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Workplace Murder

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Murder is now the 2nd most common reason of fatality in the U.S. workplace according to the U.S. Department of Labor. Further, rampage-style killings with more than one victim is even rarer and is the reason why they get more media attention. Workplace violence defined as act(s) against a person who is on duty that physically assaulted, including rape, sexual assaults, or robbery. Furthermore, by definition workplace homicides includes all masteries from the checkout clerk at Target to the 168 employees who perished in the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. That being said, when analyzing the data, it verifies 80 percent of all homicides weapon of choice is a firearm with the rest as a result of stabbing or beatings. (Warchol, Ph.D.) …show more content…
Authorities, report DeShaune facing termination naked at the time of the killings walked into the postal complex around 4:25 a.m. three hours before he was scheduled to work. As he approached his supervisor in the sorting room Lance Dempsey 52-years-old U.S. Army veteran witnesses said his las words were "what the hell" and shot serval times. Furthermore, after the shooting still necked DeShaune left the post office and made contact with the post master in parking lot four miles away. He threw 53- years-old Ginger Ballard to the ground and crunched her skull killing her instantly according to authorities. ( Associated Press, …show more content…
Without question, bullying is becoming more common in the work place and is a frequent domineering, aggressive, rude, threatening, malicious, or abusive behavior by a superior or a colleague. The results for the victim employee is both psychological and physical. He or She feels as the work place is a place of fear filled with anxiety, and helplessness leading to depression. The physical effect includes withdraw from the normal pleasures in life, with the stresses leading to cloaked physical body changes such as weakening of the cardiovascular system, digestive system, and rapid heartbeats. (Stig Begre & Einarsen , 2004) As might be expected, studies have been done to looking at the consequences of workplace bullying compared to criminal activity. To illustrate, high levels of aggressive behaviors accompanied by criminal behavior is not uncommon when individual(s) are subject to superior or a colleague harassment. Perhaps, one underlining factor leading up to these tragic events is the lack of oversight in management and inappropriate way employees where treated causing PTSD

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