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Yahweh Research Paper

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the imminence and certainty of the future coming of the messenger.70 Yahweh’s announcement about the sending of the messenger (mal’ak) may allude to Exodus 23:20 where Yahweh promises to send an “angel” or “messenger” (mal’ak) in front of Israel in the journeys to Canaan. Furthermore, the call to prepare the way for Yahweh may also allude to the call in Isaiah (40:3), a text which the Gospels relate to John the Baptist.

“Important for the verse is the identification of my messenger and the messenger of the covenant. The use of the first person pronoun “my” in the verse and the description of his task to prepare the way before the Lord distinguishes “my messenger” from Yahweh.” Also, the sending of the messenger excludes the possibility that Malachi is referring to the priests who earlier are identified as the “messenger of the Lord Almighty” (2:7). Rather, …show more content…
The people who have neglected their covenant obligations experience as Lord Yahweh apart from any covenant mercy (i.e., they experience Yahweh as Lord rather than LORD). The description of Yahweh as the one “whom you desire” is probably ironic, since the verb translated “he is pleased with those who do evil, nor do the people desire the sudden coming of Yahweh to the temple. Yahweh comes suddenly (pith’om), an adverb which appears almost exclusively in contexts of judgment (e.g., Isa 29:5; 30:15; 48:3; Jer. 4:20; 6:26; 15:8). One notable exception in 2 Chronicles 29:36 speaks of the speed at which, in the days of Hezekiah, the temple is purified from defilement and the priests, Levites, and people are again consecrated to Yahweh. The context here may also combine the notions of judgment and

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