Credit Risk Models: Single Firm Default and Contagion Default Analysis Supervisor: P rof essor Fabrizio Cipollini Student: Marco Gambacciani Academic Year 2009/2010 Contents Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Structural Models 1.1 Terminal Default . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 First Passage Models . . . . . . . . . . 1.2.1 The Black and Cox’s Model . . 1.2.2 Longstaff and Schwartz’s Model 1.2.3 Leland and Toft’s Model . . . . 1.2.4 Zhou’s Model . . .
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explain something. The Institute of Cost Accountants of India (Statutory Body under an Act of Parliament) Page 2 FOUNDATION COURSE - Syllabus 2012 Study Weightage : With a syllabus subject, a percentage weightage is shown against each section topic. This is provided as a guide to the proportion of study time each topic requires. The study weightage also indicate the approximate proportional distribution of marks that may be allocated to topics in any single examination. Summary of
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the University of Nottingham Ningbo, I did not know I would foster such a strong interest in finance. From financial statements to financial instruments, great delight was evidenced in my study. Reviewing the past three years, my understanding towards classic financial theories was raised from vivid case studies and seminar discussions. Thanks to the advanced British concept of education, I was trained to think critically and allowed much time to be spent on the topics I am intrigued with. Aspired
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ASSET-LIABILITY MANAGEMENT IN THE INDIAN BANKS: ISSUES AND IMPLICATIONS Abstract The development of the banking system is always associated with the contemporary changes in the economy. The Indian banking industry has undergone a metamorphosis in the last two decades due to changes in the political, economic, financial, social, legal and technological environments. The mind boggling advances in technology and deregulation of financial markets across the countries created new opportunities, tempting
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RESEARCH DESIGN OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY ➢ Understanding credit risk management conceptually. ➢ Studying the various private banks practicing credit risk management. ➢ To make a depth study of the method in which the private banks in India go about credit risk management. ➢ Studying the difference between retail credit risk management and corporate credit risk management practiced by private banks. ➢ Understanding the importance of the credit risk management and
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finance theorists and behavioral scientists have studied how people should and actually do make investment decisions. Theorists have produced optimization models that capture important features of reality, such as changing investment opportunities, unpredictable labor income, habit formation, and transaction costs. And at the same time, scientific studies of actual financial behavior have revealed that people consistently make certain mistakes because of lack of knowledge, faulty logic, cognitive dissonance
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from the exporting of U.S. goods by U.S. firms. Due to the ever increasing importance of international corporate governance, there is a corresponding need to decipher and use information in financial reports. At least one class meeting and one case study will touch on some key issues in international financial reporting and analysis, such as financial disclosure/transparency, incentives for off-balance sheet liabilities, hedge accounting, lease accounting, footnote disclosures, and intercorporate
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(617) 495-6270 e-mail: Acknowledgements: We would like to thank Ed Greenslet and The Airline Monitor for providing data on and insights about the commercial jet aircraft industry, Mike Kane for assistance with the original teaching case, and the Division of Research at the Harvard Business School for supporting this research. Airbus vs. Boeing in Superjumbos: Credibility and Preemption Abstract In December 2000, Airbus formally committed to spend $12 billion to develop and
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dividend discount model (DDM), the value of Wal-Mart’s stock price is $60.20. The most recent closing price of Wal-Mart stock was $53.48. Given this information, the constant growth DDM valuation suggests that the Wal-Mart stock is currently undervalued. * Utilizing the two-stage DDM approach, the value of Wal-Mart’s stock price is $83.95. Similar to the constant growth DDM valuation conclusion, the Wal-Mart stock is currently undervalued. * The capital asset pricing model (CAPM) was used
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Preface Let me begin this preface with a confession of a few of my own biases. First, I believe that theory and the models that flow from it should provide the tools to understand, analyze, and solve problems. The test of a model or theory then should not be based on its elegance but on its usefulness in problem solving. Second, there is little in corporate financial theory that is new and revolutionary. The core principles of corporate finance are common sense and have changed little over
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