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Com put er Fundam ent als: Pradeep K. Sinha & Pr it ii Sinha Com put er Fundam ent als: Pradeep K. Sinha & Pr it Sinha

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Chapt er 9: I nput - Out put Dev ices

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Com put er Fundam ent als: Pradeep K. Sinha & Pr it ii Sinha Com put er Fundam ent als: Pradeep K. Sinha & Pr it Sinha

Le a r n in g Obj e ct ive s
I n t h is ch a pt e r you w ill le a r n a bou t :
§ I nput / Out put ( I / O) devices § Com m only used input devices § Com m only used out put devices § Ot her concept s relat ed t o I / O devices

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I / O D e vice s
§ Provide m eans of com m unicat ion bet ween a com put er and out er w orld § Also known as peripheral devices because t hey surround t he CPU and m em ory of a com put er syst em § I nput devices are used t o ent er dat a fr om t he out side world int o prim ary st orage § Out put devices supply r esult s of processing from prim ary st orage t o user s

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Role of I / O D e vice s

Input data from external world

Input Devices

CPU and Memory

Output Devices

Results of processing in human acceptable form

Input data coded in internal form

Processed data in internal form

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Com m on ly Use d I n pu t D e vice s
§ Keyboard devices § Point - and- draw devices § Dat a scanning devices § Digit izer § Elect ronic cards based devices § Speech r ecognit ion devices § Vision based devices

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Ke yboa r d D e vice s
§ Allow dat a ent ry int o a com put er sy st em by pr essing a set of k eys ( labeled but t ons) neat ly m ount ed on a key boar d connect ed t o a com put er sy st em § 101- keys QWERTY keyboard is m ost popular

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Th e La you t of Ke y s on a QW ERTY Ke yboa r d














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Poin t - a n d- D r a w D e vice s
§ Used t o rapidly point t o and select a graphic icon or m enu it em from m ult iple opt ions displayed on t he Graphical User I nt er face ( GUI ) of a screen § Used t o cr eat e graphic elem ent s on t he screen such as lines, curv es, and freehand shapes § Som e com m only used point - and- draw devices are m ouse, t rack ball, j oy st ick, light pen, and t ouch scr een

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M ou se

Com m only used in personal com put ers and w or kst at ions

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Tr a ck ba ll

Click but t ons

Ball t o be rolled wit h fingers

Com m only used in lapt op ( not ebook) com put ers

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Joyst ick
Click but t on St ick Light indicat or Ball Socket

Com m only used for video gam es, flight sim ulat ors, t raining sim ulat ors, and for cont rolling indust rial robot s

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Com put er Fundam ent als: Pradeep K. Sinha & Pr it ii Sinha Com put er Fundam ent als: Pradeep K. Sinha & Pr it Sinha

Ele ct r on ic Pe n
§ Pen- based point - and- draw device § Used t o direct ly point wit h it on t he screen t o select m enu it em s or icons or direct ly draw graphics on t he screen § Can writ e wit h it on a special pad for direct input of writ t en inform at ion t o a syst em § Pressure on t ip of a side but t on is used t o cause sam e act ion as right - but t on- click of a m ouse

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Tou ch Scr e e n
§ Most sim ple, int uit ive, and easiest t o learn of all input devices § Enables users t o choose from available opt ions by sim ply t ouching wit h t heir finger t he desired icon or m enu it em displayed on t he screen § Most prefer red hum an- com put er int erface used in inform at ion kiosks ( unat t ended int eract ive inform at ion syst em s such as aut om at ic t eller m achine or ATM)

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Com put er Fundam ent als: Pradeep K. Sinha & Pr it ii Sinha Com put er Fundam ent als: Pradeep K. Sinha & Pr it Sinha

D a t a Sca n n in g D e vice s
§ I nput devices t hat enable direct dat a ent ry int o a com put er syst em fr om source docum ent s § Elim inat e t he need t o k ey in t ext dat a int o t he com put er § Due t o r educed hum an effort in dat a ent ry, t hey im prov e dat a accuracy and also increase t he t im eliness of t he inform at ion processed § Dem and high qualit y of input docum ent s § Som e dat a scanning devices are also capable of recognizing m arks or charact ers § Form design and ink specificat ion usually becom es m or e crit ical for accuracy

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I m a ge Sca n n e r
§ I nput device t hat t ranslat es paper docum ent s int o an elect ronic form at for st orage in a com put er § Elect ronic form at of a scanned im age is it s bit m ap repr esent at ion § St ored im age can be alt ered or m anipulat ed wit h an im age- processing soft w are

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Tw o Com m on Type s of I m a ge Sca n n e r s

A flat - bed scanner

A hand- held scanner

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Opt ica l Ch a r a ct e r Re cogn it ion ( OCR) D e v ice
§ Scanner equipped wit h a charact er recognit ion soft war e ( called OCR soft war e) t hat convert s t he bit m ap im ages of charact ers t o equivalent ASCI I codes § Enables word pr ocessing of input t ext and also requires less st orage for st oring t he docum ent as t ext rat her t han an im age § OCR soft war e is ext r em ely com plex because it is difficult t o m ak e a com put er r ecognize an unlim it ed num ber of t ypefaces and font s § Two st andard OCR font s are OCR- A ( Am erican st andard) and OCR- B ( European st andard)

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Opt ica l M a r k Re a de r ( OM R)
§ Scanner capable of recognizing a pre- specified t ype of m ark by pencil or pen § Very useful for grading t est s wit h obj ect ive t ype quest ions, or for any input dat a t hat is of a choice or select ion nat ure § Technique used for recognit ion of m ar ks involves focusing a light on t he page being scanned and det ect ing t he reflect ed light pat t ern fr om t he m arks

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Sa m ple Use of OM R
For each quest ion, four opt ions are given out of which only one is correct . Choose t he correct opt ion and m ark your choice against t he corresponding quest ion num ber in t he given answer sheet by darkening t he corresponding circle wit h a lead pencil. 1. The binary equivalent of decim al 4 is: a) 101 b) 111 c) 001 d) 100 2. The full form of CPU is: a) Cursor Posit ioning Unit b) Cent ral Power Unit c) Cent ral Processing Unit d) None of t he abov e 3. Which is t he largest unit of st orage am ong t he following: a) Teraby t e b) Kiloby t e c) Megaby t e d) Gigaby t e
Indicates direction in which the sheet should be fed to the OMR 1. a 2. a 3. a b c d b c d b c d

( b) Pre- print ed answer sheet

( a) Quest ion sheet A sam ple use of OMR for grading t est s wit h obj ect ive type quest ions

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Ba r - code Re a de r
§ Scanner used for reading ( decoding) bar- coded dat a § Bar codes represent alphanum eric dat a by a com binat ion of adj acent vert ical lines ( bars) by varying t heir widt h and t he spacing bet ween t hem § Scanner uses laser- beam t o st r ok e across pat t ern of bar code. Differ ent pat t erns of bars reflect t he beam in different ways sensed by a light - sensit ive det ect or § Universal Product Code ( UPC) is t he m ost widely known bar coding syst em

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An Ex a m ple of UPC Ba r Code

Product category charact er 0 – grocery product s 3 – drugs and healt h relat ed product s, et c.




