Ola Starling
The writing Assignment Serious Reading 1 Timothy 6-17-19
Let’s start with verse 17, and 18, the verses starts off with an imperative verb directing at Timothy; he is the he is the go to guy of the church founded at Ephesus overseer at this time. Keeping in mind that Timothy has the authority to give some commands found in this passage The Commands In verse 17; is directed to the recipients they are followers of Christ in the church who are “those who are ironic in this present world.” This is speaking about material goods, the present world is a material life, as God word states “what profit a man to gain material things and lose his own soul over material asset”. This present world is being contrasted with the immaterial worldly things: This contrast points his to “hope in God” in verse 17, and it is linking this as “the coming age” and “truly life” in verse 19. The Lord wants people of physical wealth to live with a view toward eternal life that that lasts forever, unlike the life of vanity of the earth. (This reminds me of that which is communicated in Paul's letter to the Ephesians where he tells them in Ephesians 1:9-10 that God's intention in revealing the Gospel to us “(Verse 9)
In Chapter 2 we begin paying close attention to details we start learning how to read with more insight and understanding. Superficial reading needs to be changed by serious reading. Learning how to observe in smaller sections of the text, looking for things like , contrasts, comparisons repeated words, figures of speech, lists, influential verbs, conjunctions and nouns,. As we do this we will learn how to read carefully at the sentence level. Examining ever word it’s worth the weight in gold, in examining and questioning the content of a passage. I believe paying attention and focusing on the observation the reader will evenly get what the author is try to convey and understand what’s is his intended meaning of the passage, as we travel through this adventure voyage being open to examining and be able to question the content passages. We must keep your eyes open to develop insight and learn ask Questions of the Contents and learn more detail on each of these areas of contents. , (1) Comparisons and Contrasts,(2) Lists,(3) Repetition of words,(4) ) Cause and Effect, (5) Figures of Speech,(6) Verbs, (7) Conjunctions, (8) Pronouns, (9) questions and answers in the passage,, (10) dialogue, (11) purpose/result statements, (12) movements from general to specific or specific to general, and (13) the emotional tone of the passage, and (14) conditional clauses.
The “person who are rich in this present world” are to live with this, verse 17, acknowledging one positive command ,two negative commands these three address the heart of those being addressed: they are Not to be fools and “flashes” “putting their hope in wealth,”Rather put their hope in God.” The last negative command and the positive command contrast each other, seemingly indicating that both cannot be done at the same time; the positive command is a replacement for the negative tendency which rich people could be characterized by in their flesh. Also, the “wealth” in which they are not to place their confidence, is “so uncertain”, which is obviously antithetical to God, who is eternally certain. Their “hope” likewise would be certain, since Biblical hope has assurance, as indicated in Hebrews 11:1. Another related contrast to this theme is that “this present world” is in contrast with “the coming age” referenced in verse 19; God will be there in that “coming age.” When the believers enter that coming age, God is informing them of their potential to possess and wants them to have lasting treasure there, which by God's design, is what actually equates to really living life here on earth presently. I Timothy 6:18 declares that all of God's provisions are for their enjoyment, which He provides “richly,” which is a key word in this passage. In other words, God is the cause for everything which they have which yields enjoyment.
In Conclusion:
Having made known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure which he hath purposed in himself: (Verse 10) That in the dispensation of the fullness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him:” is with a forward view of all things in the heavens and on the earth being summed up, at the fullness of times.)