...Music in today’s culture has expanded into many different types of genres. There is jazz, pop, culture swing, gospel, bluegrass classical, contemporary, indie, rock-n-roll, opera, Latino, the list goes on. In the different genres music there are also different sub-genres. For instance in classical music there are different types of classical music, for example the waltz, and also ragtime music. In the Gospel genre there are southern gospel, sacred gospel, contemporary gospel, Christian, hymns, etc… Music has always been a part of different cultures throughout history and around the world. Jazz music was started in Africa, yet developed in Europe, thus giving us the well-known genre of jazz music. According to Wikipedia, a cultures music...
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...was written during this time. In 1897 different composers give birth to America’s popular music industry, ending reliance on Europe. The turn of the century arrived and there was a period of excitement for the American Music Scene. During this time the “Western” musical genre spreads throughout western states and featured steel guitars and singing cowboys (Johnson, 2007). The Blues were also created during this time by ex-slaves that sang work songs filled with irony, imagery and love, offering relief from the tensions in their lives. Jazz was also developed in the 1900s in New Orleans brothels and honky-tonk bars and was based on Mississippi River boat music. Music also played a major part on the stage during this time with musicals opening in many theaters. First there was Vaudeville and Burlesque, then the Broadway Musical. Big bands were also very popular from 1935-1947 and while not considered “jazz”, these bands often used jazz arrangements. Many...
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...Music Of Thailand Music of Thailand The music of Thailand reflects its geographic position at the intersection of China and India, and reflects trade routes that have historically included Persia, Africa, Greece and Rome. Thai musical instruments are varied and reflect ancient influence from far afield - including the klong thap and khim (Persian origin), the jakhe (Indian origin), the klong jin(Chinese origin), and the klong kaek (Indonesian origin). Though Thailand was never colonized by colonial powers, pop music and other forms of modern Asian, European and American music have become extremely influential. The two most popular styles of traditional Thai music are luk thung and mor lam; the latter in particular has close affinities with the Music of Laos. Classical music Thai classical music is synonymous with those stylized court ensembles and repertoires that emerged in its present form within the royal centers of Central Thailand some 800 years ago. These ensembles, while being deeply influenced by Khmer and even older practices and repertoires from India, are today uniquely Thai expressions. Traditional Thai classical repertoire is anonymous, handed down through an oral tradition of performance in which the names of composers (if, indeed, pieces were historically created by single authors) are not known. However, since the beginning of the modern Bangkok period, composers' names have been known and, since around the turn of the century, many...
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...Kendall, Scott A. Instructor Rory Lukins Composition and Language 10/23/2012 Classifications of Rock and Roll Music It is said that music makes the world go round. That is a very true fact. If there was no music the world would be a much lonelier, quieter and boring place to live. Music fills our lives with happiness and sadness. Sometimes it makes us mad. Sometimes it makes us want to dance. It has been around since the invention of man. The love of music starts at a very young age and continues into adulthood and old age. Whatever type of music you listen to is your choice. There are many types of music to choose from. There is Country & Western, Rhythm & Blues, Rap and Hip Hop. There is Jazz and Big Band style music. And lastly but by far not the least is Rock & Roll. Everywhere you go you can hear these types of music. You can hear it in the local shopping malls as background music, and in the churches being sung by the choir or the congregation. You can hear it on your radio at your home or in your car. You can even hear it at your favorite night club being played on a juke box or by a live band. The style of music I listen to is Rock & Roll; therefore, it is what I will be talking about in this essay. Rock & Roll got its start in the 1950’s. It is comprised of Country & Western, and Rhythm & Blues, but played at a much faster upbeat tempo. It was made popular by people like Chuck Berry, Jerry Lee...
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...water, as fetuses. When we are born, we are 90% water, and by the time we reach adulthood we are down to 70%. If we die of old age, we will probably be about 50% water. In other words, throughout our lives we exist mostly as water. From a physical perspective, humans are water. When I realized this and started to look at the world from this perspective, I began to see things in a whole new way.” (Emoto 2004) Studies behind Hidden Messages in Water Dr. Masaru Emoto started his studies of molecular structure of water by freezing and looking at the crystal. He used different kind of water: tap, natural and distilled. He exposed distilled water to classical music and metal music. He claimed, “All the classical music that we exposed the water to resulted in well-formed...
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...History of Rock and Roll Who invented rock and roll? Well, the answer is nobody. Rock music is the innovation and evolution of many different types of music from a wide variety of groups of people. No one planned rock and roll, and it took over a great deal of American culture and revolutionized popular music. Rock and roll was influenced by African American music as well as white American styles. Since the introduction of minstrel shows in America in 1840, people have created and developed many other kinds of music. Mostly originated from African Americans, swing, blues, and jazz music was an early beginning to rock music. Many musical qualities were brought with African slaves into America. Some of the qualities include improvisation, “call and response” singing, and a dynamic rhythm. They created spiritual music and blues, which later evolved into what we know today as gospel music and “rhythm and blues.” White American music is based on of folk-style songs, mostly ballads in small bands of musical instruments. At the start of the 20th century, these folk style songs became referred to as hillbilly music. The transition to country-western music began with singers like Jimmie Rodgers and Gene Autry. After World War II, soldiers returning home wanted to feel at home again. This started the era of playing music on the radio, with programs such as Grand Ole Opry, which still runs today. This genre of music used guitars, Hawaiian guitar and drums on occasion to create a new...
