known as Salem’s Village. In The Crucible Arthur Miller shows that people are ignorant and only care about their well being. Arthur Miller shows this through the characteristics of Parris, Abigail, Marry Warren, and the town’s people. The false accusations all started when Reverend Paris questions his niece, Abigail about dancing naked in the woods
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(1953), Abigail Williams is depicted as a metaphorical witch as she lies her way through the literal witch hunt taking place in Salem, Massachusetts. The witch hunt was brought about by Abigail and her shenanigans with her friends as they do things that the Puritans believed were evidence of witchcraft. We learn later in the story that among Abigail’s mistakes is the fact that she was involved in John Proctor’s affair. So when the court begins investigating witchcraft within Salem, Abigail has to
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musical is actually a real-life story adapted from a Singapore transgender person, Abigail, about making a tough decision of being loyal to her true gender. Abigail’s frustration of whether to take the Sex Reassignment Surgery (“SRS” for short) or not was exquisitely presented in the musical, so as to communicate with the audience and encourage them to have an in-depth review about the related issue. Why Abigail hopes to be a female rather than a male? To uncover the underlying reasons, let’s start
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Tituba. After this rumors of witchcraft fill the town. Then the wicked Abigail starts claiming she saw townsfolk consorting with the devil. One of the people she denounces Elizabeth Proctor wife of John Proctor who once had sexual relations with Abigail. Throughout the play Mary Warren appears to be the weak one and at first wants to confess to the activities in the woods, but in Act 2 Mary Warren is believed to be helping Abigail
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that they did not commit. However, John Proctor finally forgives himself after long months of a dwelling over his affair. Originally, John and Elizabeth Proctor hired Abigail Williams as a paid worker for their house. However, John and Abigail participated in an inappropriate relationship, which later then resolved in Abigail leaving their house. People have heard the talks around the town, and people of Salem know that there was something going on with the two. Abigail’s uncle, Reverend Parris
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something wrong, there first instinct is to protect themselves. The examples that I would use are that Abigail destroyed Tituba, Mary Warren destroyed John Proctor, Betty destroyed the old man with the beard, and Abigail also destroyed Elizabeth Proctor. My examples will prove that these girls were selfish and that they would do anything to anyone just to save/protect themselves. Abigail Williams destroyed many people because she wanted to save herself. For example, she destroyed Tituba
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Abigail was 18 when she moved off to college, she was so excited to be starting school and getting out on her own. Abigail was a great student, never went out to parties, all together she was just the girl next door. She and Penelope, a close friend of hers, were renting a nice apartment close to campus. They had talked about moving in together since pre-k and their dreams were finally coming true. Fall break came and the girls went to hang out with some boys from school at a local spot. As time
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accused kept the trials going. The Honest brought about their end. The girls started the witch trials in Salem with their dishonesty and lies. It started when Abigail and Parris talking about, why they (the girls) were dancing in the woods. Then Proctor shows up and Abigail tells him the truth, Betty starts to scream and hale shows up Abigail tells him that Tituba’s a witch. “She sends her spirits on me in church; she makes me laugh at prayers”(Miller 46). In this quote
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When she confessed it triggered something in Abigail to start a whole parade of blaming people. Tituba is the conductor to spinning the handle of the jack in the box. When the handle is done being spun and toy jack pops out of the small wooden box spreading fear through young kids. As like the jack head popping out Abigail and the girls spread fear through Salem. Abigail is a very dauntless young women who is not afraid to lie to get her way. Abigail and her minions (girls) goal was to get Elizabeth
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witchcraft. These accusations were brought by Abigail Williams and several others girls in the community. While the court of Salem tried determining the credibility of these allegations, many questioned the characters of those accused. Arthur Miller was able to depict that the people of Salem had clear Christian reputations that they wanted to uphold and sustain in their society. In Act 1 and throughout the play, Proctor claims that he never had an affair with Abigail. He wanted to maintain his reputation
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