...January 16,2010 Week 2 Written Assignment 1 You are the CEO of a 100-bed community hospital in rural Alabama. The newly hired pharmacist refuses to dispense emergency contraception based upon religious/moral grounds. Identify at least two applicable laws that impact this situation and describe the steps you would take as CEO to resolve this dilemma. Discuss your final decision. Your resultant written paper should be 500 words, double-spaced and in APA or other approved DeVry-Keller format/style. Your primary text must be used as a reference to support your analysis/summary paper. As CEO of a 100 bed hospital in rural Alabama, I have to step in resolve a dilemma with a newly hired pharmacist who refuses to dispense emergency contraception based upon moral/religious grounds. Emergency contraceptive is similar to birth control, it is just a higher dosage taken up to seventy-two hours after unprotected sex to prevent pregnancy, it is not a form of abortion, since no conception has yet taken place. Emergency contraceptives is controversial because many Christians, especially Catholics, believe that life begins at conception; in their eyes, preventing implantation is morally equivalent to abortion. The newly hired pharmacists refuses to dispense this medication based up religious and moral grounds and is protected by two laws. Under United States law and practice a person who objects on grounds of conscience or religious belief to performing certain acts has considerable...
Words: 508 - Pages: 3