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Workplace Ethics


Submitted By SahoTerm
Words 314
Pages 2
In an organization, workplace ethics should be a core value. Aside from doing the right thing, conducting ethically has great rewards and returns. Being ethical is essential to fixing problems and improving processes. It is needed to establish baseline measures and increase efficiencies. Most importantly, it is essential to having strong working relationships with people. Workplace ethics is integral in fostering increased productivity and teamwork among employees. It helps in aligning the values of the business with workers, which enhances community, integrity and openness among employees. Ethics enable employees to feel a strong alignment between their values and those of the business. Workplace ethics leads to happy and satisfied employees who enjoy coming to work rather than treating it as a mere source of burden. Employees also develop a feeling of loyalty and attachment towards the organization. Strong ethical culture in workplace is also important in safeguarding business assets. Employees who abide by workplace ethics would be able to protect and respect business assets. For example, they would avoid making personal long distance calls using the business’s lines.

Ethical conduct in the workplace encourages a culture of making decisions based on ethics. It also enhances accountability and transparency when undertaking business decisions. During turbulent times, a strong ethical culture can guides you in managing such conflicts by making the right moves. It can help to introduce changes successfully in the organization, which can be a challenge. Ethical conduct within the business sensitizes employees on how to act consistently even in difficult times.

An organization that adopts strong work place ethics earn a lot of respect and cultivate a strong image in the public domain. Public would consider the organization to be operating with honor and integrity

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