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World War I: Questions And Answers

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1. Explain what was the first incident that started WWI, and why that was important. (2) The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austrian-Hungary Empire. After this Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia... which then triggered the actions of war among other European countries in mutual alliance. Russia declares war on Austria-Hungary to defend Serbia... Germany declares war on both France and Russia, and Great Britain declares war on Germany.

2. List the main events in chronological order in the first few months of the War. (4)
-Germany invades Belgium and attacks the city of Liege.
-The battle of Lorraine between the French and Germans.
-Russia invades Germany's eastern province East Prussia, called “The Battle of Tannenberg”
-The First Battle of the Marne.. French and the British fighting off against the Germans near Paris and was also the start of trench warfare.

3. Describe the event in early 1915 that increased the United States public’s ire with the war. (2)
The sinking of the Lusitania on May 5, 1915... as it left New York City to Liverpool and was hit by a German u-boat on the coast of Ireland. Americans were infuriated by this and increased anti-German opinion... it would be about 2 years later that the United States decided to enter the war.

4. Describe the mood of “cultural despair” in Europe …show more content…
The treaty re-established regular relations between the two countries and agreed to drop all financial claims against each other while maintaining the end goal to encourage economy and military recovery for both nations. Germany managed to find a way to break the rules of the treaty of Versailles by strengthening their military power... considering their army was supposed to be limited to only one hundred thousand troops and Russia were no longer in a *diplomatic isolation* when they began co-operate with Germany again after the Treaty of

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