integrate into the professional military ethic. What must I do? What is the assignment/question? Compose my personal moral philosophy from an organizational perspective drawing from the ethical concepts presented in E100. As an Army Officer, an Aviator, and a Soldier I have done my best to internalize the army ethics, talk the talk and walk the walk, to do what is correct even when no one is looking. The question is who gets to decide what correct looks like? Who gets to set the standards? Am I less
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Secularist believes that the entire universe and all of the living beings are based off of a random process accomplished without any divine guidance. They believe that the universe created itself and that it has always existed in one form or another and that it is always evolving. The Christian worldview believes that God created everything with a meaning and purpose. Nothing that was created by God was by chance as it was all planned and executed by God to please him. Secularists believe that everything
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name of both God and the Confederacy (Friend 26). Through the war, manhood and piety became one, as well as the ideal of preserving independence from God. This new prototype of the Christian man reverberated throughout the region and eventually became the norm. Just as C.S. Lewis believed in free will, southern evangelical men came to believe that they could make decisions that violated moral or religious law. Unlike Lewis; however, these men believed that acting independently from moral law, or even
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of these moments can be categorized as good moments, an all-time high feeling. On the flip side of that coin, there have been numerous disasters throughout the course of time as well to balance the good such as: the Holocaust, the numerous World Wars, September 11th and countless others. This begs the question that if there is an all-knowing and all-powerful God, then why would he or her allow for this to transpire? Why would God allow bad things to happen to good people?
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The same can be shown to be true for the entire universe.(Denton, 1986) So when Christians claim that the God of the Bible created all the basic entities of life and the universe, some will ask what seems to be a logical question: “Who created God?” The very first verse in the Bible declares: “In the beginning God ... .” There is no attempt in these words to prove the existence of God or imply in any way that God had a beginning. In fact, the Bible makes it clear in many places that God is outside
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right." This quote emphasizes that what one follows through obligations of the “law”, whether it is commitments to your city, family or divinity, it may not be what is righteous in regards to your own moral values. This theme of obligations vs. moral justice can be expressed in Sophocles’ Antigone, which can be seen through the main characters Antigone and Kreon, who have opposing views, but actions depict that if the law contradicts one’s moral duties, then one is justified to act in a manner of disobedience
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TWO KINDS OF MORAL ARGUMENTS CONCERNING THE EXISTENCE OF GOD (1) Theoretical moral arguments: Arguments that conclude that it is reasonable to believe that God exists because His existence is the best explanation for the existence, nature, and our knowledge of objective moral truths. Such arguments assume or try to defend the view that there are objective moral truths. (2) Practical moral arguments: Arguments that conclude that one ought to believe because of the moral value (intrinsic
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and God, being nothing but illusions from our past ancestor. Believing that all religious beliefs are "illusions and insusceptible of proof, is total false in my opinion. From hearing the lectures from my professor’s and the outside world expriences, religion, therefore God exist in this world. I believe people believe what they want to believe. I have always been taught that faith and attitude is the importance, especially faith in religion. I have been taught as well that, if you believe so deeply
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and humankind seems to be in chaos. No one can see that it does not matter the color of skin, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, etc. that we are all made by God and for God. Pick up the newspaper and we see that our world is out of control. Many theologians have voiced their views on humanity and the need of grace over the years. Today I can see where we may question that humankind has been created in Imago dei, the image of God. “So God created humankind in his image.”[1] John
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Moral absolutism is the ethical belief that there are rules that are absolute and should be followed under all circumstances. Moral absolutist do not take into consideration the context of the act, as having the absolute rules allows them to judge the moral question fairly. Moral absolutism is a deontological belief. This means that there a set rules and one action must either be intrinsically right or wrong. Intrinsically wrong means there is no information or circumstances that can be provided
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