...World War I was a conflict that devastated countries around the world. However the problems were mainly in Europe. The United States had already shown it was a powerful country with the victory in the Spanish-American War. Although World War I was different, it created social, political and economic effects in the United States of America. The United States grew more powerful in the early 20th century. World War I created many different impacts on the world. The First World War was began with the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, but many American civilians blamed the country of Germany. This country had been sinking United States merchant ships that were going to the United Kingdom and France. This created tension for German immigrants, they were shunned in American society. It also passed the 18th amendment prohibiting the manufacturing, buying and selling of alcohol. This was because people believe alcohol was the cause of many situations in America. Such as document 5 showing propaganda against both alcohol and the German people....
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...reasons that have caused World War 1 are the alliance systems, militarism, and imperialism. Throughout WWI alliances have appeared; many causing controversies between nations. Militarism could also stir up trouble due to the increased tension between both the Triple Alliance and the Triple Entente. As alliances were being built and nations were supplying their military armaments, nations were also expanding their land, taking over weaker countries. One component that contributed to the cause of World War 1 were the alliance systems. These systems acted as a way to gain assurance and trust between nations, abandoning the thought of ever going to war with each other. These alliance systems consisted of two main groups, the Triple Entente and the Triple Alliance (Doc A). The Triple Entente included the countries of France, the United Kingdom, and Russia, while the Triple Alliance consisted of Germany, Italy, and Austria-Hungary. These alliances stirred up trouble as one country came to the defense of its fellow alliance country. This gave a reason to those who aimed to attack their rival countries. As the feud between the Triple Entente and the Triple Alliance prolonged, members from one alliance would accuse the members of the...
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...World War I was one of the most gruesome battles experienced in history that effected every nation causing tragedy and heartbreak yet inspired technological development. Each nation, citizens and soldiers, contributed to the war effort in hopes to win alongside their allies while simutaneously ensuring home towns are provided with essentials ultimately avoiding chaos. Although the United States was a nuetral nation in the beginning of World War I, after the sinking of the Lusitania the U.S. joined the war alongside their allies, Britain, France, Russia and Italy contributing as much as they could and playing an unexpected major role in the war. America was unexperienced in war as they did not even have an army to fight with their allies when they first joined. It became time that the United States would enter the war whilst doing this, an unbeatable military was formed. Document 2 states, “Within a year they have adopted universal and obligatory military service, raised, armed, equipped, and sent to France...
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...World War One carries the harsh reputation of being one of the bloodiest wars to ever be fought. The four years of non-stop battling took heavy tolls on countries all across Europe. There was no limit to what they were willing to accomplish in order to cement themselves in a certain area. The desire, greed, and rivalry amongst nations to gain territory to ultimately achieve economical and political stability were heightened during this period of time. Not to mention the fact that countries were eager to demonstrate their new technologically advanced weapons and sophisticated battle plans as means of expressing their dominance. Amongst the countries involved, the most powerful were Germany, Russia, France, Britain, Italy, and Austria-Hungary....
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...Chester W. Nimitz). The Great War also known as World War I, is known for being one of the bloodiest wars in history. It first started on august first 1914 and ended november eleventh 1918. The two sides fighting the war were the Central powers and the Allies. There are arguably many different reasons for the cause of this war. These causes include militarism, alliances, imperialism, and nationalism. Militarism is a policy of glorifying war and having an army ready to fight at all times. Alliances are agreements between countries to fight with each other during war. Imperialism is a policy of colonizing weaker countries for resources. Nationalism is the belief that people should be loyal mainly to their own country. The main underlying causes of World War I are militarism and alliances. Militarism is a policy of glorifying war. Countries that practiced militarism would spend great amounts of money on their militaries. In the year 1914, Great Britain spent 79 million pounds on their military with over fifty percent of that money going towards their navy (Document C). In the same year, Germany spent over 100 million pounds on their...
