Being In Control

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    Decission Analysis Task 3

    Alistair Wu and Angela Down. Using further information obtain via Alistair Wu I set the volume to 1000 sneakers as a starting point. The information shared shows fixed costs for reconditioning is $50,000 with $1,000,000 spent in variable costs being that anticipated expense to 1.5 million dollars. The purchase of new equipment has a fixed expense of $200,000 but the variable costs drop to half that of reconditioning at only $500,000 giving a total cost of $700,000. With outsourcing there is

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    Control Self-Assessment

    Control Self-Assessment Introduction: Management has the responsibility to ensure that effective, sustainable internal controls to keep their areas in line with stated corporate directions, to help it achieve its mission, to minimize surprises and risks, and to allow the organization to successfully deal with change, have been established within their organizations. Internal controls are defined as activities undertaken to increase the likelihood of achieving management objectives in three

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    Client Memo

    Dear Valued Client, In a recent move toward improving company communications pertaining to internal control matters it has been brought to our attention in this effort to provide the best service for clients Statement on Auditing Standards (SAS) No. 112 has been removed and replaced with SAS 115, which is in effect for audits being performed on or after December 15, 2009. Definitions Internal control is the method put into place by a company to be sure the integrity of financial and accounting information

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    Assignment 3 Input Controls input controls are computer controls designed to provide reasonable assurance that transactions are properly authorized before processed by the computer, accurately converted to machine readable form and recorded in the computer, that data files and transactions are not lost, added, duplicated or improperly changed, and that incorrect transactions are rejected, corrected and, if necessary, resubmitted on a timely basis ( The use of input controls should never be overlooked

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    Acct504 Case Study 2

    LJB Company: Internal Controls. This proposal will inform the president of the new internal control requirements necessary if the LJB Company is to go public. This proposal will also inform the president of the already properly functioning internal controls, and the purposed purchase of the indelible ink machine. Finally, this proposal will inform the president as to the internal control measures which are not being taken, and thus inadequately protecting the company from becoming a victim of fraud

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    Sole Proprietorship

    d. Control: The sole proprietorship is control of the business. For example the sole proprietorship set his/her schedule (opening and closing) of business. e. Profit Retention: Sole proprietorship retains on the profit from the business. He/She is able to do whatever with the profits. f. Location: The sole proprietorship chooses where the business will be run at. g. Convenience/Burden: The convenience of being a sole proprietorship is being able to control business

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    Analysis of Advertising and Behaviour Control

    Sunny Johal 3492527  1  Analysis of Advertising and Behaviour Control by Robert L. Arrington    Observation: In his essay, “Advertising and Behaviour Control,” Robert L. Arrington  provides a discussion on the power of advertisements. He attempts to solve whether or not  businesses are acting unethically when advertising. The question raised asks: Do advertisements  lead to a loss of autonomy in humans? Arrington begins his argument by presenting  advertisements that suggest unrealistic outcomes from the use of certain products

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    Gun Control: Good or Bad?

    there has been a controversy between people who want more gun control laws and the people who are against it. Gun control is where the “government policies influence the availability and the use of firearms to the general public or the distinct subsets of the population such as minors, convicted felons, and the mentally ill” (Brian Odom). It has been around for many years and it started with the first comprehensive federal gun law “Gun Control Act of 1968(GCA)” which enacted in response to the racial

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    2nd Amendment

    issue that is being debated is whether our government has the right to regulate guns. The answer of who has which rights lies within how one interprets the Second Amendment. With this being the case, one must also think about what circumstances the Framers were under when this Amendment was written. There are two major sides to this debate, one being the collective side, which feels that the right was given for collective purposes only. This side is in favor of having stricter gun control laws, as they

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    Gun Control Pros And Cons

    Gun control is tricky but if one thing is obvious is that it does not stop shootings. Gun control will not contribute to stopping mass shootings for many reasons. This is due to a variety of reasons including misinformation, lack of focus on daily gun violence and the mentally ill not receiving proper treatment. Misinformation is a huge problem when it comes to gun control or just guns. It can lead to lousy laws being passed and a misinformed public. In the article I used to think gun control was

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