Durable Competitive Advantage Anything that prevents a business’ extraordinary return on capital from being whittled down to mediocrity by the ravages of competition. Where a business enjoys a durable competitive advantage it is said to have a franchise. Sometimes, a business will have a durable competitive advantage without earning an extraordinary return on capital in the aggregate. In a few cases, a business will have a durable competitive advantage without earning an extraordinary return
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Buffett, 1995 一、個案簡介 1995 年 8 月 25 日,Berkshire Hathaway 公司的執行長華倫˙巴菲特將收購 GEICO 公司尚未取得的 49.6%股權,並以高於市價 26%,每股 70 美元的價格溢 價收購,震驚市場。雖無法證明此項收購案對 Berkshire Hathaway 有任何實質 上的貢獻,但其股價立刻上揚,市值也顯著增加。 關於華倫˙巴菲特 一位名聲顯赫的投資奇才,締造出有史以來最佳的投資績效(1965~1994 平 均報酬率為 28%)。一旦投資錯誤便迅速對外承認,和作為一位優秀的執行長, 其低調和不凡的風範獲得許多人的愛戴。在哥倫比亞大學就讀碩士期間,發展出 一套價值投資法的哲學,不同於一般商管學校所教授的財務投資理論,並是他能 夠獲得非凡成就的主因。 巴菲特的投資哲學 價值投資法的基礎在於尋找出價值被低估的股票,巴菲特在哥倫比亞大學時 期首次接觸到這個概念,備將此法予以調整,把其他市場未明確給定價值的各項 因素皆包括進價值評估範圍內,如經銷權、品牌資產等。 Berkshire Hathaway 公司形容自身為“一間擁有多元化業務分支機構的控股公司”,涵蓋的業務群
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Marketing The slogan "More saving. More doing." was introduced by The Home Depot in the March 18, 2009 circular, replacing "You can do it. We can help." which had been used since 2003. Other slogans used in the past 25 years include "The Home Depot, Low prices are just the beginning" in the early 1990s and "When you're at the Home Depot, You'll feel right at home" in the late 1990s and "The Home Depot: First In Home Improvement!" from 1999-2003 RISK FACTORS BEHIND CORPORATE FAILURE 1 LACK OF
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GEICO’s intrinsic value was larger than purchase value, Berkshire Hathaway’s intrinsic value increased, so the stock price went up. The $718 gain in Berkshire’s market value implied that investors thought that: GEICO was underestimated, Berkshire bought it with a cheap price. C) Total dividend is much larger than purchase price. In all, it is a super good investment. (3) About early investment in GEICO: (4) Convertible preferred stocks: A) Interest rates are very high (compare to
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Warren Buffet Warren Buffet was born on August 30, 1930. He is one of the most financially and personally successful businessmen of our time. He is the Chief Executive Officer of Berkshire Hathaway, a multinational conglomerate holding company, which is based with it;s headquarters in Omaha, Nebraska; Buffett's hometown. His net worth is around $60 billion, and increases with every passing minute. I chose to write about Warren Buffett because he is a person I have always been quite
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Case 1: Warren Buffett 1995 Question 1: Warren Buffett's (Buffett) track record as a value investor and sheer financial strength has earned him an incredibly valuable reputation within the financial industry. Being an anomaly in the investment world; when he talks – the market follows. This is noticeably seen in the increase in equity of $718 million. ------------------------------------------------- Question 2: GEICO Outstanding shares April 30, 1995: 67.89 million, of which 34.22
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handling of an administrative situation. On August 25, 1995, Warren Buffett, the CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, announced that his firm would acquire the 49.6 percent of GEICO Corporation that it did not already own. The $2.3 billion deal would give GEICO shareholders $70.00 per share, up from the $55.75 per share market price before the announcement. Observers were astonished at the 26 percent premium that Berkshire Hathaway would pay, particularly since Buffett proposed to change nothing about GEICO
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the acquisition of PacifiCorp increased Berkshire Hathaway’s intrinsic value. Buffett has a very unique way of measuring intrinsic value that would make it slightly more difficult to determine if this acquisition did, in fact, make Berkshire Hathaway more profitable. According to Warren Buffett, intrinsic value is “per-share progress”. Buffett assessed intrinsic value as the present value of future expected performance. For historical reference, Berkshire Hathaway has been outperforming the market
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in Corp Finance 01/31/2015 Warren Buffet Case This case study talks about Warren Buffets’s Berkshire Hathaway company; initially, it discuses regarding the possible meaning of the alters in stock price for Berkshire Hathaway and Scottish Power plc on the day of the acquisition announcement is for the reason to the truth that the deal formed value for both consumers and suppliers; In addition, Berkshire was extra expanded subsequent to the acquisition. The $2.55 billion gain in Berkshire’s market
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Warren Buffett, 2005 Executive Summary On May 24, 2005, Berkshire Hathaway Inc. chief executive officer Warren Buffett announced the acquisition of PacifiCorp by MidAmerican Energy Holdings Company, a subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway Inc., for about $9.4 billion in cash, liabilities, and preferred stock. The announcement led to a market value gain of $2.55 billion . Buffett was a well respected businessman with a successful investment philosophy. His philosophy included accounting with economic
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