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Xenomorphs Research Paper

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Pages 7
In the year 2257 earth is being overrun by xenomorphs.The last remaining countries are focusing on ways to exterminate the xenomorphs on earth.Xenomorphs are the perfect killing machines they are 7ft tall with a tail to double that.They are the color black they undergo 3 stages in lifetime they go from facehugger to chestburster to xenomorph.They gain the adaptation of the host.The last remaining science facilities are being overrun by the xenomorph hives.As sirens goes off in one of the science faculty,one scientist says to a marine,”You must hurry you are all the forces we got”.Marine named Obi-wan Kenobi asked,”what is the mission”.Scientist responded by saying,”your mission is to go to the xenomorph homeworld to collect the royal jelly from what we call the

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