have you thought that the reason why companies not just simply distribute membership cards to the public? One of the reasons is that companies want to collect detail personal information of each of individual customers. Companies then can utilize the data internally in the light of customer analyzing, marketing strategies developing or even business forecasting. Let’s consider an insurance company as an example. If a father wants to buy a juvenile saving insurance plan for his child, he needs to provide
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BIG DATA Summary: This article focuses on the power and effect big data has to drive and change the business performance of organizations. In this digital world there is a lot of data (1000 gigabytes, petabytes etc.) available in .organizations coming from multiple sources which can be used to make radical changes in the way the organization makes decisions, turning a million dollar business into a billion dollar one. This is potential this Big Data brings to the market. The fact that big data
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Techniques Tools Applications Literature ◦ What is Big data? ◦ Why Big-Data? ◦ When Big-Data is really a problem? ‘Big-data’ is similar to ‘Small-data’, but bigger …but having data bigger consequently requires different approaches: …to solve: ◦ techniques, tools & architectures ◦ New problems… ◦ …and old problems in a better way. From “Understanding Big Data” by IBM Big-Data Key enablers for the growth of “Big Data” are: ◦ Increase of storage capacities ◦ Increase
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Opportunities with Big Data A community white paper developed by leading researchers across the United States Executive Summary The promise of data-‐driven decision-‐making is now being recognized broadly, and there is growing enthusiasm for the notion of ``Big Data.’’ While
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household jargon with more people using it either in their personal life (storing multi-media contents or streaming music etc.) or in professional environments (cloud data centers in various corporate operations). This case study takes a brief look into how Volvo took advantage of this technology to create value. Also, related issues with how data and information is utilized in this company are discussed as well. Integrating cloud infrastructure Understanding cloud technology is important to understand
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1 UNDERSTANDING HOW BIG DATA AND CROWD MOVEMENTS WILL SHAPE THE CITIES OF TOMORROW Andrew Leeson Pablo Alvarez Samya Ghosh AECOM UK 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 A brief history of crowd modelling. From direct observations to simulation In 1895, the French social psychologist Gustave Le Bon wrote “The age we are about to enter, will truly be the Era of crowds” in his book “The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind” (Psychologie des Foules in French). If we take the 8am train to go to work, if
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赛迪译丛 同步跟踪国外工业和信息化最新动向 2012 年 6 月 18 日 第 25 期 总第 57 期 内部资料 大数据:下一个创新、竞争和生产力的前沿 【译者按】 为深入了解大数据技术特点,更好把握大数据应用的 发展趋势,继上期刊登美国总统办事机构今年 4 月公布的《美国联邦 政府大数据研发计划》之后,本期《赛迪译丛》特别刊载由世界著名 咨询机构麦肯锡公司于 2011 年 5 月发布的《大数据:下一个创新、竞 争和生产力的前沿》报告。作为从经济和商业维度诠释大数据发展潜 力的第一份专题研究成果,该报告系统阐述了大数据概念,详细列举 了大数据的核心技术,深入分析了大数据在不同行业的应用,明确提 出了政府和企业决策者应对大数据发展的策略。 赛迪智库软件与信息 服务业研究所对这份专题报告进行了编译, 希望能为我国政府相关部 门提供决策参考。 ‐ 1 ‐ 麦肯锡认为, “大数据”是指其大小超出了典型数据 库软件的采集、储存、管理和分析等能力的数据集。该定 义有两方面内涵:一是符合大数据标准的数据集大小是变 化的,会随着时间推移、技术进步而增长;二是不同部门 符合大数据标准的数据集大小会存在差别。目前,大数据
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out to create a new Data analytics department called Luminar to utilize and profit from information gathered about the Hispanic core customership. The first segment argues whether and how Luminar is able to create value by implementing Big Data analysis. Consequently, this paper tries to clarify whether the obtained advantage can indeed be of a sustainable nature and thus allow for an independent and successful department within the Entravision construct. Furthermore, the data gathering capabilities
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As computers are being used more and more in education, there will be soon no role for teachers in the classroom. Discuss. Rightly called the technology age, technology has changed the world around us far beyond our imaginations. It has made education convenient, by providing affordability, accessibility and flexibility. However I feel that computers shall not replace teachers in classrooms and I shall explain the reasons for them in this essay. Coursera, a new initiative aimed at providing specialized
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since the value of an attribute may be changed or corrected. . The three most basic CONSTRUCTORS are ATOM, STRUCT (or tuple), and COLLECTION. . One type constructor has been called the atom constructor. This includes the basic built-in data types of the object model, which are
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