Manufact urer/ supplier ident ificat ion num ber

Specific product code num ber

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M a gn e t ic- I n k Ch a r a ct e r Re cogn it ion ( M I CR)
§ MI CR is used by banking indust ry for fast er processing of large v olum e of cheques § Bank’s ident ificat ion code ( nam e, branch, et c.) , account num ber and cheque num ber are pre- print ed ( encoded) using charact ers from a special charact er set on all cheques § Special ink is used t hat cont ains m agnet izable part icles of iron oxide § MI CR reader- sort er reads dat a on cheques and sort s t hem for dist ribut ion t o ot her banks or for furt her processing

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M I CR Cha r a ct e r Se t ( E1 3 B Font )

§ I t consist s of num erals 0 t o 9 and four special charact ers § MI CR is not adopt ed by ot her indust ries because it support s only 14 sym bols

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D igit iz e r
§ I nput device used for convert ing ( digit izing) pict ures, m aps and drawings int o digit al form for st orage in com put er s § Com m only used in t he area of Com put er Aided Design ( CAD) by archit ect s and engineers t o design cars, buildings m edical devices, robot s, m echanical part s, et c. § Used in t he area of Geographical I nform at ion Syst em ( GI S) for digit izing m aps available in paper for m

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A D igit ize r
Digit izing t ablet St ylus in t he form of cross- hair cursor Table t op

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Ele ct r on ic- ca r d Re a de r
§ Elect ronic cards ar e sm all plast ic cards having encoded dat a appropriat e for t he applicat ion for which t hey are used § Elect ronic- card r eader ( norm ally connect ed t o a com put er) is used t o r ead dat a encoded on an elect ronic card and t ransfer it t o t he com put er for furt her pr ocessing § Used t oget her as a m eans of direct dat a ent ry int o a com put er sy st em § Used by banks for use in aut om at ic t eller m achines ( ATMs) and by organizat ions for cont rolling access of em ployees t o physically secured ar eas

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Spe e ch Re cogn it ion D e vice s
§ I nput device t hat allows a per son t o input dat a t o a com put er sy st em by speaking t o it § Today’s speech r ecognit ion syst em s are lim it ed t o accept ing few words wit hin a relat ively sm all dom ain and can be used t o ent er only lim it ed kinds and quant it ies of dat a

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Type s of Spe e ch Re cogn it ion Syst e m s
( Cont inued from previous slide..)

§ Single word r ecognit ion syst em s can r ecognize only a single spoken w ords, such as YES, NO, MOVE, STOP, at a t im e. Speak er- independent syst em s are m ost ly of t his t ype § Cont inuous speech recognit ion syst em s can r ecognize spok en sent ences, such as MOVE TO THE NEXT BLOCK. Such syst em s are norm ally speakerdependent

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Use s of Spe e ch Re cogn it ion Syst e m s
§ For input t ing dat a t o a com put er syst em by a person in sit uat ions where his/ her hands are busy , or his/ her eyes m ust be fixed on a m easuring inst rum ent or som e ot her obj ect § For dat a input by dict at ion of long t ext or passage for lat er edit ing and review § For aut hent icat ion of a user by a com put er syst em based on voice input § For lim it ed use of com put ers by individuals wit h physical disabilit ies

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Vision - I n pu t Syst e m s V ision
§ Allow com put er t o accept input j ust by seeing an obj ect . § I nput dat a is norm ally an obj ect ’s shape and feat ures in t he form of an im age § Mainly used t oday in fact ories for designing indust rial robot s t hat are used for qualit y- cont rol and assem bly processes

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Com m on ly Use d Ou t pu t D e vice s
§ Monit ors § Print ers § Plot t ers § Screen im age proj ect or § Voice response syst em s

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Type s of Ou t pu t
§ Soft - copy ou t pu t § Not produced on a paper or som e m at erial t hat can be t ouched and carried for being shown t o ot hers § Tem porary in nat ure and vanish aft er use § Exam ples are out put display ed on a t erm inal screen or spoken out by a voice response syst em § H a r d- copy ou t pu t § Produced on a paper or som e m at erial t hat can be t ouched and carried for being shown t o ot hers § Perm anent in nat ure and can be kept in paper files or can be looked at a lat er t im e when t he person is not using t he com put er § Exam ples are out put produced by print ers or plot t ers on paper

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M on it or s
§ Monit ors are t he m ost popular out put devices used for producing soft - copy out put § Display t he out put on a t elevision like scr een § Monit or associat ed wit h a keyboard is called a video display t erm inal ( VDT) . I t is t he m ost popular I / O device

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M on it or s

Monit or


A video display t erm inal consist s of a m onit or and a key boar d

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Type s of M on it or s
§ Cat hode- ray- t ube ( CRT) m onit ors look like a t elevision and are nor m ally used wit h non- port able com put er syst em s § Flat - panel m onit ors are t hinner and light er and are com m only used wit h port able com put er syst em s like not ebook com put ers. Now t hey are also used w it h nonport able deskt op com put er syst em s because t hey occupy less t able space.

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Pr in t e r s
Most com m on out put devices for producing hard- copy out put

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D ot - M a t r ix Pr in t e r s
§ Charact er print ers t hat form charact ers and all kinds of im ages as a pat t ern of dot s § Print m any special charact ers, different sizes of print and graphics such as chart s and graphs § I m pact print ers can be used for generat ing m ult iple copies by using carbon paper or it s equivalent § Slow, wit h speeds usually ranging bet ween 30 t o 600 charact ers per second § Cheap in bot h init ial cost and cost of operat ion

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For m a t ion of Ch a r a ct e r s a s a pa t t e r n of dot s

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO PQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789-., &/$*#%@=(+)

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A D ot M a t r ix Pr in t e r

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I n k j e t Pr in t e r s
§ Charact er print ers t hat form charact ers and all kinds of im ages by spraying sm all drops of ink on t o t he paper § Print head cont ains up t o 64 t iny nozzles t hat can be select ively heat ed up in a few m icr o seconds by an int egrat ed circuit regist er § To print a charact er, t he print er select ively heat s t he appropriat e set of nozzles as t he print head m oves horizont ally § Can print m any special charact ers, differ ent sizes of print , and graphics such as chart s and graphs

(Continued on next slide)

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I n k j e t Pr in t e r s
( Cont inued from previous slide..)

§ Non- im pact print ers. Hence, t hey cannot produce m ult iple copies of a docum ent in a single print ing § Can be bot h m onochrom e and color § Slower t han dot - m at rix print ers wit h speeds usually ranging bet ween 40 t o 300 charact ers per second § Mor e expensive t han a dot - m at rix print er

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An I n k j e t Pr in t e r s

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D r u m Pr in t e r s
§ Line print ers t hat print one line at a t im e § Have a solid cylindrical drum wit h charact ers em bossed on it s surface in t he for m of circular bands § Set of ham m ers m ount ed in front of t he drum in such a m anner t hat an inked ribbon and paper can be placed bet ween t he ham m er s and t he drum § Can only print a pre- defined set of charact ers in a predefined st yle t hat is em bossed on t he drum § I m pact print ers and usually m onochrom e § Typical speeds are in t he range of 300 t o 2000 lines per m inut e

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Pr in t in g M e ch a n ism of a D r u m Pr in t e r
Ham m ers ( one for each band) Paper Ribbon

Solid cylindrical drum wit h em bossed charact ers

Tot al num ber of bands is equal t o t he m axim um num ber of charact ers ( print posit ions) on a line

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Ch a in / Ba n d Pr in t e r s
§ Line print ers t hat print one line at a t im e § Consist of a m et allic chain/ band on which all charact ers of t he charact er set support ed by t he print er are em bossed § Also have a set of ham m ers m ount ed in front of t he chain/ band in such a m anner t hat an inked ribbon and paper can be placed bet ween t he ham m ers and t he chain/ band

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Ch a in / Ba n d Pr in t e r s
§ Can only print pre- defined set s of charact ers t hat are em bossed on t he chain/ band used wit h t he print er § Cannot print any shape of charact ers, different sizes of print , and graphics such as chart s and graphs § Are im pact print ers and can be used for generat ing m ult iple copies by using carbon paper or it s equivalent § Are usually m onochrom e § Typical speeds are in t he range of 400 t o 3000 lines per m inut e

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La se r Pr in t e r s
§ Page print ers t hat print one page at a t im e § Consist of a laser beam source, a m ult i- sided m irror, a phot oconduct ive drum and t oner ( t iny part icles of opposit ely charged ink) § To print a page, t he laser beam is focused on t he elect ro st at ically charged drum by t he spinning m ult i- sided m irror § Toner st icks t o t he drum in t he places t he laser beam has charged t he drum ’s surface. § Toner is t hen perm anent ly fused on t he paper wit h heat and pressure t o generat e t he print er out put § Laser print ers produce very high qualit y out put having resolut ions in t he range of 600 t o 1200 dpi

(Continued on next slide)

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La se r Pr in t e r s
( Cont inued from previous slide..)

