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Intro to Sociology


Submitted By kcttran
Words 1471
Pages 6
Chapter 1 1. What is sociology?
The study of people in groups. 2. What is the Sociological Imagination?
The ability to see the relationship between individual experiences and the larger society. 3. For what is Auguste Comte known?
The father of sociology. French philosopher. 4. When did sociology start?
Industrial revolution in Europe. 5. What is Symbolic Interaction?
Communication through words and gestures. 6. Who are the founders of Symbolic Interaction?
European Founder: Georg Simmel (German Sociologist)
American Founder: George H. Mead (Amer. Sociologist)

Others – Jane Addams (Amer. Sociologist): Established Hull House
W.E.B. Du Bois (Amer. Sociologist): Founded the 2nd Department of Sociology at Atlanta University
Harriet Martineau (Brit. Social Observer): Chronicled the lives of women and slave in pre-Civil War America 7. Where was the first Department of Sociology in America founded?
University of Chicago. Founded by Albion Small (Amer. Sociologist) 8. What is Functional Analysis?
How the puzzle pieces fit together. 9. Who are the founders of Functional Analysis?
European Founder: Emile Durkheim (French Sociologist). Coined the term anomie.
American Founder: Talcott Parsons (Amer. Sociologist)

Others – Robert King Merton (Amer. Sociologist): Wrote about Manifest & Latent Functions.
Herbert Spencer: “Survival of the fittest.” Theory of General Evolution. 10. What is Conflict Theory?
Haves vs. haves not. 11. Who are the founders of the Conflict Theory?
European Founder: Karl Marx (German philosopher). Discussed the Proletariat (working class) & the Bourgeoisie (capitalist class)

Others – Max Weber (German Social Scientist): Looked at people in terms of wealth, power, and prestige. Wealth: The sum total of all one’s assets Power: The ability to command others Prestige: The esteem

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