...comm600 full course latest 2016 feb all weeks discussions all assignments and all quizzes Click Link Below To Buy: http://hwcampus.com/shop/comm600-full-course-latest-2016-feb-all-weeks-discussions-all-assignments-and-all-quizzes/ week 1 i Learners! :) For this discussion topic, you will make your main post by Saturday of Week One (January 9) and post two substantive replies to classmates by Tuesday of Week One (January 12). This topic is required and graded, and your main post will be worth 60 points, with your two thorough, substantive replies to classmates being worth 20 points each. You will be graded on the quality, depth, and level of expansion and detail in your main and reply posts. Instructions: This semester we'll be exploring the topic of "Millennials" in articles that you be assigned to analyze, evaluate, and use as references for the assigned essays in this course. To begin thinking about this topic, please view either of the two videos on millennials that follow. Please note the attached critical thinking strategies to consider as you view. Then respond in the attached Discussion area to at least ONE of the following questions.: 1. What information was new or surprising to you, and why? 2. What information or concept left you confused, and why? 3. What comment(s) did you disagree with, and why? 4. What information do you find most important, and why? Please include the title of the video you viewed in the subject line of your post. Millennials:...
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...comm600 full course latest 2016 feb all weeks discussions all assignments and all quizzes Click Link Below To Buy: http://hwcampus.com/shop/comm600-full-course-latest-2016-feb-all-weeks-discussions-all-assignments-and-all-quizzes/ week 1 i Learners! :) For this discussion topic, you will make your main post by Saturday of Week One (January 9) and post two substantive replies to classmates by Tuesday of Week One (January 12). This topic is required and graded, and your main post will be worth 60 points, with your two thorough, substantive replies to classmates being worth 20 points each. You will be graded on the quality, depth, and level of expansion and detail in your main and reply posts. Instructions: This semester we'll be exploring the topic of "Millennials" in articles that you be assigned to analyze, evaluate, and use as references for the assigned essays in this course. To begin thinking about this topic, please view either of the two videos on millennials that follow. Please note the attached critical thinking strategies to consider as you view. Then respond in the attached Discussion area to at least ONE of the following questions.: 1. What information was new or surprising to you, and why? 2. What information or concept left you confused, and why? 3. What comment(s) did you disagree with, and why? 4. What information do you find most important, and why? Please include the title of the video you viewed in the subject line of your post. Millennials:...
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...Essay grid: Introduction – a good way to get started is to briefly introduce the main theme of the text in a way that catches the reader’s attention. | The story is about fortunes and material wealth. The narrator of the story has been pickpocketing since he was five and has lots of money hidden in a cardboard box in the room the narrator has rented. One Sunday he sees a man with a bulging wallet and decides to follow the man and his son. When the narrator sees his moment to steal the wallet, he takes it and gets away. But when he comes back the boys stands against a wall and the narrator takes him with him home. | Characterisation of the main character. Useful links:1) General advice on characterisation2) Advanced advice | The Narrator: Has been pickpocketing since he was five. Has a “fortune” of money hidden in his apartment, but he do not count the money. The narrator has never counted his fortune, because he is afraid of knowing waht he is worth. He grew up with his mom, who tried to raise him good. His father was not very good and did not give him any attention as a kid and when he died, the narrator was not sad. He has a strong sympathy for the kid and keeps telling the boy how much he is worth. He also likes Chinese fortunes a lot and keeps every single one of them in a box. He describes himself as ugly with crooked teeth, oily hair and bony knees. The boy: He is described as quiet and very unhappy. He does not like his home, and when the narrator drops him off...
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...We all know love. We have all loved in some kind of way. We love our parents, significant others and even our friends. But we can also love other things like animals or material things. But what is the difference between loving and liking? And is it better not to love and feel pain or to love and be hurt in the progress? Jonathan Franzen seeks to answer these questions in his essay “Liking Is for Cowards. Go for What Hurts”. The essay “Liking Is for Cowards. Go for What Hurts” is, as mentioned, written by Jonathan Franzen and published in The New York Times, May 28, 2011. Jonathan Franzen is born in 1959, and he is an acclaimed American novelist and essayist. The essay is based on the commencement speech he delivered at Kenyon College in Ohio, USA. “Our technology has become extremely adept in creating products that correspond to our fantasy ideal of an erotic relationship, in which the beloved object asks for nothing and gives everything, instantly. (…)” As Franzen claims in his essay, many people can feel like they love their technological object. It gives them a satisfaction, which human interaction maybe wouldn’t. Franzen however thinks, that people in general don’t love material things: they like them. There is a major difference between loving and liking – even though it might appear small. “Liking, in general, is commercial culture’s substitute for loving.” Products are made to be likeable, but if that concept in transferred to a person, you would instantly see...