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...APUSH Study Guide 8 A weak Confederacy and the Constitution, 1776-1790 Themes/Constructs: The federal Constitution represented a moderately conservative reaction against the democratilizing effects of the Revolution and the Articles of Confederation. The American Revolution was not a radical transformation like the French or Russian revolutions, but it produced political innovations and some social change in the direction of greater equality and democracy. The American Revolution did not overturn the social order, but it did produce substantial changes in social customs, political institutions, and ideas about society and government. Among the changes were the separation of church and state in some places, the abolition of slavery in the North, written political constitutions, and a shift in political power from the eastern seaboard toward the frontier. The first weak government, the Articles of Confederation, was unable to exercise real authority, although it did successfully deal with the western lands issue. The Confederation’s weakness in handling foreign policy, commerce and the Shays Rebellion spurred the movement to alter the Articles. Instead of revising the Articles, the well-off delegates to the Constitutional Convention created a charter for a whole new government. In a series of compromises, the convention produced a plan that provided for a vigorous central government, a strong executive, the protection for property, while still upholding republican...
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...WWII DBQ In 1939, the world entered one of the darkest periods when World War II began. American troops entered the conflict officially in 1942. Although the war was not fought on american soil, It had great impacts on the American home front. Women experienced permanent changes in their lives. People across the country felt a greater sense of nationalism, as well of fear of foreigners. World War Two had many effects on American life that was long lasting. Four ways WWII affected American lives were women’s roles and working, deaths, food shortage and rationing, and recycling. Firstly, all of the men were at war the women would have to go and work at factories and other jobs. There is a famous picture and poster that says “ We Can Do It!”...
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...Michael Sylvia World Civ DBQ Mrs. Garno 1/30/13 Europe was a colonizing machine throughout the 19th and 20th centuries. After Europe’s leap to industrialization and growth in population, the abundance of food was drastically decreasing. This inspired Europe to begin an imperialistic sparked Europe’s approach. Nonetheless, Europe’s growing empire was striking fear on to surrounded non western countries. Europe’s motivation for colonizing all over the world was sparked by three main topics: military factors, political factors and economic factors. Military was an enormous factor in imperialism. Leaders and countries often felt that the only way to remain safe and secure was to create naval bases around the globe. Naval bases were a “win-win” situation because the bases could also be used as merchant bases and trading ports. This meant Europe was able to increase both money and prestige due to the fact that their products were now available literally worldwide. Naval/merchant bases weren’t the only incentive to conquer; prestige and fear were sought after also. Both prestige and fear gave Europe a “leg-up” on its opponents due to basic human nature. Europe’s efforts to create fear by building naval bases and expanding their empire made Europe’s opponents feel weak and full of anxiety. This is very evident in Document 4, “Now, the French come, with their powerful weapons of war, to cause dissension among us. We are weak against them; our commanders and soldiers have been vanquished…”...
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...Landerholm U.S History II 9/11 DBQ Part I: Document 1: 1) Greg Rodriguez was the son of Phillis and Orlando Rodriguez, who was a victim in the World Trade Center attacks. 2) His parents wrote this letter because the government was going in a way of violence, they had thought that violence is not the way to go. The families should be allowed to grieve and pray instead of focusing on attacking back. Document 2: 1) President Bush demands were closing terrorist training camps, passing over leaders of Al-Qaeda network, and recurring all foreign nationals, that included American citizens who were obtain unjustly. 2) One reason was that none of the president’s demands were met and second was that to stop Taliban from other...
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...Technology DBQ Over the past century, technological advancements have redefined America's landscape and global standing, bringing both unprecedented growth and complex challenges. These challenges are overshadowed by the benefits, proving that new technology can be beneficial or caustic. Two technological inventions/ advancements that have changed the world forever are the cotton gin and nuclear power. To start off, the cotton gin was invented by Eli Whitney in 1793 to speed up the removal of seeds from the cotton plant (Doc 1). The invention drastically increased production rates, and led to more demand for cotton; in 1800, 156,000 bales of cotton were produced, and in 1860 4.1 million bales were produced(OI/Mshistorynow). This demand for...
