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Zora Neale Hurston: The Harlem Renaissance

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There have been many movements and pursuits in the history of our country. They have not only been outlets for society, but have become a lighthouse for where we are today and the force behind shaping us. For the African-American community, this would be the Harlem Renaissance. More than a major party scene and celebration, it went on to be a literary movement. It would go on to forever affect the journey of the black community and act as a shrine of hope for generations to come.
During the 1920’s, African-Americans were referred to as Negros versus being named as blacks or African-Americans. Thus, the Harlem Renaissance was also known as “The New Negro Movement” and housed some of the greatest African-American poets, as well as intellects. From Langston Hughes to Zora Neale Hurston, this movement …show more content…
The basis was always surrounded by self-determination and unity amongst the community, especially since the sense of freedom was new for blacks. During that time, the South was still heavily racist and racially intolerable. There was no opportunity for African-Americans, and so while now being free, they still felt enslaved. Many blacks had already headed North and settled in larger metropolitan areas such as New York, Washington D.C., and Chicago. Most however, would go on to settle and make a home for themselves in Harlem. Word began to move quickly on how much better life seemed to be for those of color in the North. White society was noticeably more tolerable and the job market was maintaining a healthy constant. It wasn’t long before those who were trying growing weary of the South decided that the best option was to pack up their things and move themselves to the North. This went on to become what we know today as the Great Migration. More than 750,000 African-American’s left the South and relocated to the North, with the heavy percentage settling in Harlem. Harlem, NY quickly became the most populated city in the world by black

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