§ Can print m any special charact ers, differ ent sizes of print , and graphics such as chart s and graphs § Are non- im pact print ers § Most laser print ers are m onochrom e, but color laser print ers are also available § Low speed laser print ers can print 4 t o 12 pages per m inut e. Very high- speed laser print ers can print 500 t o 1000 pages per m inut e § Mor e expensive t han ot her print ers

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A La se r Pr in t e r s

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Plot t e r s
§ Plot t ers are an ideal out put device for archit ect s, engineers, cit y planners, and ot hers who need t o rout inely generat e high- precision, hard- copy graphic out put of widely varying sizes § Two com m only used t ypes of plot t ers are: – Drum plot t er, in which t he paper on which t he design has t o be m ade is placed ov er a drum t hat can rot at e in bot h clockwise and ant i- clockwise direct ions – Flat bed plot t er, in which t he paper on which t he design has t o be m ade is spr ead and fixed over a rect angular flat bed t able

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A D r u m Plot t e r

Paper Design drawn on t he paper

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A Fla t be d Plot t e r

Design drawn on t he paper Paper

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Scr e e n I m a ge Pr oj e ct or
§ An out put device t hat can be direct ly plugged t o a com put er sy st em for pr oj ect ing inform at ion from a com put er on t o a large screen § Useful for m aking present at ions t o a group of people wit h direct use of a com put er § Full- fledged m ult im edia present at ion wit h audio, video, im age, and anim at ion can be prepar ed and m ade using t his facilit y

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Voice Re spon se Syst e m s V oice
§ Voice response syst em enables a com put er t o t alk t o a user § Has an audio- response device t hat produces audio out put § Such syst em s are of t w o t ypes: § Voice repr oduct ion syst em s § Speech synt hesizers

(Continued on next slide)

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Voice Re pr odu ct ion Syst e m s V oice
( Cont inued from previous slide..)

§ Produce audio out put by select ing an appropriat e audio out put from a set of pr e- r ecorded audio responses § Applicat ions include audio help for guiding how t o operat e a sy st em , aut om at ic answering m achines, video gam es, et c.

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Spe e ch Syn t h e siz e r s
§ Convert s t ext inform at ion int o spok en sent ences § Used for applicat ions such as: § Reading out t ext inform at ion t o blind persons § Allowing t hose persons who cannot speak t o com m unicat e effect ively § Translat ing an ent ered t ext int o spok en words in a select ed language

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Ke y W or ds/ Ph r a se s
§ § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § Bard code reader Cat hode Ray Tube ( CRT) Chain/ Band pr int er Dat a scanning dev ice Digit izer Digit izing t ablet Dot - Mat r ix pr int er Dr um plot t er Dr um pr int er Elect r onic car d reader Elect r onic Pen Flat bed plot t er Flat bed Scanner Graphical User I nt er face Hand- held scanner Hard- copy out put I m age Scanner § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § I nfor m at ion Kiosk I nkj et pr int er I nput / Out put dev ice Joy st ick Keyboard dev ice Laser pr int er Magnet ic- I nk Charact er Recognit ion ( MI CR) Monit or Mouse Opt ical Charact er Recognit ion ( OCR) Opt ical Mark Reader ( OMR) Per ipheral dev ice Phonem es Plot t er Point - and- draw dev ice Pr int er QWERTY key board Screen I m age Proj ect or

(Continued on next slide)

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Ke y W or ds/ Ph r a se s
( Cont inued from previous slide..)

§ § § § § § § § § § §

Soft - copy out put Speech synt hesizer St ylus Touch Screen Trackball Universal Product Code ( UPC) Video Display Term inal ( VDT) Vision- input syst em Voice recognit ion device Voice reproduct ion syst em Voice response system

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Chapt er 10: Com put er Soft ware

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Le a r n in g Obj e ct ive s
I n t h is ch a pt e r you w ill le a r n a bou t :
§ Ter m “ Soft ware” and it s relat ionship wit h “ Hardware” § Various t ypes of soft war e and t heir exam ples § Relat ionship am ong hardware, sy st em soft ware, applicat ion soft ware, and users of a com put er syst em § Different ways of acquiring soft war e § Various st eps involved in soft war e developm ent § Firm ware § Middleware

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Soft w a r e
§ H a r dw a r e r efers t o t he physical devices of a com put er sy st em . § Soft w a r e r efers t o a collect ion of program s § Pr ogr a m is a sequence of inst ruct ions writ t en in a language t hat can be underst ood by a com put er § Soft w a r e pa ck a ge is a group of pr ogram s t hat solve a specific problem or perform a specific t ype of j ob

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Re la t ion sh ip Be t w e e n H a r dw a r e a n d Soft w a r e
§ Bot h hardwar e and soft ware are necessar y for a com put er t o do useful j ob. They are com plem ent ary t o each ot her § Sam e hardwar e can be loaded wit h different soft ware t o m ak e a com put er sy st em perform differ ent t y pes of j obs § Except for upgrades, hardwar e is norm ally a onet im e expense, whereas soft war e is a cont inuing expense § Upgrades refer t o renew ing or changing com ponent s like increasing t he m ain m em or y, or hard disk capacit ies, or adding speakers, m odem s, et c.

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Type s of Soft w a r e
Most soft war e can be divided int o t wo m aj or cat egories: § Syst e m soft w a r e ar e designed t o cont rol t he operat ion and ext end t he pr ocessing capabilit y of a com put er sy st em § Applica t ion soft w a r e are designed t o solve a specific problem or t o do a specific t ask

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Syst e m Soft w a r e
§ Make t he operat ion of a com put er sy st em m ore effect ive and efficient § Help hardware com ponent s work t oget her and provide support for t he dev elopm ent and ex ecut ion of applicat ion soft war e § Program s included in a syst em soft war e package ar e called syst e m pr ogr a m s and pr ogram m er s w ho prepar e t hem are called syst e m pr ogr a m m e r s § Exam ples of syst em soft ware are operat ing syst em s, program m ing language t ranslat ors, ut ilit y progr am s, and com m unicat ions soft war e

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Applica t ion Soft w a r e
§ Solve a specific problem or do a specific t ask § Program s included in an applicat ion soft ware package are called a pplica t ion pr ogr a m s and t he program m ers who pr epare t hem are called a pplica t ion pr ogr a m m e r s § Exam ples of applicat ion soft war e ar e w ord processing, invent ory m anagem ent , pr eparat ion of t ax ret urns, banking, et c.

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Logica l Syst e m Ar ch it e ct u r e

H ARD W ARE ( Phy sical dev ices/ com ponent s of t he com put er syst em ) SYSTEM SOFTW ARE
( Soft ware t hat const it ut e t he operat ing and progr am m ing environm ent of t he com put er syst em )

( Soft ware t hat do a specific t ask or solve a specific problem )

USERS ( Nor m ally int er act w it h t he syst em v ia t he user int er face prov ided by t he applicat ion soft ware)

Relationship among hardware, system software, application software, and users of a computer system.

