Airasia Value Chain

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    Tastecard - International Market Feasibility Study

    0. Current Supply Side (Market Gap) 12-13 6.8. La Four Chette 12 6.9. Groupon – France 12-13 6.0. Market Entry Strategy 14-15 7.10. Entry Strategy 14 7.11. The Value Chain Framework 14-15 7.0. Product Adaptation 16-18 8.0. Pricing Strategy 19-20 9.0. Distribution Options 21 10.0. Promotion and Communications 22 11.12. Social Media Websites

    Words: 5548 - Pages: 23

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    direction in which an organization is moving. It is continuous process that evaluates control the business and industries in which organization is involved. 2. Organization strategy is the strategy that concerned with your business creating a good value in eyes of your customers and making a strong position in the market. It describes the long term outlook for business and defining new technology and economic conditions. It can also be defined as knowledge of the goals, the uncertainty of event and

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    ones can be already giving them. Then I guess the next important thing when it comes to a business model is to estimate the cost structure and profit potential by using the value chain and value proposition identified. Another business model that I will apply to a grocery store is describe the position of the firm with the value network by link suppliers, customers, complementors and competitors. Who will you get your goods from to deliver to your store? Who will be your customers and what competition

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    Critical Analysis

    supermarkets care about these standards from moral point of view but that the compliance is driven by fear of bad press and brand reputation loss as well as consumer marketing opportunities. The piece concentrates on what effect this has on the supply chain in Africa with particular focus on Zambia. The author outlines how appearing transparent and offering full disclosure has translated itself into what supermarket stores look like and into the vegetable packaging. Ethical standards have become a

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    Sector Matrix

    in 1985, Porter’s value chain is a great example to show how much importance firms gave to the supply side of the market in this period. Porter described the value chain as “a set of products and services linked together in a sequence of value adding economic activities”. In other words, it analyses the stages in which a product is created from raw material until it’s finished, each stage adding value to the product. Gereffi’s ‘Global Commodity chains’ uses the old strategy chains and links them with

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    Value Chain Analysis

    Value Chain Analysis M. Porter introduced the generic value chain model in 1985. Value chain represents all the internal activities a firm engages in to produce goods and services. VC is formed of primary activities that add value to the final product directly and support activities that add value indirectly. Michael Porter published the Value Chain Analysis in 1985 as a response to criticism that his Five Forces framework lacked an implementation methodology that bridged the gap between internal

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    Michael Porter Contribution

    activities interact and reinforce one another. In his endeavour to build strategic intent within organisations, Michael Porter is well known for the following contributions in the field of corporate strategy: 1. Generic Strategies 2. Value Chain 3. Competitive Advantage 4. Porter’s Diamond 5. Five Forces Model 1. Porter’s Generic Strategies Porter’s generic strategies is a frameworks used to outline the three major strategic options open to organizations that wish to

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    From Processes to Promise:

    From Processes to Promise: Ivanka Visnjic Business Models Research Lead, Cambridge Service Alliance Assistant Professor, ESADE Business School How complex service providers use business model innovation to deliver sustainable growth Andy Neely Director, Cambridge Service Alliance Founder members: Judge Business School The Cambridge Service Alliance The Cambridge Service Alliance is a unique global partnership between businesses and universities. It brings together the world’s

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    of the agricultural commodities export division, ITC decided to create the eChoupal. 2. Agricultural supply chain was ineffective The second, soybeans comprised the main of ITC’s agricultural export business, but “both the input and output sides of the agricultural supply chain in India were still far from efficient” (Upton and Fuller, 2004, p.2). Traditionally, ITC had a value chain from procuring soybean from farmers and processing the beans, to exporting the soymeal to other countries such

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    International Management

    References Basu, R. 2011. Managing project supply chains. Farnham: Gower. Chang, C. J. and Hwang, N. R. 2002. The effects of country and industry on implementing value chain cost analysis. The International Journal of Accounting, 37 (1), pp. 123--140. Christopher, M. 2011. Logistics & supply chain management. Harlow, England: Financial Times Prentice Hall. Dunning, J. H. 1992. Multinational enterprises and the global economy. Wokingham, England: Addison-Wesley. Dunning, J. H. 2003. Making globalization

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