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Zoecon Corp Case Study


Submitted By nicolas1991
Words 1485
Pages 6
Case Study: Zoecon Corporation

Zoecon Corp. Mission Statement:

Our corporation founded in 1968 is specialized in insecticide and pest control sales as well as animal protection from parasites. We cover mainly three markets : individuals and households , veterinary clinics and animal owners as well as pest control companies.
We operate geographically all over the united states. Our consumer products can be found in supermarkets, drugstores and veterinary clinics.
We offer a wide range of products . Besides protecting you from insects and parasites with our insecticides, we also specialize in insect growth regulators, which prevent insects from reproducing again. Insect growth regulators are totally harmless for humans and animals. therefore you can use them without worrying about your family or animals. We offer adulticides for all kind of crawling and flying insects . For pets we have efficient flea collars and aerosols .
With many years of professional research, our team is working day and night on the safest ways to protect you. Our staff is composed of professional scientists and chemical engineers . With every single product being tested, we can guarantee good quality and satisfaction.
We are also concerned for the environment, The reason for which we are specializing and working more and more on the insect growth regulator products. We guarantee that in the near future, nearly all of our products will become harmless for human and pet life if misused .
Our vision is to become the number 1 insect regulator corporation in the United States. We know we can reach this level by our actual market share and customers. We also know that the technology we use in our production , as well as the research team will lead our corporation to further expansion . We promise our current and future shareholders increasing return on their investments.


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