3 Day Food Intake

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    Approved No Carb Foods Any fish, chicken, beef, pork, and sea food (has to be fresh) All green veggies Eggs Canned tuna Kraft Mayonnaise 10 calorie Jell-O Pork Rinds Zero calorie Pop Coffee - no sugar or creamer Tea - no sugar Some Types Cheese WEIGHT LOSS DIET Weeks 1 &2 1. No Carbs - Except from protein shakes 2. 3 Meals a day + 2 protein shakes (occasional snack) 3. All meats are ok, except process meats(unless it has 0 carbs) 4. All green veggies are ok during

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    Nutritionism In Ballet

    dancers lack proper nutritional guidance and thus turn to extreme calorie restriction, purging, laxative abuse or other disordered behavior to maintain their dancing weight. Adding to the weight issue is the start-and-stop nature of a typical ballet day. Major problems that are very common in ballet is the female athlete triad of under-fueling, poor bone mineral density and irregular menses.Ballerinas who experience frequent stress fractures, dizziness and fatigue are likely to have poor nutrition

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    Noe Seemta Fre Shitani

    COPD Case Study Part 1 Patient name: DH DOB: 7/14 Admit Date: 8/23 Age: 65 Sex: Male Education: Bachelor's degree Occupation: Retired manager of local grocery chain Hours of work: N / A Household members: Wife age 62, well; four adult children not living in the area Ethnic background: Asian American Religious affiliation: Methodist Referring physician: Marie McFarland, MD (pulmonary) Chief complaint: "My husband has had emphysema for many years. He was working in the yard today

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    Health Officer

    Introduction Globally, as well as in developed, industrialized countries, the following groups of people are at highest risk of malnutrition. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the number of people globally who were malnourished stood at 923 million in 2007, an increase of over 80 million since the 1990-92 base period. In 2006, more than 36 million people died of hunger or diseases due to deficiencies in micronutrients; accounted for 58% of the total mortality in the same

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    Community Health

    722-5573 12 1 Community Health C229 ! 9/12/15 1200-1500 ! ! 9/18/15 0800-1200 ! 9/19/15 0800-1300 Farm Fest attended, interviewed farm growers, exhibitors & attendees Valley Natural Foods 13750 Co. Rd. 11 Burnsville, MN 55337 952-891-1212 3 WIC Interviewed Teresa Mabey RN, Clients & survey with community members Western Service Center 14955 Galaxie Avenue Apple Valley, MN 55124 952-891-7570 5 Farmers Market attended, interviewed farm growers

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    Childhood 4-10years - Health Development

    diet. Toddlers have high energy requirements compared to an adult as they are extremely active. As they have a smaller stomach they need more calories & nutrients, it is very important not to give toddlers low fat food too often, as this is not suitable for them, they need foods that are high in fat, to make sure that they get enough energy, alongside the protein, vitamins & minerals, as protein is crucial to ensuring the proper & healthy growth of toddlers, vitamins help with vision,

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    Measuring Fluid Balance

    Nursing Practice Review Fluid balance Keywords: Fluid balance/Input/Output/ Dehydration/Overhydration ●This article has been double-blind peer reviewed Measuring and managing fluid balance In this article... What fluid balance is and how fluid moves around the body Causes and signs and symptoms of dehydration and overhydration How to assess fluid balance, including clinical assessment How to keep an accurate fluid balance chart Author Alison Shepherd is tutor in nursing, department of primary

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    Fad Diets

    look slimmer fast. 2) I believe my secondary audience would be people like myself that just want a diet that works and are looking for new ways to lose weight. Not a quick fix, but a diet that is not very difficult and keeps the weight off. 3) I think the majority of my targeted audience would agree with me, even though the truth hurts. Fad diets are not healthy and are indeed a quick fix. But, people sometimes want to believe otherwise, even though the proof is presented to them. In a

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    Meat vs Vegetarian Debate

    camp for whom vegetarianism and veganism are choices of non-violence towards animals. PETA is the biggest advocate for moral vegetarianism and much alike other followers of this principle, is not too much concerned with the ultimate healthiness of the food choice, as long as it does not involve killings. “Soy sausages and “Fib Ribs to Tofurky jerky and mock lobster” that PETA is citing as its meat alternatives, do not sound too ingredient-friendly. On the other hand, people choosing vegetarian or

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    Optimal Foraging

    propagating their genes, and hence at doing everything else, including finding food and mates. At some point in an animal’s life it may experience starvation, and prolonged starvation can lead to death. By natural selection, the animals that survive are able to pass their genes to the next generation, while the genes from animals that die are eliminated along with their unsuccessful foraging behaviour. Foraging (food seeking) in a patchy environment requires complex decisions, such as where to forage

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