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Integrating Technology: The Early Modern Era

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Integrating Technology
• Assignment prompt One:
Discuss the powerful movements that transformed European society during the early modern era. Briefly describe the origin of each, and how it affected society as a whole.
• Assignment prompt Two:
Trace the development of the slave trade. Under what circumstances did the slave trade begin? How did the Islamic Slave Trade change the existing system? How did it change again during the Atlantic Slave Trade? Finally, what impact did slave trade have on Africa and the Western world?
• Assignment prompt Three:
Discuss the emergence of Islam. Who was the founder and what was his background? What are the key beliefs of Islam? Compare it to other religions that existed at the time of its development. What …show more content…
A student's earlier information is viewed as a segregating factor for succinct learning. I utilized this innovation for the way that every one of the task prompts will progress to the following one. Starting with an idea outline sense since you can simply add to it amid the option of the other two task prompts. This helps the advancement and consolidating each of the three of the assignments. The utilization of charts and pictures are known to urge understudies to make mental pictures and analogies which make certain sorts of material simpler to learn. (Winn, 1987) This innovation can empower an understudy to show signs of improvement perspective of the visual part of the subject. It supports expanded reasoning and thought of a …show more content…
(McDonald, 2011) Keywords can be a single word, an expression, or a series of words. The search engine coordinates the catchphrases against databases of websites and their individual keywords. Owners of search engines consistently concentrate most of their time and resources into enhancing their search results. In the event that search engines were not made accessible: then Internet-based facts retrieval or online libraries would fail. Search engines and the web make it a helpful source of information. If a person has no idea of where to begin looking or how to navigate the internet, searches may be difficult. This is where the job of the search engine proves to be

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