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Outsiders Tam Case Study

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Curtis Tam: What made your family move to the US?

Janice Kam: My parents thought that the United States would give us better opportunity here to study rather than in Hong Kong. Also my grandparents who went through communism was really afraid of the return of Hong Kong to China in 1997. So we immigrated here in 1971. So it was planning on my parents part because of the experiences my grandparents experience in communism. And they were afraid of when China took back over Hong Kong that they will endure the same types of hardships under the communist regime.

CT: What do you remember about Hong Kong growing up?

JK: Not much I immigrated here when i was five so from what i can remember Hong Kong was very crowded, very busy , …show more content…
My other struggles on the flip side is having your friends trying to understand what Chinese culture is about and why you can’t go to their home and play and why I need to go back home straight after school and why we don’t participate in extracurricular activities and that had a lot to do with our parents not understanding what American school system is about. Participating in stuff like that was not something that they grew up with so we didn’t grow up participating with school stuff. Other struggles were trying to make friends that is not particularly your race. You just kinda more comfortable having friends that look like you talk like you and have similar family background. So i would say part of the struggle is not having a wide circle of friends that are diversified and different.

CT: Have you ever had to grow up with discrimination and racism and if so can you give an example?

JK: Oh yeah um. When we were living in Chinatown you didn’t feel the discrimination as much because predominantly Chinese people. However once me moved outside of Chinatown you do face discrimination. We grew up in Visitacion Valley so there were many different cultures over there Hispanics, Filipinos, and African Americans, and Chinese. It was a whole gamut of nationalities. It was very often you were called “chinamen” I don’t know if it was just ignorance or that’s just children being children. There were racial derogatory slangs said to you

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