Can One Be Moral And Not Believe In God

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    Ethical Issue

    lectures, we discussed numerous ethical foundations that exhibit day to day life and its meaning. Christianity ethics is the ethical foundation that I most discussed in the previous paper. The reason I stressed this ethical issue is because I feel it can be implemented by many in all career and success. My future career is in psychology, which is a field that deal majority with behavior. The ethical issue that would most likely happen in my career is a confidentiality breech. If and when I am a psychologist

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    Evaluate the Claim That Conscience Is the Voice of God

    Evaluate the claim that conscience is the voice of God (35Marks) Conscience is said to be a moral faculty or feeling prompting us to see that certain actions are morally right or wrong; however it does prompt people in different directions which is why it is considered to be inconsistent, although we’d like to think it’s reliable. Where this conscience comes from is a debate many people have been a part of, some say it is acquired through your life while others such as Emmanuel Swedenborg claimed

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    Sin in Judaism and Christianity

    Judaism and Christianity share and differentiate conceptions of sin and their ways to obtain forgiveness. In Judaism, there are two types of sin; one is against God, and the other against people. Sin against God could be making a promise and not keeping it. Sin against people is being hurtful to another, physically or mentally. Early rabbis taught that God gave each human two impulses,”good impulse” and “evil impulse”. The “evil impulse” was not in us to make a decision to satisfy our own needs but

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    The Pursuits of happiness, as one of movie that will be focused on this paper reflect these Myths. The values of American though can be seen in the movie especially from the main character, Chris Gardner. The movie is based on a true story. It tells about Chris Gardner who is struggling to sell his bones machine. He is abandoned by his wife as the life of the family become harder because Chris can not produce any money. He lives mobile with his son after being driven out of his apartment. Realiz

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    Innateness In John Locke's An Essay Concerning Human Understanding

    But how can these ideas be considered innate if they are not explicitly known? This belief essentially states that something is innate if we have the capacity to know it. Locke says here, that if that were so, we would know everything we could possibly know. That is to say, we have a capacity to know a lot of things, it does not necessarily follow that all of those things are innate, or that we do in fact know them. Lastly, Locke uses the example of God to prove that innate ideas

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    Is Abortion Moral? (from a Biblical Christian Perspective)

    Is Abortion Moral? (From a Biblical Christian Perspective) Name of Author College Abortion refers to the removal of the pregnancy tissues, which includes the fetus and the placenta from a pregnant woman's womb. The other terms that are similar are termination of pregnancy or elective abortion among others. There have been several arguments on whether abortion is morally right or not. The argument follows the opinions generated from the religious followers who are mostly against abortion. Child abandonment

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    Being a Christian

    contentment about everything. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only be gotten Son, that whoever believed in Him should not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16)”. Eternal life! Who does not want eternal life? All you have to do is believe in Jesus Christ. Being a Christian brings several good effects in life. Firstly, becoming a Christian not only offers eternal life after Earth, but it also offers a supportive group while humans are living on Earth. It can gain multiple support groups

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    Gcu Personhood Chart

    Relationships built off of materials for beneficence for someone. | I believe this is to be building a relationship with God and with those who will do you good. | Multidimensional | One believing or serving more than 1 God, believing in or seeing different dimensions such as the heavenly realms. | Humans are material objects because of their body parts (veins, blood, etc.). | I believe this is to be believing in multiple Gods. This is also how we act as a human which is important since we are

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    Common Practices in Religion

    religion is a way of life or a basis for moral guidance. Religion can vary depending on geographical location, families, and personal beliefs. Different parts of the world practice different religions and have different traditions or beliefs. Religions have been studied for many years and there have been interesting results from these studies. What is religion? Religion can be defined in many ways. Webster’s dictionary defines religion as a belief in a god or gods. It also defines religion as a system

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    “Virtue Ethics Is of Little Use When Dealing with Practical Ethics.” Discuss.

    Virtue ethics raises three questions “who am I?”, “Who I ought to become?” and “How do I get there?”. On the other hand Practical ethics describes situations where an action is needed. Firstly virtue ethics goes back to Plato and Aristotle. Plato’s moral theory centres on the achievement of man’s highest good, which involves the right cultivation of his soul and the harmonious wellbeing of his life (Eudaimonia). Plato seemed to consider that certain virtues such as temperance, courage, prudence and

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