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Year 11 Communication History

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The history of communication basically consisted of speaking and writing the only difference back in the day was the fact that the rich were the ones who knew how to write when the poor did not. In other words, speaking was the first way to communicate but then signs were introduced which communicated meaning on paper that later in the future lead to the history we all know. After writing came the printing press which allowed indiviuals to type their thoughts or ideas and from the printing press came the internet. Furthermore, With technology becoming more and more advanced through out the years often journalism were offeten put on a task such as they had to learn how to work s printing press while today journalism had to learn how to work …show more content…
As you know the radio and Tv came which became a big part of communication as well. throughout the lecture I did notice the fact that MCchesney main focus was on the media he basically brought up the fact that the media is harmful to the such as their advertising. He brings up the fact how capitialism conqured the internet he blasts entertainment media for not delivering what people want, history of journism . I believe the rise of the internet has impacted jourlism, news reporting etc in ways that was never been imagined. Today people have the ability to to be informed by just searching it up on any kind of technology. Although the impact seems more of a positive thing such as now people now have the opportunity to get informed from blogs new paper articles television, they are being inforemed from sorses that are all available to see or read on the internet. This is a good thing for the journalism since their work might be read by many more due to the fact that it is so easy to obtain. Now the real question is if the internet is used as an advantage towards the people by new reporting or journalism? That the media is what controls people in America …show more content…
I don’t know about everyone else but ever since I could remember all that came into mind when I thought of the word termism I automatically thought of an Islam man. I never knew why; I believe it was until I grew older that I realize that the reason I thought the way I did was because of the media. I would see how over and over Islam people were attacked, which caused others including me to fear one if any were encountered. Something I did find interesting was what Greenwald stated which was the fact that “any violence by Muslims against the West is inherently “terrorism,” even if targeted only at soldiers at war and/or designed to resist invasion and occupation. By stark contrast, no violence by the West against Muslims can possibly be “terrorism,” no matter how brutal, inhumane or indiscriminately civilian-killing.” In other words, America is allowed to call Muslims terrists for attacking Americans in battle field and Americans are not consider tourists for attacking Muslims. Moreover, “Islam” functions as a proganganda tool in the media and news reporting by making Americans fear “Islam” people when in reality we should worry about our own country and start off by fearing the fact that we don’t know who owns the internet. Overall all this proganda helps maintain the current system of political power due to the fact that mostly control most

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