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AI Class Observation Report

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In taking the AI class this winter, there were many things that I learned that benefit me now and will benefit me in the future when I plan to take over the family operation. The most important thing that will benefit me is the proper way to prepare the semen for breeding. Even though I have experience in semen preparation, there were two major things that could play a huge role in the production of my herd. Prior to the class, I would flick the top of straw of semen to get all the semen to settle towards the bottom of the straw. Flicking the straw could break off the tails of the semen and affect the ability of the semen to fertilize an egg. This class taught me a downward spiraling motion to get the semen out of the clamped end of the straw. Changing this little thing could increase the probability of fertilization in every single cow that is bred. In the future, I will have a higher conception rate just because of this one little thing. The other thing I learned in preparing semen is to use AI tweezers to pull the straw of semen out of the container. Every time you touch …show more content…
My family artificially inseminates our cattle through natural heat, so learning about synchronization was a whole new experience for me. I learned what shots to give to produce estrogen or progesterone. I also learned the different combinations of synchronization using GnRH, CIDR, and PG. Learning about synchronizing cattle could be off huge benefit to me in the future. If for some reason in the future I didn't have the time to AI through natural heat, I would have the knowledge and capability to do synchronized breeding. If I hadn't gain this knowledge through this class, I would have no idea what shots to give, when to give shots, or how to properly use a CIDR. Overall learning about synchronization was probably the most intriguing part of the class because it was all new information to

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