Blue Nile

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    My preferred color is blue. This color is known to be spiritual, insightful, patient and accepting. This color has a very nurturing side and is very Intune with other people and what they are feeling instead of what they are saying. I would describe this color as being gifted with connecting with people on a deeper level. Many people that are creative with vivid imaginations are most likely blue. This color is a true romantic and follow their heart. I would say I fit in this color in every aspect

    Words: 337 - Pages: 2

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    Rock and Pop

    -Cover version phenomena – 1952-56. A black record would cross over from R&B charts, and a major record label would do a cover to eliminate the original version. Major record labels trying to control the popular music. -Was this practice racist? -Allan Freid white disc jockey played black music on white radio in 1951 – white kids listening to black music, transculturation Arc –         1948 black radio -          Music becomes increasingly more popular over the next 10 years, Allan Freid

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    Rock Music

    gospel music, the blues, country-and-western music, classical music (see Music, Western), folk music, electronic music, and the popular music of Asia, Africa, and Latin America (see Worldbeat). In addition to its use as a broad designation, the term rock music commonly refers to music styles after 1959 predominantly influenced by white musicians. Other major rock-music styles include rock and roll (also known as rock 'n' roll), the first genre of the music; and rhythm-and-blues music (R&B), influenced

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    Jazz and Heavy Metal

    beginning. Its influence on society and politics is unquestionable, and even more so when it comes to its impact on the musical world. If traced back to its origin, one can see that jazz has developed substantially starting from the early country blues and emerging onward to genres such as Dixieland, swing, bebop, cool, hard bop, and free/avant-garde. And like many musical genres, jazz has continued growing within the last few decades, fusing and incorporating musical aspects such as rock ‘n roll

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    Women in Music

    Read the article “Black Music Critics and the Classic Blues Singer” by Phillip McGuire and answer the following discussion questions: 1. Why were the Blues considered “distasteful” by society? Blues was considered “distasteful” by society because there were so many people going around preaching and brainwashing the public. They wanted people to believe that blues was crude, barbaric, vulgar, suggestive, and a music form that should

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    Place by the Ocean

    intense rays of light exhibited from the sun. He reaches for the sunglasses on top of his head to shield his eyes as he continues gallop down the beach. As the run comes to an end, he is saturated in sweat and likely to dive right into clear cerulean Blue Ocean. He flings his sunglasses into the sand and sprints into the water like a lifeguard saving child, he is immediately refreshed by the warm ocean water. The ambient temperature begins to rise outside, the sand is no longer tranquil and soothing

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    The History of Reggae and Jazz

    the Mardi gras also at funerals. In 1940 they began to broadcast the music over the radio when the music was played people found themselves dancing, clapping, and singing to the musical sounds being played. Jazz is considered to be a mixture of blues and marching band music when it first started out it was played by african americans and creole. When jazz hit the music charts and became more popular the europeon and african culture got together and presented a new sound for jazz to make it even

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    Smith Analysis

    BESSIE SMITH 1894 – 1937 Bessie Smith, known as “Empress of the Blues”, was born on April 15 1894 in Chattanooga, Tennessee. She was one of seven children to a part-time Baptist preacher and his wife. However, by the time Bessie was nine years old both of her parents were dead. Bessie and her brother Andrew were already singing on the streets of Chattanooga for spare change. Bessie’s older brother Clarence had joined a travelling vaudeville1 show as a comedian and dancer and in 1912

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    Observational Study

    MAIN OBSERVATION: * There were flowers and greeters at the entrance. * At the right side of the entrance, there were shopping carts. * The most expensive versions of items are at eye level while bulk options are at the bottom. * Items that are not on sale are arranged to look like they are on sale which is placed at the end of the isle with the large sign. * There usually isn’t a section where inexpensive items are placed all together. * Restrooms are placed far from

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    Cleaning Pennies

    Investigative Question Write your experiment question here. A good experiment question format is: What is the effect of liquid on greenish-blue pennies? The effect of orange juice cleaned the pennies and took the dirt off and the effect of vinegar on the pennies seems to rust and form a black hard substance on the pennies in trial three after 24 hours. How does the liquid affect the pennies? I will say that the effect of these both liquids had the acidic effect as describe in the research.

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