Agents Of Socialization

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    C13 Change&Innovation

    for change. • Contrast the calm waters and white-water rapids metaphors of change. • Explain Lewin’s three-step model of the change process. Managing Organizational Change • Define organizational change. • Contrast internal and external change agents. • Explain how managers might change structure, technology, and people. © 2007 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. 13–2 L E A R N I N G O U T L I N E (cont’d) Follow this Learning Outline as you read and study this chapter. Managing

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    Impact of Social Institution on People

    set of relationships known as kinship ties“. It is the basic unit within society which ensures continued existence of society - procreation of new generations; it is within the family that sexual activity; child bearing; maintenance, support and socialization of the young are performed. There are a wide variety of family forms in the Caribbean – nuclear, common law, single parent, extended, sibling households, reorganized/blended. The family is the primary unit

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    Media and Government

    the media reports to the people. This particular process of democracy is known and referred to by political scientists as cognitive socialization. However, most people refer to it as a propaganda machine. Numerous political scientists consider cognitive socialization to be the most effective form of political socialization. According to theory, “cognitive socialization is doctored up information which is strategically fragmented in such a manipulative manner, that

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    Intro to Sociology

    Chapter 1 1. What is sociology? The study of people in groups. 2. What is the Sociological Imagination? The ability to see the relationship between individual experiences and the larger society. 3. For what is Auguste Comte known? The father of sociology. French philosopher. 4. When did sociology start? Industrial revolution in Europe. 5. What is Symbolic Interaction? Communication through words and gestures. 6. Who are the founders of Symbolic Interaction? European

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    Psy 428 Week 5 Individual Review of Chapters 1-16

    psychologists collect data most frequently using ____________. a)     survey research b)     one-on-one interviews c)      under-cover agents d)     none of the above 3.  The transitioning process by which a new hire becomes a productive member of an organization is known in organizational psychology as: a)     organizational integration b)     organizational socialization c)      new-hire trauma d)     group cohesion 4.  Which of the following is not true regarding realistic job previews? a)    

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    The Dark Side of Authority

    Journal of Business Ethics (2008) 77:431–449 DOI 10.1007/s10551-007-9358-8 Ó Springer 2007 The Dark Side of Authority: Antecedents, Mechanisms, and Outcomes of Organizational Corruption Ruth V. Aguilera Abhijeet K. Vadera ABSTRACT. Corruption poisons corporations in America and around the world, and has devastating consequences for the entire social fabric. In this article, we focus on organizational corruption, described as the abuse of authority for personal benefit, and draw on Weber’s

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    Gender Stratification

    GENDER STRATIFICATION I. Sex and Gender Sex - the biological differences between men and women Sex Role - behaviors, attitudes and motivations a culture considers appropriate for men and women Sexual Orientation - attraction to members of the opposite, same or both sexes Gender is a set of social and cultural practices that both reflect and reinforce assumptions about differences between men and women Major sociological emphasis - 3 Points 1. Gender is a social institution. Like family

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    Media and Social Inequality

    complex civilization to the point of becoming a commodity for which individuals are willing to pay for. However, this commodity has not been a convenient tool when enhancing social values that promote social equality. In fact, it has become a crucial agent in determining various trends of inequality; being social class discrimination and gender discrimination key aspects that foster those patterns. During 1950s structural functionalism was constantly used in studies of mass media, enabling sociologists

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    Themes in Death of a Salesman: Abandonment

    | Dr. Haim Ginott, a well-known child psychologist once said “Children are like wet cement. Whatever falls on them makes an impression.” An individual of young age is highly susceptible to their environment, especially to the first agent of socialization: family. Without the natural stimuli one gets at a young age from their parents, that allows growth and understanding of norms, people will have difficulty with many human functions that come normally to others. In particular children who

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    Erving Goffman's Expectation Of Gender Roles

    as appropriate for the members of each sex. Gender has to do with culture, and is something that is not natural. Gender is something that we both learn and do. As a result, there is gender role socialization, the process in which we learn about male and female typed roles. Some of which are social agents such as family and the media (Giddens 273). For example, boys may learn how to engage in rambunctious and aggressive play by watching their favorite male WWE fighter on TV. On the other hand, young

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