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...aware that there are major differences between musical platforms, even though some may sound similar with each other. For example, rock, punk-rock, and heavy metal can sound similar with each other to some pepople, but to the well trained ear there can be drastic differences! For instance, the way a guitar is tuned, the length of a note that is picked, tone of voice, how words are used, etc, are some of many changes made to each genre. The same can be said about many other musical genres, but the musical platforms that I choose to compare and contrast are Hip-Hop and Rhythm & Blues (R&B). The musical layout of Hip-Hop and R&B has come a long way. People that do not listen to these genres regularly, may wave them off as having the same sound, and just think that of it as the same type of music. If you are familiar with Jazz and Blues, you can notice that the structure of Hip-Hop and R&B is based off of them. If you were to let someone who is familiar hear an example or a small “cut” of these types of music, they would immediately be able to tell apart which is which. R&B and Hip-Hop can be considered as cultural inhabitants within themselves, being that a large amount of people mainly to each and or both. One of the ways that the differences may seem subtle is that modern R&B molds from classical jazz and blues, and Hip-Hop is primarily molded from R&B. The musical tone, lyrical content, and sometimes the drums & musical “beat” can usually...
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...While lesser-known than its higher register relatives, the double bass is a member of the string orchestra. Towering at 75 inches, a full-size double bass is capable of producing a dark, heavy and weighted tone. Its sound capability along with its sheer size beg the question—how did the bass get to its current status? Through what trial and error did it develop its tone and shape? By examining the correct nomenclature, the role of the bass in early baroque orchestras, two inventions that radicalized bass playing, attempts at varying the number of strings, and its role in jazz, it is clear that the bass has filled a critical role in the string orchestra. Classifying the double bass as a part of the violin or viola families has been tricky....
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...Throughout the 1920’s jazz music was a defining aspect of American culture; it also had a huge effect on society.. People of the time saw either playing or listening to jazz as a way to feel free or even escape from their daily lives. With the social changes going on in the 20’s, like the parties and the way people behaved, jazz fit right in with the changing times. Many jazz enthusiasts will argue that you are born with a love of jazz (Jazz History: The Standards). Like Louis Armstrong once said, "if you have to ask what jazz is, you'll never know" (Music with Ease > Jazz Quotes). In conjunction with the roaring twenties, jazz made it to the top and became widely known across the United States, and even some parts of Britain, making it a worldwide movement. It came very popular with people who wanted to get away from their normal lives and escape into the swing of jazz. Novelist F Scott...
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...expressive tone. Later styles of heavy rock music in the 1990s, such as grunge, the typical example being Seattle's Nirvana, show influences of heavy metal but are typically not labelled sub-genres of heavy metal, as opposed to thrash metal and glam metal. The general absence of virtuosic guitar solos is perhaps one reason grunge bands haven't been considered heavy metal bands. Another key artist during this time was Megadeth, which combined the relentless, speedy thrash metal riffs with the fancy guitar soloing of speed metal like Judas Priest. Rock-n-Roll has never just been music. Heavy metal, Rhythm & Blues, Art Rock, New Wave, and the rest may be primary styles or genres but as sub-categories of rock, or rockin’ roll they do not cumulatively add up to the whole. Rock n’ Roll is a movement, a lifestyle, in many ways a belief system and all that Rock n Roll is today it owes to history: two years, no more than three when the fabric of American popular culture was torn apart and rewoven, and a new era explosively began. Rock n Roll started with slavery. To understand we must understand what slavery was and where it left the sons and daughters of African who knew nothing of European rods of American culture. Every society has its indigenous music, which serves as entertainment, story teller, and accompaniment to Ritual and Ceremony. It is not nearly sufficient to identify black musical heritage from slave work songs through Rag Time, Blues, Jazz, Gospel,...
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...History of Jazz Music | | | Inemesit Inyang Crump | 4/27/2012 | | In the world we live in today there many different types of music that comes from all types of people, countries and origins. Rock, blues, neo-soul, classical, hip-hop, techno and even heavy metal are just brief descriptions of the many genres of music. One genre of music that is most popularly known worldwide is Jazz. Jazz is one of the most historical forms of music in America, contributing to several cultural achievements and society. The history of jazz has an extensive timeline of history dating back to the early 1700’s and 1800’s which is also known as the slave era and the ragtime era. This unique form art has helped to unite people of all races, regions and national boundaries. Even though it is a form of entertainment, it has been used to widely voice sentiments on slavery, freedom, creativity, and American character both in the United States and also overseas. Jazz music consists of many forms such as European, ragtime, modal, afro-cuban jazz, fusion and many more. While many people argue that Jazz is not one of their favorite forms of music, it has been proven that it is one of the longest lasting forms of music dating back over 100 years. Jazz was born to African Americans, which were predominantly slaves. These African Americans attempted to express their culture and feelings using instruments to give other cultures an idea of their personalities. Even though Jazz is a descendant...