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...| | | Earned Mark | | AA100B The Arts Past and Present II TMA Second Semester 2015-2016 Cut-off date: Week 10 TMA Format and Word Count: The student’s work should be presented in an ESSAY of around 1200 words. Referencing: The essay should include a list of references (print and electronic) at the end in addition to in-text referencing as per the requirements of the Harvard Referencing System. Proper referencing is a serious academic requirement and skill and will be rewarded accordingly. Writing and Discussion Topic: Cultural encounters are a common occurrence in human history. Their impact varies on cultures and individuals especially as they relate to questions of identity and self-worth. The cultural encounter in such a case becomes fundamental to one’s perception of oneself and the cultures to which s/he relates. Explore how cultural encounters are manifested in literary works, specifically short stories from An Anthology of Short Stories from Five Continents, with particular reference to “Bella makes Life” by Lorna Goodison. In the process of answering the TMA, you should make sure to include the below five sub questions: 1) How is the concept of cultural encounter treated in the short story ‘Bella Makes Life’? 2) Is the author, Lorna Goodison, aware...
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...Assessment detail Assessment 1: Individual Assignment Weighting: 20% Final Essay Length: 2000 words Due: Final submission due Week 6 (Friday, 29th August, 11.55pm). Assignments must be submitted through Turnitin. Description: The role of power and politics in organisations. Power and politics are very much part of organizational life. To succeed managers need to understand the meaning of power and politics, how power is acquired and how politics should be utilised. Power and politics may be the sources of solutions but can create problems in organisation. This essay asks you to explore the issues associated with power and politics in organisational life. Your essay should include the following: • Define the concept of power in the workplace. • Define the concept of politics in the workplace. • Explain how a manger could work to acquire power. • Explain how a ...
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...In today’s way of life, we need to master a lot of things, which include a wide variety of things. It could be from driving, to what you do for a living, it could be anything. But some of the main things are the six general education competencies. Which include Oral Communication, Quantitative Reasoning, Reading Fluency, Writing Communications, Critical Thinking and Information Literacy. For you to be able to succeed in school and in life you would have to master these competencies, and not only master them but be able to fully understand them and implement them correctly. Two of the competencies that I have mastered are Oral Communication, which I would be using a presentation I gave about the company Apple and its ethical problems. The other...
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...INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH SAMPLE MID-TERM TEST Writing AE2 Task 1: Identify 6 cases of non-academic language in the text below and edit them to make an academic text. In the box below, write the original words/phrases in the left hand column and your editions in the right-hand column. You have an example. (30 pts) CAN MEDICATION CURE OBESITY IN CHILDREN? A Review of the Literature In March 2004, U.S. Surgeon General Richard Carmona called attention to a health problem in the United States that, until recently, we have overlooked: childhood obesity. Carmona highlighted that the “astounding” 15% child obesity rate constitutes an “epidemic.” Since the early ‘80s, that rate has “doubled in children and tripled in adolescents.” Now more than nine million children are classified as obese. While the traditional response to a medical epidemic is to hunt for a vaccine or a cure-all pill, childhood obesity has proven more elusive. Lacking success of recent initiatives suggests that medication mightn’t be the answer for the escalating problem. In this literature review, I will consider whether the use of medication is a promising approach for solving the childhood obesity problem by responding to the following questions: 1. What are the implications of childhood obesity? 2. Is medication effective at treating childhood obesity? 3. Is medication safe for children? 4. Is medication the best solution? Understanding the...
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...Free Essays Search: Sort By: Home Search Essays FAQs Tools Lost Essay? Contact View Cart / Checkout Essay Color Key Free Essays Unrated Essays Better Essays Stronger Essays Powerful Essays Term Papers Research Papers Privacy Our Guarantee Popular Essays Excellent Essays Free Essays A-F Free Essays G-L Free Essays M-Q Free Essays R-Z Essay Topics Plagiarism Donate a Paper View Cart / Checkout Related Essays - Use of Theme, Setting, and Time in Ibsen's Hedda Gabler - Use of Theme, Setting, and Time in Hedda Gabler Hedda Gabler, by Henrik Ibsen, is a work about a woman who manipulates the fates of others in order to fulfill her own desires. The title character...[ view ] - Pursuit of Freedom Depicted in Henrik Ibsen’s Hedda Gabler and Albert Camus’ The Stranger - One’s own Freedom is what one desires to control the most in life. Yet in both Henrik Ibsen’s Hedda Gabler and Albert Camus’ The Stranger, Hedda and Meursault do not have this influence over themselve...[ view ] A Psychoanalytic Reading of Hedda Gabler Rate This Paper: 1 2 3 4 5 Submit Length: 786 words (2.2 double-spaced pages) Rating: Red (FREE) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A Psychoanalytic Reading of Hedda Gabler Attempting a psychoanalytic reading of a given text is a bit like attempting to understand a city by examining its sewer system: helpful, yet limited. There are several...
