Monitor and improve customer service
Submission details Candidate’s Name | | Candidate’s ID number | | Assessor’s Name | | Due Date | | Assessment Date/s | | Time/s | |
Instructions to Students 1. You must accurately complete the Student Assessment Pack. 2. Your Assessor may want to discuss written answers with you to get further evidence of your understanding and to check that it is your original work 3. You need to submit Assessment Cover Sheet for each assessment. 4. You are permitted to use dictionaries and to seek support, as required. 5. Where your work has been deemed as unsatisfactory, you will be permitted to resubmit the assessment. Refer to RGIT reassessment policy and procedure. 6. Unless the assessment task specifically allows pair work or group activities such as brainstorming, you must submit their own original work and are not permitted to copy the work of other students. Plagiarism is never acceptable. 7. Assessments must be submitted on their due dates. 8. Extensions are permitted in consultation with the trainer.
Performance objective
The candidate will demonstrate the ability to monitor, adjust and review customer service.
Assessment description
Using the background information on Innovative Widgets from your Student Workbook and from documentation provided throughout the course, you will develop strategies to monitor progress and obtain customer feedback. You will use performance information and customer feedback provided by your assessor to review customer service strategies and produce a report with recommendations for improvement.
1. Develop a set of KPIs for Innovative Widgets customer service representatives. KPIs should address the areas of customer and business requirements identified below: a. call/enquiry/complaint handling time b. following organisational