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W a ys of Acqu ir in g Soft w a r e
§ Buying pre- writ t en soft ware § Ordering cust om ized soft ware § Dev eloping cust om ized soft war e § Downloading public- dom ain soft ware
Each of t hese ways of acquiring soft ware has it s own advant ages and lim it at ions

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Adva n t a ge s a n d Lim it a t ion s of Bu yin g Pr e - w r it t e n Soft w a r e
§ Usually cost s less § Planned act ivit y can be st ared alm ost im m ediat ely § Oft en, operat ing efficiency and t he capabilit y t o m eet specific needs of user m ore effect ively in not as good for pre- writ t en soft war e packages as for in- house dev eloped soft war e packages

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Adva n t a ge s & Lim it a t ion s of Or de r in g Cu st om ize d Soft w a r e
§ User need not maintain its own software development team, which is an expensive affair § User needs to always depend on the vendor for carrying out the changes and the vendor may separately charge for every request for change

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Adva n t a ge s & Lim it a t ion s of D e ve lopin g Cu st om ize d Soft w a r e
§ Easier t o carr y out changes in t he soft war e, if it is dev eloped in- house § Dev eloping soft ware in- house m eans a m aj or com m it m ent of t im e, m oney, and resources § I n- house soft ware dev elopm ent t eam needs t o be m aint ained and m anaged

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Adva n t a ge & Lim it a t ion s of D ow n loa din g Pu blic- dom a in Soft w a r e
§ Available for free or as shareware, and are usually accom panied wit h source code § Usually com m unit y- support ed as aut hor does not support users direct ly § Can be downloaded and used im m ediat ely § They m ay not be properly t est ed before release § Open Source Soft ware ( OSS) are becom ing popular due t o: § Allows any user t o download, view, m odify, and redist ribut e § User can fix bugs or change soft ware t o suit needs § Copyright is prot ect ed for bot h original and subsequent aut hors § Not all open source soft ware are free and vise- verse

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Soft w a r e D e ve lopm e n t St e ps
Dev eloping a soft ware and put t ing it t o use is a com plex process and involves following st eps:
§ § § § § Analyzing t he problem at hand and planning t he program ( s) t o solve t he problem Coding t he program ( s) Test ing, debugging, and docum ent ing t he program ( s) I m plem ent ing t he program ( s) Evaluat ing and m aint aining t he program ( s)

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Fir m w a r e
§ Firm ware is soft war e subst it ut ed for hardwar e and st ored in read- only m em or y § Firm ware t echnology has enabled product ion of various t ypes of sm art m achines having m icropr ocessor chips wit h em bedded soft war e

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M iddle w a r e
§ Basic idea is t o have a separat e soft ware layer t o: § Act as “ glue” bet ween client and server part s of applicat ion § Provide program m ing abst ract ion § Mask het er ogeneit y of underlying net work , hardware, and OS § Encourages t hree- t ier soft war e archit ect ure against t wot ier popularized by Ser v er- Client archit ect ure

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Ke y W or ds/ Ph r a se s
§ § § § § § § § § § § § § § § Applicat ion program m ers Applicat ion program s Applicat ion soft ware Com put er program Cust om ized soft ware Dat abase Educat ion software End- t o- end solut ion Ent ert ainm ent software Firm ware Graphics software Hardware Middleware Open Source Software Personal assist ance soft ware § § § § § § § § § § § § § Pre- writ t en soft ware Public- dom ain soft ware Shareware Soft ware Soft ware package Spreadsheet Syst em program m ers Syst em program s Syst em soft ware Turnkey solut ion User- support ed soft ware Ut ilit ies Word- processing

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Ref Page

Chapt er 11: Planning t he Com put er Program

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Le a r n in g Obj e ct ive s
I n t h is ch a pt e r you w ill le a r n a bou t :
§ Program s m ust be planned before t hey are w rit t en § Algorit hm § Flowchart § Pseudocode § Plan t he logic of a com put er pr ogram § Com m only used t ools for pr ogram planning and t heir use

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Pu r pose of Pr ogr a m Pla n n in g
§ To w rit e a corr ect pr ogr am , a pr ogram m er m ust writ e each and ev er y inst ruct ion in t he cor rect sequence § Logic ( inst ruct ion sequence) of a pr ogram can be v er y com plex § Hence, pr ogram s m ust be planned befor e t hey are writ t en t o ensure pr ogram inst ruct ions are: § Appropriat e for t he problem § I n t he corr ect sequence

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Algor it h m
§ Refer s t o t he logic of a program and a st ep- by- st ep descript ion of how t o ar rive at t he solut ion of a given problem I n order t o qualify as an algorit hm , a sequence of inst ruct ions m ust have following charact erist ics:
§ Each and every inst ruct ion should be precise and unam biguous § Each inst ruct ion should be such t hat it can be perform ed in a finit e t im e § One or m ore inst ruct ions should not be repeat ed infinit ely. This ensures t hat t he algorit hm will ult im at ely t erm inat e § Aft er perform ing t he inst ruct ions, t hat is aft er t he algorit hm t erm inat es, t he desired result s m ust be obt ained


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Sa m ple Algor it h m ( Ex a m ple 1 )
Ther e ar e 50 st udent s in a class who appear ed in t heir final exam inat ion. Their m ark sheet s hav e been given t o you. The division colum n of t he m ark sheet cont ains t he division ( FI RST, SECOND, THI RD or FAI L) obt ained by t he st udent . Writ e an algorit hm t o calculat e and print t he t ot al num ber of st udent s who passed in FI RST division.

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Sa m ple Algor it h m ( Ex a m ple 1 )
St ep 1: I nit ialize Tot al_First_Division and Tot al_Marksheet s_Checked t o zero. St ep 2: Take t he m ark sheet of t he next st udent . St ep 3: Check t he division colum n of t he m ark sheet to see if it is FI RST, if no, go t o Step 5. St ep 4: Add 1 t o Tot al_First_Division. St ep 5: Add 1 t o Tot al_Marksheet s_Checked. St ep 6: I s Tot al_Marksheet s_Checked = 50, if no, go t o St ep 2. St ep 7: Print Tot al_First_Division. St ep 8: Stop.
( cont d…)

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Sa m ple Algor it h m ( Ex a m ple 2 )
There are 100 em ployees in an organizat ion. The organizat ion want s t o dist ribut e annual bonus t o t he em ployees based on t heir perform ance. The perform ance of t he em ployees is recorded in t heir annual appraisal form s. Every em ployee’s appraisal form cont ains his/ her basic salary and t he grade for his/ her perform ance during t he year. The grade is of t hree cat egories – ‘A’ for out st anding perform ance, ‘B’ for good perform ance, and ‘C’ for average perform ance. I t has been decided t hat t he bonus of an em ployee will be 100% of t he basic salary for out st anding perform ance, 70% of t he basic salary for good perform ance, 40% of t he basic salary for average perform ance, and zero for all ot her cases. Writ e an algorit hm t o calculat e and print t he t ot al bonus am ount t o be dist ribut ed by t he organizat ion.

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Sa m ple Algor it h m ( Ex a m ple 2 )
St ep 1: St ep 2: St ep 3: St ep 4: St ep 5: St ep 6: St ep 7: St ep 8: St ep 9: I nit ialize Tot al_Bonus and Tot al_Em ployees_Checked t o zero. I nit ialize Bonus and Basic_Salary t o zero. Take t he appraisal form of t he nex t em ployee. Read t he em ployee’s Basic_Salary and Grade. I f Gr ade = A, t hen Bonus = Basic_Salary. Go t o St ep 8. I f Gr ade = B, t hen Bonus = Basic_Salary x 0.7. Go t o St ep 8. I f Gr ade = C, t hen Bonus = Basic_Salary x 0.4. Add Bonus t o Tot al_Bonus. Add 1 t o Tot al_Em ployees_Check ed.

( cont d…)

St ep 10: I f Tot al_Em ployees_Check ed < 100, t hen go t o St ep 2. St ep 11: Print Tot al_Bonus. St ep 12: St op.

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Re pr e se n t a t ion of Algor it h m s
§ As program s § As flowchart s § As pseudocodes When an algorit hm is represent ed in t he form of a program m ing language, it becom es a pr ogram Thus, any pr ogram is an algorit hm , alt hough t he rev er se is not t rue

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§ Flowchart is a pict orial represent at ion of an algorit hm § Uses sym bols ( box es of different shapes) t hat have st andardized m eanings t o denot e different t ypes of inst ruct ions § Act ual inst ruct ions are writ t en wit hin t he boxes § Box es are connect ed by solid lines having arrow m ar ks t o indicat e t he exact sequence in which t he inst ruct ions are t o be ex ecut ed § Process of drawing a flowchart for an algorit hm is called flowchart ing

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Ba sic Flow ch a r t Sym bols

Ter m inal

I nput / Out put



Flow lines

Connect ors

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Examples of Decision Symbol

I s I = 10?