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...Initial Activity Assessment _____________ ______ Name: Med record # Sex: M F DOB: _______________ Birthplace: __________________________________________ Marital Status: M W S D Family Info: # of children ____ # of grandchildren ____ # of great grandchildren: ____ # of step-children:____ # step-grand:_____ Significant other:____________________________ Res. Relationship with family: _______________ Registered voter:__________ Veteran: _____ Branch & date: ________________ Spouse in service: ____ Branch & date: ________________________________ Religious affiliation: _________________________ Personal Involvement: _____________________________________________ Education level: ____________________________Ability to read: _____ Ability to write: _____ Other Language:______________ Past occupations & jobs: ____________________________________________________________ __________________________ Organizational involvement: ____________________________________________________________ _______________________ ____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Hand dominance: Left Right Tobacco user: ______ Kind: _______________ How much: _________________ When last used: ___________________________ Alcohol user: ______ Kind: _______________ How much: _________________ When last used: ___________________________ Interest Survey Games Bingo Checkers Chess Backgammon Dominoes Monopoly Scrabble Yahtzee _____________ _____________...
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...objetivo de evitar un uso excesivo de líneas adicionales en el pentagrama. Como la guitarra eléctrica, el bajo eléctrico necesita ser conectado a un amplificador para emitir sonidos. Desde la década de 1950, el bajo eléctrico ha reemplazado progresivamente al contrabajo en la música popular como el instrumento de la sección rítmica que se ocupa de las líneas de bajo.2 Aunque éstas varían notablemente en función del estilo de música, el bajista cumple una función similar con independencia del estilo de que se trate: establecer el marco armónico y marcar el tiempo o pulso rítmico.nota 3 El bajo eléctrico se usa como instrumento de acompañamiento o como instrumento solista en estilos de música diversos, incluyendo el rock, el heavy metal, el pop, el blues, el jazz, la música latina, el reggae, el funk o el flamenco.3 Bajo eléctrico Clasificación Instrumento de cuerda pulsada Tesitura Contenido 1 Historia 1.1 Década de 1930 1.2 Las décadas de 1950 y 1960 1.3 La década de 1970 1.4 De 1980 en adelante 2 Consideraciones de diseño 2.1 Elementos 2.2 Materiales y diseño de construcción 2.3 Bajos con y sin trastes 2.4 Cuerdas, afinación y registro 2.4.1 Bajos de rango extendido 2.4.2 Afinaciones alternativas e instrumentos de cuerdas dobles o triples 2.5 Pastillas (micrófonos) y...
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...History and Analysis in Popular Music:1 Prof. Francis Amora Music of the Philippines: Traditional music:Main article: Filipino folk music Philippine gong music can be divided into two types: the flat gong commonly known as gangsa and played by the groups in the Cordillera region of the bossed gongs played among the Islam and animist groups in the Southern Philippines. Kulintang refers to a racked gong chime instrument played in the southern islands of the Philippines, along with its varied accompanying ensembles. Different groups have different ways of playing the kulintang. Two major groups seem to stand-out in kulintang music. These are the Maguindanaon and the Maranaw. The kulintang instrument itself could be traced to either the introduction of gongs to Southeast Asia from China from before the 10th century CE, or more likely, to the introduction of bossed gong chimes from Java in the 15th century. Nevertheless the kulintang ensemble is the most advanced form of music from before the late 16th century and the legacy of hispanization in the Philippine archipelago. The tradition of kulintang ensemble music itself is a regional one, predating the establishing of borders between the Philippines, Indonesia and Malaysia. It transcends religion, with animist and Christian ethnic groups in Borneo, Flores and Sulawesi playing kulintangan; and Muslim groups playing the same genre of music in Mindanao, Palawan and the Sulu archipelago. It is distantly related to the Gamelan...
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...1959 predominantly influenced by white musicians. Other major rock-music styles include rock and roll (also known as rock 'n' roll), the first genre of the music; and rhythm-and-blues music (R&B), influenced mainly by black American musicians (see African American Music). Each of these major genres encompasses a variety of substyles, such as heavy metal, punk, alternative, and grunge. While innovations in rock music have often occurred in regional centers—such as New York City; Kingston, Jamaica; and Liverpool, England—the influence of rock music is now felt worldwide. II Musical Elements The central musical instrument in most kinds of rock music is the electric guitar. Important figures in the history of this instrument include jazz musician Charlie Christian, who in the late 1930s was one of the first to play the amplified guitar as a solo instrument; Other instruments commonly used in rock music include the electric bass guitar keyboard instruments such as the electric piano, organ, and synthesizer; and the drum set, an Instruments that play important roles in certain rock-music genres include the saxophone—prominent in jazz-rock and soul music—and a wide assortment of traditional instruments used in worldbeat music. The microphone also functions as a musical instrument for many rock...
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