Having a cell phone in today’s society has become a regular part of life. Even I have a cell phone and I’m really not a big talker. What’s astonishing to me is kids seem to all have cell phones by the time they get into middle school. We rely on these communication devices for every aspect of our daily lives, whether for personal use or for work. To me we rely so heavily on the cell phone that it is becoming dangerous. Think to a time when you were driving down the road and came up on a slower
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Research & Writing April 26, 2015 Cell phone usage while driving should be a concern to all motorist and policymakers. Is that Facebook update, or retweet on Twitter, even that selfie for Instagram worth your life or the lives of others in the car or on the road? It’s often said that individuals take many things for granted but your safety should not be one of them. This “distracted diving” is becoming the new DUI. Needless lives are lost on our highways, and while doing our best to stay so connected
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Cell Phone Use While Driving In today’s technologically advanced world it is hard to find anyone without a cell phone in their purse or pocket. Cell phones are being used more frequently during normal activities, such as at the dinner table, in the movie theater, and in the car. The use of a cell phone in a moving vehicle raises the risk of collision 3 to 6.5 times greater than that of an undistracted driver (Seo &Torabi, 2004). The increase of 16-24 year olds using cell phones combined
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injured every day in the United States as a result of distracted driving", according to the highway traffic safety administration. People can all relate to texting and driving as an everyday accordance. In todays' society most people own a cellular device. This ad although using a male as the example was made to provide awareness to all genders to take responsibility behind the wheel. This ad with a cell phone and text message showing the person never made it home was made to show awareness to drive
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person knows how to drive correct; now that the new cell phone laws have been passed I could not feel more safe. Most people assume multitasking is no harm and is okay, that rule no longer applies when they are operating a motor vehicle. Part A of the Ohio law states “No holder of a temporary instruction permit who has not attained the age of eighteen years and no holder of a probationary driver's license shall drive a motor vehicle on any street, highway, or property used by the public for purposes of
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this is in fact not the only problem that drivers have. Talking on the phone is also a big problem that some drivers have. Distracted driving is an immense problem in the United States and only drivers can change this action to stop themselves from being distracted. Texting while driving is a huge issue in the United States. “In 2010, National Safety Council (NSC) estimated that 28% of all incidents and fatalities on U.S. highways
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wireless communications is presenting a growing concern for distracted driving due to using cell phones and other electronic devices while driving. Although distracted driving accidents and fatalities have risen in the last decade, placing a ban on the use of a cell phone or other electronic devices while operating a motor vehicle as some states have will not resolve the issue. In fact a ban on cell phones and driving may very well increase the accident and fatality rate because drivers are now more
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Are you sick and tired of having your life endangered by drivers who feel they are too important to put their phones down and pay attention to what is going on around them while they are driving? Well many people are? There are already many distractions that a person has to avoid while driving, or even when they are walking down the street, let alone texting and cell phone use. Anything can happen at any given moment in this life. What would you do if it was you driving and you were the one
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Evolution of Distracted Driving The problem of distracted driving is more common than operators like to admit and is a serious factor in automobile accidents and fatalities. With the advent of cellular telephones, distracted driving is coming more and more under scrutiny, but distracted driving dates back almost to the beginning of the automobile. In 1930, car radios were in question. Massachusetts and St. Louis proposed laws to ban radios while driving. According to historian Michael Lamm, “Opponents
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and by illegalizing it, it’ll bring the world one more step closer to being a safer place. In the book Cell Phones and Driving it stated, "6,000 people die a year due to drivers who are distracted by phones. That’s one hundred and sixty five people in one day, or another person every hour and a half …for example, the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute conducted a study of cell phone use in a moving vehicle and concluded that sending a text message while behind the wheel makes the risk of
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