A< B

Com pare A& B

A> B


A= B

( a) A two- way branch decision.

( b) A t hree- way br anch decision.

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Examples of Decision Symbol
( cont d…)

I = ?

= 0

= 1

= 2

= 3

= 4

= 5

= Ot her

( c) A m ult iple- way branch decision.

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Sa m ple Flow ch a r t ( Ex a m ple 3 )
A st udent appears in an exam inat ion, which consist s of t ot al 10 subj ect s, each subj ect having m axim um m arks of 100. The r oll num ber of t he st udent , his/ her nam e, and t he m arks obt ained by him / her in various subj ect s ar e supplied as input dat a. Such a collect ion of relat ed dat a it em s, which is t reat ed as a unit is known as a record. Draw a flowchart for t he algorit hm t o calculat e t he percent age m ar ks obt ained by t he st udent in t his exam inat ion and t hen t o print it along wit h his/ her r oll num ber and nam e.

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Sa m ple Flow ch a r t ( Ex a m ple 3 )
St art Read input dat a
( cont d…)

Add m arks of all subj ect s giving Tot al

Percent age = Tot al / 10

Writ e out put dat a

St op

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Sa m ple Flow ch a r t ( Ex a m ple 4 )
50 st udent s of a class appear in t he exam inat ion of Exam ple 3. Draw a flowchart for t he algorit hm t o calculat e and print t he percent age m arks obt ained by each st udent along wit h his/ her roll num ber and nam e.

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Sa m ple Flow ch a r t ( Ex a m ple 4 )
St art Read input dat a Flowchart for t he solut ion of Exam ple 4 wit h an infinit e ( endless) process loop.
( cont d…)

Add m arks of all subj ect s giving Tot al

Percent age = Tot al / 10

Writ e out put dat a

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Sa m ple Flow ch a r t ( Ex a m ple 4 )
St art Count = 0 Read input dat a Add m arks of all subj ect s giving Tot al Percent age = Tot al/ 10 Writ e out put dat a Add 1 t o Count No I s Count = 50? Yes St op Flowchart for t he solut ion of Exam ple 4.
( cont d…)

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Sa m ple Flow ch a r t ( Ex a m ple 4 )
St art Read input dat a
( cont d…)

I s Rollno = 0000000? No Add m arks of all subj ect s giving Tot al

Yes Generalized flowchart for t he solut ion of Exam ple 4 using t he concept of t r a ile r r e cor d. Here t he process loop is t erm inat ed by detect ing a special non- dat a record.

St op

Percent age = Tot al / 10

Writ e out put dat a

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Sa m ple Flow ch a r t ( Ex a m ple 5 )
For t he exam inat ion of Exam ple 3, we want t o m ak e a list of only t hose st udent s who have passed ( obt ained 30% or m or e m arks) in t he exam inat ion. I n t he end, w e also want t o print out t he t ot al num ber of st udent s who have passed. Assum ing t hat t he input dat a of all t he st udent s is t erm inat ed by a t railer record, which has sent inel value of 9999999 for Rollno, draw a flowchart for t he algorit hm t o do t his.

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Sa m ple Flow ch a r t ( Ex a m ple 5 )
St art Count = 0 Read input dat a I s Rollno = 9999999? No
Add m arks of all subj ect s giving Tot al
( cont d…)

Yes Writ e Count St op

Percent age = Tot al/ 10
I s Per cent age = > 30?


Yes Writ e out put dat a Add 1 t o Count

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Sa m ple Flow ch a r t ( Ex a m ple 6 )
Suppose t he input dat a of each st udent for t he exam inat ion of Exam ple 3 also cont ains inform at ion regarding t he sex of t he candidat e in t he field nam ed Sexcode having values M ( for m ale) or F ( for fem ale) . We want t o m ake a list of only t hose fem ale st udent s w ho have passed in second division ( obt ained 45% or m ore but less t han 60% m arks) . I n t he end, we also want t o print out t he t ot al num ber of such st udent s. Assum ing t hat t he input dat a of all t he st udent s is t erm inat ed by a t railer record, which has a sent inel value of Z for Sexcode, draw a flowchart for t he algorit hm t o do t his.

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Sa m ple Flow ch a r t ( Ex a m ple 6 )
St art Count = 0 1 Read input dat a

I s Sex code = Z? No 1 No I s Sex code = F?



Yes Add m ark s of all subj ect s giv ing Tot al Per cent age = Tot al / 10 3

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Sa m ple Flow ch a r t ( Ex a m ple 4 )
( cont d…) 3



I s Per cent age = > 45? Yes




I s Per cent age < 60? Yes Wr it e out put dat a St op Add 1 t o Count 1 Wr it e Count

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Le ve ls of Flow ch a r t
§ Flowchart t hat out lines t he m ain segm ent s of a program or t hat shows less det ails is a m a cr o flow ch a r t § Flowchart wit h m ore det ails is a m icr o f low ch a r t , or det ailed flowchart § Ther e ar e no set st andards on t he am ount of det ails t hat should be provided in a flowchart

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Ex a m ple of M icr o Flow ch a r t

Part of a m acro flowchart

1 I = 1 Tot al = 0 A m icro Flowchart

Add m arks of all subj ect s giving Tot al

Tot al = Tot al + Marks ( I ) I = I + 1 No I s I > 10? Yes 1

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Flow ch a r t in g Ru le s
§ First chart t he m ain line of logic, t hen incorporat e det ail § Maint ain a consist ent level of det ail for a given flowchart § Do not chart ev ery det ail of t he program . A reader who is int erest ed in great er det ails can refer t o t he pr ogram it self § Words in t he flowchart sym bols should be com m on st at em ent s and easy t o underst and

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Flow ch a r t in g Ru le s
§ Be consist ent in using nam es and variables in t he flowchart § Go from left t o right and t op t o bot t om in const ruct ing flowchart s § Keep t he flowchart as sim ple as possible. Crossing of flow lines should be avoided as far as pract icable § I f a new flowchart ing page is needed, it is recom m ended t hat t he flowchart be br ok en at an input or out put point . § Properly labeled connect ors should be used t o link t he port ions of t he flowchart on different pages
( cont d…)

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Adva n t a ge s of Flow ch a r t
§ Bet t er Com m unicat ion § Proper program docum ent at ion § Efficient coding § Syst em at ic debugging § Syst em at ic t est ing

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Lim it a t ion s of Flow ch a r t
§ Flowchart s are ver y t im e consum ing and laborious t o draw ( especially for large com plex pr ogram s) § Redrawing a flowchart for incorporat ing changes/ m odificat ions is a t edious t ask § Ther e ar e no st andards det er m ining t he am ount of det ail t hat should be included in a flowchart

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Pse u docode
§ A program planning t ool where pr ogram logic is writ t en in an ordinary nat ural language using a st ruct ure t hat resem bles com put er inst ruct ions § “ Pseudo” m eans im it at ion or false and “ Code” refers t o t he inst ruct ions writ t en in a program m ing language. Hence, pseudocode is an im it at ion of act ual com put er inst ruct ions § Because it em phasizes t he design of t he pr ogram , pseudocode is also called Pr ogr a m D e sign La n gu a ge ( PD L)

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Ba sic Logic ( Con t r ol) St r u ct u r e s
Any program logic can be expr essed by using only following t hree sim ple logic st ruct ures: 1. Sequence logic, 2. Select ion logic, and 3. I t erat ion ( or looping) logic Program s st ruct ured by using only t hese t hree logic st ruct ures ar e called st r u ct u r e d pr ogr a m s, and t he t echnique of writ ing such program s is known as st r u ct u r e d pr ogr a m m in g

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Se qu e n ce Logic
I t is used for perform ing inst ruct ions one aft er anot her in sequence.

