Court Management Pilot Project Executive summary The greatest problem of district courts is that of huge backlog of cases leading to undue delay in deciding cases. Shifting the blame on judicial system only will not cure such problem. Now recently the Hon'ble Chief Justice of India has launched a National Court Management Program. New Methods and New Roles are necessary in the Justice Delivery System which was pleased to addressed by Hon'ble Shri. Justice Mohit S.Shah, Chief Justice
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contractor paid approximately $12,000 in fees to the individual during the referenced period. The petitioner challenged the arbitration award on the basis that the prime contractor failed to disclose this relationship until after the award. The Court of Appeals affirmed the District Court’s refusal to set aside the award (Commonwealth Coatings, 1968). The Court held that arbitrators should disclose any dealings that might create the perception of bias. Since the prime contractor failed to disclose their
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UNIT 1 – DISPUTE SOLVING IN THE LEGAL SYSTEM PASS TASK 1 P1 The Supreme Court | The Court of Appeal Criminal Division | The Crown Court | The Magistrates’ Court | All criminal cases will first go to the Magistrates’ Court. It is unusual for a case to be completed at this first hearing, although it is possible for minor offences to be dealt with at this point. The type of offence that is being dealbananat with affects the number and type
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| Question 16 Discuss the natural justice process in sport tribunals. Should athletes at either domestic or professional level be able to have legal representation? Natural justice process in sport tribunals In sport tribunals as in courts the laws of natural justice are applied to ensure that an accused person is given the right to a fair trial. Healy (2009, 114) confirms this and outlines the laws of natural justice in relation to sport tribunals as “giving the accused person protection
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cases) of these various trial courts, and specifically explain in what trial court(s) in the state you would file specific types of claims. Additionally, I will explain the structure of the appellate courts in California, naming each level of the appeals court. HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF STATE COURTS A State court will differ from all 50 states. If one were to look at the capitols of each state, there of course is a state court in each one. All were made at different times, therefore making each
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Facts: On 13 February 2009, the Commission referred a complaint to the Competition Tribunal of South Africa (Tribunal) for contravention of s 4(1)(b) of the Competition Act. The Commission had initiated an investigation after receiving an application from Rocla for leniency in terms of the Commission’s corporate leniency policy on 7 December 2007 in which Rocla alleged that the above-mentioned firms were members of a cartel. On 18 March 2008, the Commission initiated an investigation and found
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The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit was to determine if the plaintiff, David Dunlap Dunlap, had met the burden of proof that the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) was liable under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by intentionally discriminating against him under both disparate impact and disparate treatment analyses and whether the TVA appeal to the District Court erred in each of these analyses could be legally supported to reverse their decision FindLaw, 2011). David Dunlap
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After completing the research for our assignment for the week 1, I found it be very informative. By learning what the judicial court structure for the state of Georgia is and how each court functions and what each courts responsibility is. Georgia’s Judicial Court system consists of two levels of courts. One level is the Trial –level courts, and the other is the two appellate-level courts. Within the operation of the trial-level courts there are over 350 municipal courts what are operating
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citizens and resident’s at all times. There are tiered levels of the Federal Court System which include: * Trial Court - Beginning * Court of Appeals - Middle * U.S. Supreme Court - Highest Trial Court is where all cases begin. This is where they hear evidence, testimony, and make a ruling. The Court of appeals gives you the right to appeal this decision and the Supreme Court is the last opportunity to have an issue resolved. My State is Pennsylvania and I have discovered interesting
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Court, where the high court order was upheld. Status of the problem On May 1st, 2008, the Supreme court bench consisting of Honourable Justice A.K.Mathur & Altamas Kabir JJ., presented the judgment saying the petioner’s (Bharat Glass Tube) appeal was not found any
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