Blue Nile

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    The Eighties Analysis

    The Eighties Pitchfork put it best when they wrote an article about the top 100 albums of the eighties. The opening paragraph of the article says the following: “It is to the vision and perseverance of many of these artists that we owe the roots of hip-hop, synth-pop, and most notably for this publication, alternative and indie rock. Respect is due.” The Eighties brought a lot to the table, and affected music for a number of decades due to its influence on artists in the following years. For one

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    Remus John Lupin's The Awakening

    Remus John Lupin had a problem. It was not a small problem, either. True, it wasn’t quite on the same level as what James so eloquently described as his “furry little problem” but it was still a major issue. In approximately thirty eight minutes (not that he was counting), he had a date. With a girl. Splashing some cold water onto his face in a vague attempt to calm his nerves, he stepped out of his bathroom into the dormitory, where his friends were waiting. “Do I look ok? I really wasn’t sure

    Words: 720 - Pages: 3

  • Premium Essay

    How Did Miles Move?

    Adderley the alto saxophonist and James Cobb on the drums. Although not danceable, this song sets a nice, relaxing tone that soothes every part of your body throughout its long lasting nine and a half minutes. This song is taken from the album "Kind of Blue" mentioned earlier. Towards the end of the tune I noticed that he began to play a familiar tune comforting to the ear. As we move on the next tune is short, compared to the others, and goes by the title of Round Midnight. It begins with a very

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  • Premium Essay

    Graduation Speech: We Re An African-American

    We’re an African-American, broad-shouldered, lusty kid. Our name is Chris P Bacon, but we refer to ourselves as ‘we’ instead of ‘I’ so our texts look a bit funny. We have dissociative identity disorder. The reason we have this particular disorder is because we had abusive parents that we have anxiety and flashbacks about. We now live with our adoptive parents, Sizz Lin Bacon and Eddie Bul Bacon. We know how to control our disorder, but we still get bullied frequently. We go to St Vincent – Mary High

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  • Premium Essay

    How To Describe Harlingen

    If you were to drive through Harlingen, Texas, you would probably think to yourself, “Man… what a depressing place…” You would notice the trash on the side of the road, the dilapidated antique stores, and you would certainly notice that there's a pawn shop on the corner of every street (along with some sort of loan establishment). If I were to describe Harlingen by naming one color, I would probably say brown. Not only is that the color of everything in the city, but it represents stability and peace

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  • Premium Essay

    Duke Ellington: Big Band Music During The Harlem Renaissance

    Duke Ellington is known to be as one of the innovators to formulating the concept known as Big Band music today. Big Band music is known for its swing style manner that became famous thanks to the famous clarinetist Benny Goodman. Benny Goodman was hired by Fletcher Henderson who was known to have his arrangements broadcast on the radio that was sweeping the nation, this helped aid the new style to reaching national ears. As for any musician in the game it is important on how to get your content

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  • Premium Essay

    Red Symbolism In The Great Gatsby

    gives the readers a visual image of every character’s life by expressing their feelings; the colors are used very often as symbols that depict the person’s character and represents their behavior. The author utilized the colors white, green, red, blue, yellow, and gold. The green light at the end of Daisy’s dock is symbolic to the limitless promise of the dream Gatsby pursues. “Gatsby believed in the green light with such intensity that he did not realize his immature dream was unattainable from

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  • Premium Essay

    Elvis Presley's Influence On Pop Culture

    Tennessee, even he could not predict that he was about to change the course of music history forever. “Elvis Presley is the true definition of a rock star. He has basically had music all around him his entire life. From first hearing the depressing blues from the Mississippi

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  • Premium Essay

    Falzone Research Paper

    At the same time, however, he shows remarkable fluency in multiple idioms, from the technical acuity of his jazz playing to the tonal control of his contemporary classical work to his folkloric sensitivities in dealing with ancient and modern Arabic music.To anyone who keeps score on developments in avant-garde music, this A-list roster points to the ambitiousness of the venture, which Falzone has been conceiving for at least a year.The term "Renga," says Falzone, refers to a Japanese form of collaborative

    Words: 435 - Pages: 2

  • Premium Essay

    Visual Artist Research Paper

    Many types of people have had an effect on the world such as government officials, activists and scientists. One the most interesting types of people that can also have an effect on the world around them are the artists using their medium of choice, such as the visual artist creating a new style never seen before or reviving an old style for future generations. This can also be seen in the musical artist who can bring people together after a tragic event or rally people together to share a message

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