Process 1 Process 1 Process 2

Process 2

( a) Flowchart

( b) Pseudocode

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Se le ct ion Logic
• Also known as decision logic, it is used for m aking decisions Three 1. 2. 3. popularly used select ion logic st ruct ures are I F…THEN…ELSE I F…THEN CASE

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Se le ct ion Logic

( I F…THEN…ELSE St ruct ure)


I F ( condit ion)


I F Condit ion THEN Process 1 Process 2

THEN Process 1

ELSE Process 2


( a) Flowchart

( b) Pseudocode

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Se le ct ion Logic

( I F…THEN St ruct ure)


I F ( condit ion)

No I F Condit ion

THEN Process 1


Process 1

( a) Flowchart

( b) Pseudocode

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Se le ct ion Logic

( CASE St ruct ure)

Type 1 No Type 2 No

Process 1


Process 2

CASE Type Case Type 1: Case Type 2: Process 1 Process 2

Type n No


Process n Case Type n: ENDCASE Process n

( a) Flowchart ( b) Pseudocode

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I t e r a t ion

( or Loopin g) Logic

Used t o produce loops in program logic when one or m or e inst ruct ions m ay be execut ed several t im es depending on som e condit ions Two popularly used it erat ion logic st ruct ures ar e 1. DO…WHI LE 2. REPEAT…UNTI L


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I t e r a t ion ( or Looping) Logic
( DO…WHI LE St ruct ure)

Condit ion? True Process 1 Block


DO WHI LE Condit ion Process 1 Process n

Process n


( a) Flowchart

( b) Pseudocode

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I t e r a t ion ( or Looping) Logic
( REPEAT…UNTI L St ruct ure)

Process 1

REPEAT Process n Process 1


Process n Condit ion? True ( a) Flowchart ( b) Pseudocode UNTI L Condit ion

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Sa m ple Pse u docode ( for Ex a m ple 6 )
Set Count t o zero Read first st udent record DO WHI LE Sexcode is not equal t o Z I F Sexcode = F THEN Calculat e Percent age I F Percent age = > 45 THEN I F Percent age < 60 THEN Writ e out put dat a Add 1 t o Count ENDI F ENDI F ENDI F Read next st udent record ENDDO Writ e Count St op

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Adva n t a ge s of Pse u docode
§ Convert ing a pseudocode t o a program m ing language is m uch m ore easier t han convert ing a flowchart t o a program m ing language § As com pared t o a flowchart , it is easier t o m odify t he pseudocode of a pr ogram logic when program m odificat ions are necessary § Writ ing of pseudocode involves m uch less t im e and effort t han drawing an equivalent flowchart as it has only a few rules t o follow

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Lim it a t ion s of Pse u docode
§ I n case of pseudocode, a graphic repr esent at ion of program logic is not available § Ther e ar e no st andard r ules t o follow in using pseudocode § Different program m ers use t heir own st yle of w rit ing pseudocode and hence com m unicat ion problem occurs due t o lack of st andardizat ion § For a beginner, it is m or e difficult t o follow t he logic of or w rit e pseudocode, as com pared t o flowchart ing

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Ke y W or ds/ Ph r a se s
§ § § § § § § § § § § § § § § Algorit hm Basic logic st ruct ures Cont rol st ruct ures Flowchart I t erat ion logic Looping logic Micro flowchart Macro flowchart Pseudocode Program Design Language ( PDL) Sequence logic Select ion logic Sent inel value St ruct ured program m ing Trailer record

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Chapt er 12: Com put er Languages

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Com put er Fundam ent als: Pradeep K. Sinha & Pr it ii Sinha Com put er Fundam ent als: Pradeep K. Sinha & Pr it Sinha

Le a r n in g Obj e ct ive s
I n t h is ch a pt e r you w ill le a r n a bou t :
§ Com put er languages or program m ing languages § Three broad cat egories of program m ing languages – m achine, assem bly, and high- level languages § Com m only used program m ing language t ools such as assem bler, com piler, linker, and int erpret er § Concept s of obj ect - orient ed program m ing languages § Som e popular program m ing languages such as FORTRAN, COBOL, BASI C, Pascal, C, C+ + , C# , Java, RPG, LI SP and SNOBOL § Relat ed concept s such as Subprogram , Charact erist ics of a good program m ing language, and fact ors t o consider while select ing a language for coding an applicat ion

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Br oa d Cla ssifica t ion of Com pu t e r La n gu a ge s
§ Machine language § Assem bly language § High- level language

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M a ch in e La n gu a ge
§ Only language of a com put er underst ood by it wit hout using a t ranslat ion program § Nor m ally writ t en as st rings of binary 1s and 0s § Writ t en using decim al digit s if t he circuit ry of t he com put er being used perm it s t his

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A Typica l M a ch in e La n gu a ge I n st r u ct ion For m a t
OPCODE ( operat ion code) OPERAND ( Address/ Locat ion)

§ OPCODE t ells t he com put er which operat ion t o perform from t he inst ruct ion set of t he com put er § OPERAND t ells t he addr ess of t he dat a on which t he operat ion is t o be perfor m ed

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A Sa m ple M a ch in e La n gu a ge Pr ogr a m
001000000000001100111001 001100000000010000100001 011000000000011100101110 101000111111011100101110 000000000000000000000000
I n Binary
( Difficult t o read and underst and)

10001471 14002041 30003456 50773456 00000000
I n Decim al
( Easier t o r ead and underst and)

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Adva n t a ge s & Lim it a t ion s of M a ch in e La n gu a ge
Adv a n t a ge § Can be execut ed v er y fast Lim it a t ion s § § § § Machine Dependent Difficult t o program Err or pr one Difficult t o m odify

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Asse m bly/ Sy m bolic La n gu a ge
Program m ing language t hat overcom es t he lim it at ions of m achine language program m ing by:
§ Using alphanum eric m nem onic codes inst ead of num eric codes for t he inst ruct ions in t he inst ruction set e.g. using ADD inst ead of 1110 ( binary) or 14 ( decim al) for inst ruct ion t o add Allowing st orage locat ions t o be represent ed in form of alphanum eric addresses inst ead of num eric addresses e.g. r epresent ing m em ory locat ions 1000, 1001, and 1002 as FRST, SCND, and ANSR respect ively Providing pseudo- inst ruct ions t hat are used for inst ruct ing the syst em how we want t he program t o be assem bled inside t he com put er’s m em ory e.g. START PROGRAM AT 0000; SET ASI DE AN ADRESS FOR FRST



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Asse m ble r
§ Soft ware t hat t ranslat es as assem bly language program int o an equivalent m achine language program of a com put er
Assem bly language program I nput Assem bler Machine language program

Out put

One- t o- one correspondence ( Source Program ) ( Obj ect Program )

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An Ex a m ple of Asse m bly La n gu a ge Pr ogr a m


Opcode 00 10 14 15 30

M e a ning Halt , used at t he end of pr ogram t o st op Clear and add int o A regist er Add t o t he cont ent s of A regist er Subt ract from t he cont ent s of A regist er St ore A regist er

A subset of t he set of inst ruct ions support ed by a com put er

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An Ex a m ple of Asse m bly La n gu a ge Pr ogr a m

Sam ple assem bly language program for adding t wo num bers and st oring t he result

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An Ex a m ple of Asse m bly La n gu a ge Pr ogr a m
Sym bolic n a m e FRST SCND ANSR M e m or y loca t ion 1000 1001 1002

Mapping t able set up by t he assem bler for t he dat a it em s of t he assem bly language pr ogram

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An Ex a m ple of Asse m bly La n gu a ge Pr ogr a m
M e m or y loca t ion 0000 0001 0002 0003 1000 1001 1002 Con t e nt s Opcode 10 14 30 00 Addr e ss 1000 1001 1002 Clear and add t he num ber st ored at FRST t o A regist er Add t he num ber st ored at SCND t o t he cont ent s of A regist er St ore t he cont ent s of A regist er int o ANSR Halt Com m e n t s

