Blue Ocean

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    Michael Jackson: The King Of Pop

    Think back to the very first time you heard Michael’s little, but strong, voice on your television or radio. He evolved from an emerging singer to a magnificent entertainer. His beautiful voice and outstanding dance moves changed the face of pop culture for future generations, and also paved the way for all his admirers to follow. As Michael Jackson overcame the adversities of his childhood, he created a successful career for himself and will be forever known as the King of Pop, even after his death

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    Discussion on Baldwin's 'Sonny's Blues"

    Baldwin Discussion 3) What does the music represent? And the title? In James Baldwin’s short story “Sonny’s Blues,” music represents different things to different characters. For the narrator, jazz music is associated with “’good-time people,’” (Baldwin, 1981) those who like to party often, drink, and take drugs. It’s not seen as a life worth living because there seems no financial gain from it. “Can you make a living at it?” (Baldwin, 1982) he asks Sonny, before telling him that “it’s time [he]

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    Music Description and Paper Response

    Instructor Course Date The Blues The blues are songs that were introduced in the 19th century and mostly played by African Americans. The genres of these songs were originated from the northern America and attributed to African Americans. However, the origin of the blues is from Europe as English was used in the song’s lyrics and the fact that instruments came from Europe (Susan). This paper dwells on the comparison of two pairs of blues and the summary of Thinking Blues by Susan McClary.

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    The Adventures of Brazil

    across the light blue sky, where the clouds light and fluffy as cotton candy. The golden sun reflects gently on my skin, as the light flowing breeze flows through my hair, tickles my skin like a feather. The beach, the first thing I come across was the white sandy beach as white as snow with a trickle of golden sun light reflecting from the radiant sun. The tide swiftly lapped the shore, the water a bright blue, the first thing I noticed the water was clean, clear Celeste blue beautiful bright colour

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    The Lanyard

    The Lanyard The other day as I was ricocheting slowly Off the pale blue walls of this room, Bouncing from typewriter to piano, From bookshelf to an envelope lying on the floor, I found myself in the L section of the dictionary Where my eyes fell upon the word lanyard. No cookie nibbled by a French novelist Could send one more suddenly into the past- A past where I sat at a workbench at a camp By a deep Adirondack lake Learning how to braid thin plastic strips Into a lanyard, a gift

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    Definition Essay On Jazz

    Define jazz in your words Jazz is a form of expression that does not confine itself to music and expands itself to influence beautiful art pieces––such as paintings, poems, novels and essays––that intellectuals represent themselves in. Is that truly what jazz is? Not really, as it is a culture that has more than one identity, as well as, more than one definition. Describe jazz Jazz culture consists of different types of art, but they have many elements in common. Jazz music is truly innovative; the

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    The Influence Of Jazz Music On Today's Society

    In this day and age, many people listen to Jazz music for the mere purpose of enjoying the music. However, Jazz hasn’t always had this leisure role we know of in this modern time. Since its first appearance in New Orleans, Jazz has played several different roles in New York City’s society throughout the years. Since its debut in the late nineteenth century, the cultural aspect of Jazz music and its role in society has changed over time. Throughout history, several people have offered their definitions

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    Theme Of Suffering In Sonny's Blues By James Baldwin

    “Sonny’s Blues”, by James Baldwin, is a story about two brothers who have become distant from one another by their different aspirations in life. The unnamed narrator lives in their hometown, Harlem and works as an algebra teacher. Sonny, on the other hand, lives out his dream of playing jazz music away from Harlem. Baldwin uses suffering as a central idea, and control as an external conflict. Baldwin portrays the central theme of suffering through both characters, but more often with Sonny. Sonny

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    Harlem Renaissance Influence

    mind, these artists wanted to leave a mark, they wanted people to know how they truly felt. “As Samuel Floyd points out, in his brilliant essay on the Harlem Renaissance, “The music of the black theater shows, the dance music of the cabarets, the blues, ragtime of the speakeasies and the rent parties, the spirituals, and the art songs of the recitals and

    Words: 458 - Pages: 2

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    Sonny's Bebop Rhetorical Analysis

    In Tracey Sherard’s 1998 analysis, “Sonny's Bebop: Baldwin's ‘Blues Text’ as Intracultural Critique,” which covers James Baldwin’s 1957 intuitive short story, “Sonny’s Blues,” she conveys that Baldwin created the title to be questioned for its connection to jazz or more specifically Bebop, so Baldwin’s intent of broadcasting African American struggles throughout history can be conveyed through a pair of brothers connected by this music, which acts as a medium for his ultimate message. The author

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