We will look at the most common specialties. We have clinical doctors who deal with common ailments. This is a very common field and requires minimal qualifications unlike other fields of specialty.

A doctor can also choose to specialize in pediatrics. Pediatrics is the field of medicine concerned with the care of children and infants. Pediatricians are

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