Reser ved for FRST Reser ved for SCND Reser ved for ANSR

Equivalent m achine language program for t he assem bly language pr ogram

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Adva n t a ge s of Asse m bly La n gu a ge Ove r M a ch in e La n gu a ge
§ Easier t o underst and and use § Easier t o locat e and cor r ect err ors § Easier t o m odify § No w or ry about addr esses § Easily relocat able § Efficiency of m achine language

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Lim it a t ion s of Asse m bly La n gu a ge
§ Machine dependent § Knowledge of hardware required § Machine level coding

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Typica l Use s of Asse m bly La n gu a ge
§ Mainly used t oday t o fine- t une im port ant part s of program s w rit t en in a high- level language t o im prove t he program ’s execut ion efficiency

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Asse m bly La n gu a ge s w it h M a cr o I n st r u ct ions
§ Any assem bly language inst ruct ion t hat get s t ranslat ed int o sev eral m achine language inst ruct ions is called a m a cr o in st r u ct ion § Several assem bly languages support such m acr o inst ruct ions t o speed up t he coding process § Assem blers of such assem bly languages are designed t o produce m ult iple m achine language inst ruct ions for each m acro inst ruct ion of t he assem bly language

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H igh - Le ve l La n gu a ge s
§ Machine independent § Do not r equire program m ers t o know anyt hing about t he int ernal st ruct ure of com put er on which high- level language program s will be execut ed § Deal wit h high- level coding, enabling t he program m er s t o writ e inst ruct ions using English words and fam iliar m at hem at ical sym bols and expr essions

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Com pile r
§ Translat or pr ogram ( soft ware) t hat t ranslat es a highlevel language program int o it s equivalent m achine language program § Com piles a set of m achine language inst ruct ions for every pr ogram inst ruct ion in a high- level language

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Com pile r

High- level language program

I nput

Com piler

Out put

Machine language program

( Source Program )

One- t o- m any correspondence ( Obj ect Program )

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Com pile r
Program P1 in high- level language L1 Com piler for language L1

Machine code for P1

Program P2 in high- level language L2

Com piler for language L2

Machine code for P2

A com puter support ing languages L1 and L2 I llust rat ing t he r equirem ent of a separat e com piler for each high- level language support ed by a com put er

(Continued on next slide)

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Com pile r
( Cont inued from previous slide..)

Com piler for language L1 on com puter A

Machine code for P1 t hat will r un on com puter A

Execut ed on com put er A

Program P1 in highlevel language L1

Sam e result s obt ained

Com piler for language L1 on com puter B

Machine code for P1 t hat will r un on com put er B

Execut ed on com put er B

I llust rat ing t he m achine independence charact erist ic of a high- level language. Separate com pilers are required for t he sam e language on different com put ers

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Syn t a x Er r or s
I n addit ion t o doing t ranslat ion j ob, com pilers also aut om at ically det ect and indicat e synt ax er ror s Synt ax er rors ar e t ypically of following t ypes: § I llegal charact ers § I llegal com binat ion of charact ers § I m proper sequencing of inst ruct ions in a program § Use of undefined variable nam es
Not e : A com piler cannot det ect logic errors in a program

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Th e Pr oce ss of Fr om A Sou r ce

Re m ovin g Syn t a x Er r or s Pr ogr a m
START Edit source program Source program Com pile source program

Synt ax errors det ected? Yes


Generate obj ect program Obj ect program STOP

Generate list of coded error m essages

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Lin k e r
§ For a large soft ware, st oring all t he lines of pr ogram code in a single source file will be: – Difficult t o work wit h – Difficult t o deploy m ult iple program m ers t o concurr ent ly work t owar ds it s developm ent – Any change in t he source pr ogram would require t he ent ire source pr ogram t o be recom piled § Hence, a m odular approach is generally adapt ed t o dev elop large soft ware where t he soft ware consist s of m ult iple source pr ogram files § No need t o writ e pr ogram s for som e m odules as it m ight be available in library offering t he sam e funct ionalit y
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Lin k e r
( Cont inued from previous slide..)

§ Each source program file can be independent ly m odified and com piled t o cr eat e a corr esponding obj ect pr ogram file § Linker program ( soft war e) is used t o properly com bine all t he obj ect program files ( m odules) § Creat es t he final execut able program ( load m odule)

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I n t e r pr e t e r
§ I nt erpret er is a high- level language t ranslat or § Tak es one st at em ent of a high- level language program , t ranslat es it int o m achine language inst ruct ions § I m m ediat ely execut es t he result ing m achine language inst ruct ions § Com piler sim ply t ranslat es t he ent ire source program int o an obj ect pr ogram and is not involved in it s execut ion

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Role of a n I n t e r pr e t e r

High- level language program ( Source Program )

I nput

I nt erpret er ( t ranslat es and executes st at em ent - byst at em ent )

Out put

Result of program execut ion

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I n t e r m e dia t e La n gu a ge Com pile r & I n t e r pr e t e r
§ New t ype of com piler and int erpret er com bines t he speed, ease, and cont rol of bot h com piler and int erpret er § Com piler first com piles t he source pr ogram t o an int erm ediat e obj ect program § I nt erm ediat e obj ect program is not a m achine language code but writ t en in an int erm ediat e language t hat is virt ually m achine independent § I nt erpret er t ak es int erm ediat e obj ect pr ogram , convert s it int o m achine language program and execut es it

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Be n e fit s of I n t e r m e dia t e La n gu a ge Com pile r & I n t e r pr e t e r
§ I nt erm ediat e obj ect program is in com piled form and t hus is not original source code, so safer and easier t o share § I nt erm ediat e obj ect program is based on a st andard I nt erm ediat e Definit ion Language ( I DL) § I nt erpret er can be writ t en for any com put er archit ect ure and operat ing syst em providing virt ual m achine environm ent t o t he execut ing program § Newer I nt erpret er com piles int erm ediat e program , in m em ory, int o final host m achine language program and execut es it § This t echnique is called Just - I n- Tim e ( JI T) Com pilat ion

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Adva nt a ge s of H igh- Le ve l La ngua ge s
§ Machine independent § Easier t o learn and use § Fewer err ors during program developm ent § Low er program preparat ion cost § Bet t er docum ent at ion § Easier t o m aint ain

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Lim it a t ions of H igh- Le ve l La ngua ge s
§ Low er ex ecut ion efficiency § Less flexibilit y t o cont rol t he com put er’s CPU, m em ory and regist ers

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Obj e ct - Or ie n t e d Pr ogr a m m in g La n gu a ge s
§ Program m ing languages are used for sim ulat ing realworld problem s on com put ers § Much of t he r eal world is m ade up of obj ect s § Essence of OOP is t o solve a problem by: § I dent ifying t he real- world obj ect s of t he problem § I dent ifying processing r equired of t hem § Creat ing sim ulat ions of obj ect s, processes, and t heir com m unicat ions

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§ St ands for FORm ula TRAN slat ion § Originally developed by John Backus and his t eam at I BM followed by several revisions § St andardized by ANSI as FORTRAN- 77 and FORTRAN- 90 § Designed for solving scient ific & engineering problem s § Orient ed t owards solving problem s of a m at hem at ical nat ure § Popular language am ongst scient ist s and engineer s

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A Sa m ple FORTRAN Pr ogr a m

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§ St ands for COm m on Business Orient ed Language § Originally developed st art ed under Grace Hopper followed by COnfer ence on DAt a SYst em s Languages ( CODASYL) § St andardized by ANSI as COBOL- 74, COBOL- 85, and COBOL- 2002 § Designed for program m ing business dat a processing applicat ions § Designed t o have t he appearance and st ruct ur e of a business report writ t en in English, hence oft en r eferred t o as a self- docum ent ing language

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A Sa m ple COBOL Pr ogr a m
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A Sa m ple COBOL Pr ogr a m
( Cont inued from previous slide..)

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A Sa m ple COBOL Pr ogr a m
( Cont inued from previous slide..)

(Continued on next slide)


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A Sa m ple COBOL Pr ogr a m
( Cont inued from previous slide..)




