Art personally to me has different meanings. When I think about Art, I mostly think about nature, graffiti, music, actors, etc. To me art is not only about drawing a picture, but it’s about expressing yourself through different colors, textures, patterns. For example dance could be art, or when the orange/yellow leaves fall from the tree in the month of October could also be art. Like I said before Art is not only about drawing or painting a picture, it is expressing your feelings, and being creative
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Bryan Hurtado Professor Coleman 24 April 2014 Analysis Essay Revolution Of Art On the Bank of the Seine, Bennecourt by the French painter Claude Monet is one of the few great paintings that truly embody Impressionism. Claude Monet painted mainly with oil paints and canvas, using very characteristic small strokes and dabs of paint. Many of his paintings transmit a tranquil, soft feeling to the beholder because of this. He generally didn't use strongly contrasting colors or very strong
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Tessellations: Mathematical Art San Juanita Cramer Southern New Hampshire University The Heart of Mathematics Professor Anca Parrish Abstract This paper discusses the historical background of tessellations, the mathematics of tessellations, and the applications of tessellations in the real world. Tessellations are found everywhere. M.C. Escher is the father of tessellations and his style and examples are discussed as well as the Islamic tessellations. There is an overview of the mathematics
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them as gentleman warriors that practiced ancient martial arts. One of the most known part of their uniforms is the weapon they carry, the Japanese sword. In the culture these pieces of steel were more than just weapons, they were social and religion icons, representing tradition and a way of life. Japanese Swords: Cultural Icons of a Nation; The History, Metallurgy and Iconography of the Samurai Sword makes an attempt to outline the different levels of this iconic tool. The book shows the readers the
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Percy North Art History: Ancient to 1400 Term Paper Assignment Last week I visited the Freer museum in Washington DC. The museum is relatively small so I was able to take my time and look at all the art. The Freer museum is located on the third level of the building and the different rooms flowed well because of the layout of the floor plan. The museum had art from a variety of countries, most from Asia. There were 22 rooms and more than half of it had Japanese and Chinese art. The rest of
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PHOTOGRAPHY. The word photography comes from two ancient Greek words: photo, for "light," and graph, for "drawing." "Drawing with light" is a way of describing photography. When a photograph is made, light or some other form of radiant energy, such as X rays, is used to record a picture of an object or scene on a light-sensitive surface. Early photographs were called sun pictures, because sunlight itself was used to create the image. Mankind has been a maker of images at least since the cave
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Legends and Spirits from Brazil! Legends and Spirits from Brazil! Cap-o-e-ira [kap-oo-air-uh] is a dance form joined martial arts elements, originating in Brazil as a system of physical disciple, movements, energetic, often acrobatic, dance - like style. (“Capoeira”,, 2009) Originally comes from Tupi, referring to areas of low vegetation in the Brazilian spirit. Primarily based around kicking, many movements are carried out while in a handstand position
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Project Art and Architecture Kaplan University Ishmael Andrew Mills Art and Humanities HU: 300-01 Professor Ellie Schamber Tuesday 12, 2012 My unit two project will explore both a piece of architecture and a work of art. I will first begin by locating a piece of architecture that catches my attention then provide a brief detailed explanation of what I see. I will then explain the element of form and function as it relates to the architectural work. Meanwhile I will locate a piece of art work that
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and Renaissance art periods are two of the most important and celebrated art periods in our history. The two periods were alike in many ways with only a few differences setting them apart. In the end, the Renaissance was a “rebirth” of the Classical art style, architecture and beliefs. The Classical period was a time of spectacular architecture, philosophical pondering, and human development; taking place between 500 – 323 BC, Ancient Greece enjoyed wealth and power. The arts, literature, and
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2015 Martha Rosler’s Gender Perspective During the Age of War As a form of art, photography expresses documents, personal visions, and memories that can often define images as very powerful and iconic. In the series Bringing the War Home: House Beautiful (1967-72), Martha Rosler, an American artist specializing in video, performance, installation and photo-text about art and culture, compiles ten photomontages from different magazines in order to convey the controversial issue of war during the
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