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...Jefferson DBQ. Between the years 1783 and 1828, the United States underwent highly fundamental development as a young nation in a variety of ways. On the domestic front, it grappled with the birth of political parties and sectional tensions between citizens, working towards expanding westward, and building a strong economic system to support itself with. As it developed domestically, the US also had to decide how it would approach issues in the greater world, as war raged overseas between European powers near-constantly. As a new player in the game of international relations over its early half-century as a nation, the United States experienced a full-circle moment in its approach to foreign policy, starting off with a neutral stance on foreign war before attempting to step into some conflicts, but ultimately...
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...Communist Movements and Women's Struggle for Rights DBQ Communist movements in the twentieth century allowed women to work alongside men and promoted women as being equal to men and deserving the same rights as men. These effects were facilitated by the communist governments promoting women as an important aspect of communist society. However, communist movements did not fully achieve equality for women and women's struggle for rights continued in many countries. The communist movement can best be understood in the context of the Soviet Union promoting and spreading communism. Communist leaders such as Mao Zedong and Ho Chi Minh were supported by the Soviet Union and came to power behind the military or financial support of the Soviet Union....
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...across the globe. Some will argue that the addition of new technologies, better education, and improved sanitation made this time a positive one. Overall, imperialism could be viewed as having both a positive and negative impression on the world. Nevertheless, after analyzing all the information, it is clear that the negatives strongly outweigh the positives. Imperialism itself is defined as, the act of a strong nation controlling a weaker nation (SFA 115). There were two main methods that imperialists used to manage their colonies. The first was used mainly by France and other European nations and was called direct control. They believed that natives simply could...
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...`·.¸¸.·´´¯`··._.·Document 1`·.¸¸.·´´¯`··._.· Source: Unknown, 1st Modern Olympic Opening Ceremony, Athens, Greece, 1896 `·.¸¸.·´´¯`··._.·Document 2`·.¸¸.·´´¯`··._.· Source: CBCSports, cbcsports.ca (Canadian News Network), article about the 1908 London Olympics. “Controversy flared during the opening ceremony, when athletes walked into the Olympic stadium behind their national flags for the first time in an official Olympics. To begin with, the Swedish and American contingents felt slighted when organizers failed to fly their national flags among those of other nations around the stadium.“In retaliation, American flag-bearer Martin Sheridan refused to dip the Stars and Stripes in the customary gesture of respect as the team passed by King Edward in the royal box. Sheridan, the greatest discus thrower of his time, explained, "This flag dips to no earthly king." Some thought the Irish-American Sheridan's decision might have been rooted in Britain's refusal to grant Ireland independence. For their part, Irish athletes boycotted the London Games in protest.“In another flag flap, the Finnish athletes, disgruntled at being under Russian rule, entered the stadium without a banner at all rather than march behind the flag of Czarist Russia.” | `·.¸¸.·´´¯`··._.·Document 3`·.¸¸.·´´¯`··._.· Source: British newspaper, featuring women in the 60-meter archery, one of the few events women were allowed to participate in during the 1908 London Olympics. `·.¸¸.·´´¯`··._.·Document...
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...Captains of Industry? Or Robber Barons? [pic] Overview: The thirty years plus, following the end of the Civil War, is often referred to as the “Gilded Age”. This was a term coined by Mark Twain, the most renowned American writer of the period. It refers to a superficial period of intense economic growth. During this time, businessmen created large business organizations known as trusts. The ingenuity of these entrepreneurs earned the titles of “Captains of Industry”. Yet, their ruthlessness in building wealth at the expense of their competitors, workers and consumers often earned them the title “Robber Baron”. This DBQ (Document Based Questions) asks you to decide whether these businessmen were “Captains of Industry” or “Robber Barons”. Background Essay During the post-Civil War period, an era commonly referred to as the Gilded Age, the economy of the United States grew at a fantastic rate. With the exception of a recession during the mid-1870s, and another during the mid-1890s, the economic growth was in unprecedented in United States history. Manufacturing output increased by 180 percent. Railroads, an important catalyst of growth, increased in miles by 113 percent. Steel production grew to over 10,000,000 tons per year by 1900. Every aspect of the American economy expanded from traditional activities to new enterprises brought about by the huge influx of cutting-edge technological inventions. The gross national product almost doubled during the period and the per...
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