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§ St ands for Beginners All- purpose Sy m bolic I nst ruct ion Code § Dev eloped by Professor John Kem eny and Thom as Kurt z at Darm out h College in t he Unit ed St at es § St andardized by ANSI as BASI C- 78 § Designed t o be an int eract ive language and t o use an int erpret er inst ead of a com piler § Sim ple t o im plem ent , learn and use language. Hence, it is a widely used language on personal com put ers § Flexible and reasonably powerful language and can be used for bot h business and scient ific applicat ions

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A Sa m ple BASI C Pr ogr a m
5 6 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 REM PROGRAM TO COMPUTE REM THE SUM OF 10 NUMBERS LET S = 0 FOR I = 1 TO 10 READ N LET S = S + N NEXT I PRI NT “ THE SUM OF GI VEN NUMBERS = ” ; S DATA 4, 20, 15, 32, 48 DATA 12, 3, 9, 14, 44 END;

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Pa sca l
§ Nam ed aft er t he fam ous sevent eent h- cent ury French m at hem at ician Blaise Pascal § Developed by Professor Nicklaus Wirt h of Federal I nst it ut e of Technology in Zurich § Encourages program m ers t o writ e well- st ruct ured, m odular program s, inst ills good program pract ices § Recognized as an educat ional language and is used t o t each program m ing t o beginners § Suit able for bot h scient ific & business applicat ions § Has feat ures t o m anipulat e num bers, vect ors, m at rices, st rings, set s, records, files, and list s

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A Sa m ple Pa sca l Pr ogr a m

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§ Dev eloped in 1972 at AT&T’s Bell laborat ories, USA by Dennis Rit chie and Brian Kernighan § St andardized by ANSI and I SO as C89, C90, C99 § High- level program m ing languages ( m ainly m achine independence) wit h t he efficiency of an assem bly language § Language of choice of program m ers for port able syst em s soft war e and com m ercial soft ware packages like OS, com piler, spreadsheet , w ord pr ocessor, and dat abase m anagem ent syst em s

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A Sa m ple C Pr ogr a m
/ * PROGRAM TO COMPUTE THE SUM OF 10 NUMBERS * / / * Direct ives to include st andard library and header * / # include < stdlib.h> # include < stdio.h> / * Main funct ion st art s here * / void m ain ( ) { / * Declarat ion of variables * / float Sum = 0.0, N = 0.0; int Count = 0; for (Count = 0; Count < 10; Count + + ) { print f( “ \ nGive a num ber: ” ) ; scanf( “ % f” , N) ; Sum + = N; } print f( “ THE SUM OF GI VEN NUMBERS = % f” , &Sum ) ; }

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C+ +
§ Nam ed C+ + as + + is increm ent operat or and C language is increm ent ed t o it s next level wit h C+ + § Dev eloped by Bj arne St roust rup at Bell Labs in t he early 1980s § Cont ains all elem ent s of t he basic C language § Expanded t o include num er ous obj ect - orient ed program m ing feat ures § Provides a collect ion of predefined classes, along wit h t he capabilit y of user- defined classes

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Ja va
§ Dev elopm ent st art ed at Sun Microsyst em s in 1991 by a t eam led by Jam es Gosling § Dev eloped t o be sim ilar t o C+ + wit h fewer feat ures t o keep it sim ple and easy t o use § Com piled code is m achine- independent and developed program s are sim ple t o im plem ent and use § Uses j ust - in- t im e com pilat ion § Used in em bedded sy st em s such as hand- held devices, t elephones and VCRs § Com es in t wo variant s – Java Runt im e Engine ( JRE) and Java Soft ware Dev elopm ent Kit ( SDK)

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C# ( C Sh a r p)
§ Obj ect - orient ed program m ing language dev eloped by Anders Hej lsberg and r eleased by Microsoft as part of Microsoft ’s .NET t echnology init iat ive § St andardized by ECMA and I SO § Synt act ically and sem ant ically very close t o C+ + and adopt s various obj ect - orient ed feat ures from bot h C+ + and Java § Com pilers t arget t he Com m on Language I nfrast ruct ure ( CLI ) im plem ent ed by Com m on Language Runt im e ( CLR) of .NET Fram ew or k § CLR pr ovides im port ant ser vices such as, m em ory m anagem ent , except ion handling, and securit y

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§ St ands for Report Progr am Generat or § Dev eloped by I BM t o m eet cust om er r equest s for an easy and econom ic m echanism for producing report s § Designed t o generat e t he out put report s result ing from t he processing of com m on business applicat ions § Easier t o learn and use as com pared t o COBOL § Program m ers use v er y det ailed coding sheet s t o writ e specificat ions about input , calculat ions, and out put

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§ St ands for LI St Pr ocessing § Dev eloped in 1959 by John McCart hy of MI T § Designed t o have feat ur es for m anipulat ing nonnum eric dat a, such as sym bols and st rings of t ext § Due t o it s powerful list processing capabilit y, it is ext ensively used in t he areas of pat t ern recognit ion, art ificial int elligence, and for sim ulat ion of gam es § Funct ional program m ing language in which all com put at ion is accom plished by applying funct ions t o argum ent s

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§ St ands for St riN g Orient ed sy m BOlic Language § Used for non- num eric applicat ions § Powerful st ring m anipulat ion feat ures § Widely used for applicat ions in t he area of t ext processing

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Ch a r a ct e r ist ics of a Good Pr ogr a m m in g La n gu a ge
§ Sim plicit y § Nat uralness § Abst ract ion § Efficiency § St ruct ured Program m ing Support § Com pact ness § Localit y § Ext ensibilit y § Suit abilit y t o it s environm ent

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Fa ct or s for Se le ct in g a La n gu a ge for Codin g a n Applica t ion
§ Nat ure of t he applicat ion § Fam iliarit y wit h t he language § Ease of learning t he language § Availabilit y of program dev elopm ent t ools § Ex ecut ion efficiency § Feat ures of a good pr ogram m ing language

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Su bpr ogr a m
§ Program w rit t en in a m anner t hat it can be brought int o use in ot her program s and used whenev er needed wit hout rewrit ing § Also referred t o as subrout ine, sub- procedur e, or funct ion § Subprogram call st at em ent cont ains t he nam e of t he subprogram followed by a list of param et ers enclosed wit hin a pair of par ent heses § I nt rinsic subprogram s ( also called built - in- funct ions) are t hose pr ovided wit h t he program m ing language § Program m er- writ t en subprogram s ar e writ t en and used as and when t hey ar e needed

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St r u ct u r e of a Su bpr ogr a m
Subprogram nam e Param et er



Subprogram header

Set of inst ruct ions t hat perform t he int ended t ask

Subprogram body

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Flow of Con t r ol in Ca se of Su bpr ogr a m Ca lls
2 3 subprogram body 7 5 subprogram call st at em ent 8 9 next st at em ent 6 4 1 subprogram call st at em ent next st at em ent

subprogram header

A subprogram

Flow of control

A program t hat calls t he subprogram t wice

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Ke y W or ds/ Ph r a se s
§ § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § Assem bler Assem bly language BASI C Built - in funct ion C C+ + C# COBOL Coding Com piler Com put er language FORTRAN Funct ion High- level language Hot Java I nt er pret er I nt r insic subpr ogram I nt er m ediat e com piler and I nt er pret er Java § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § Just - in- t im e com pilat ion Language processor Linker LI SP Load m odule Logic er r or Low- level language Machine language Macro inst ruct ions Obj ect pr ogram Obj ect - or ient ed program m ing Opcode Oper and Pascal Program m er Program m ing Program m ing language Pseudo inst ruct ion RPG Self- docum ent ing language
(Continued on next slide)

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Ke y W or ds/ Ph r a se s
( Cont inued from previous slide..)

§ § § § § § § § §

SNOBOL Source program Sub- procedur e Subprogram Subrout ine Sym bolic language Synt ax er ror Synt ax rules Writ t en subprogram s

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