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...Past Paper Questions - Section B (i) These questions are always based on one of the Language Anthology Section A extracts that we have studied in class. You will be asked to write an analytical essay about these extracts in exactly the same way that you would usually write an essay about your literature texts. As such it is really important that you remember to write PEE paragraphs and include quotations from the text to support your points. This question is testing your ability to read and so spelling and grammar are not awarded but they are still important in creating a good impression. This question is worth 10 marks and so you should spend about 20 minutes on it. May 2010 – Shopping for Romanian Babies In the passage, the writer is shocked by some of her experiences. What do we learn about the people she meets, and the places she visits, from her account? You should refer closely to this passage to support your answer. You may include brief quotations. November 2009 – Touching the Void Joe and Simon describe the same event, but react to and write about it in very different ways. How does each writer present his particular point of view? You may include brief quotations from the passage to support your answer. May 2009 – Chinese Cinderella Adeline Yen Mah experiences both fear and joy during the course of this passage. How does the writer enable the reader to appreciate both of these aspects of her experience? You should refer closely to this passage to...
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...Photo Essay: Worth 70 points (Photo Essay 60/Presentation 10) Due April 10, 15, and 17, 2013 Students will be randomly assigned. Getting Started: The majority of your assignments have focused on your writing ability and expressing ideas linguistically. Visual imagery is also a powerful technique for thinking about and reflecting upon the social world. The purpose of this assignment is to encourage you to think about the social world in a different way, more visually than linguistically. For this project, you will select a series of photos that can be meaningfully organized around the central theme of inequality. You are to draw ideas about inequality from the chapters on social class, race/ethnicity, and gender in your text, Our Social World Condensed 2nd (Ballantine and Roberts 2012). Be creative and experimental. The only restriction is that the images must not be illegal and if you are taking the photos in private settings, you must obtain written permission from your subject(s). I have posted a Permission Form in Course Content/Photo Essay on Angel for you to use if you are using personal pictures. The photos may be obtained in various ways. You may shoot photographs specifically for this project or have a friend do so. You may obtain photos through published sources (e.g., books, magazines). You can also search websites for photos. Photos may also be obtained from a stock art archive on the internet. If you choose the latter, one of the best places to start...
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... Prerequisites: NONE Units: 3.0 Class Hours: T, TR 5:10p.m.-6:35 p.m. Phone: e-mail: sakili@swccd.edu Course Description: Addresses contemporary public health issues and development of holistically healthy living. Provides an overview of epidemiology, chronic and infectious diseases, environmental health, injury prevention, chemical dependency, nutrition, health policies and promotion, global health, body composition, fitness, psychological wellness, fertility, sexuality, emergency preparedness, disaster response, conflict resolution, and end of the life cycle. Text: Insel, P. & Roth, W. (2011). Core concepts in health. 13th ed. brief. New York, NY: McGraw- Hill. ISBN: 978-0-07-8028533 MHID: 0-07-802853-1 Student Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to: 1. Identify present health condition that may develop into disease and modify them as necessary. 2. Identify causes and health consequences of stress and implement stress management techniques. 3. Evaluate components of a good relationship including communication, responsibility, commitment, and sexuality. 4. Design an exercise program to improve cardiovascular health. 5. Analyze daily diet for balance of essential nutrients, design and implement an appropriate...
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...Review for Midterm #1—Classical & Medieval Cultures The in-class portion of the exam will consist of 30 objective questions (multiple-choice and matching) and 2 short answer questions (no more than three sentences per answer). The in-class portion of the exam will be worth 100 points. The out-of-class essay will be worth an additional 100 points. See below for the out-of-class essay questions. Ancient Near Eastern & Greek Culture Terms: Trojan War, anthropomorphism, polytheism, monotheism, Archaic Age, Classical Age, Hellenistic Age Art & Artworks: Sculpture: relief sculpture, free-standing sculpture, idealism, naturalism; characteristics of Archaic sculpture, kouros, kore; characteristics of Classical sculpture, Myron, Discus Thrower, Polycleitus, Spear-Bearer, Canon, unknown sculptors, Zeus, Three Goddesses,, Praxiteles, Aphrodite of Knidos; characteristics of Hellenistic sculpture, Laocoon and his Sons, Old Shepherdess ; Architecture, frieze, pediment, entablature, capital, metope, triglyph,; Characteristics of Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian styles, Parthenon, Temple of Athena Nike, Erectheion (with Porch of the Maidens), Propylaia Literature & Drama: epic poetry, Epic of Gilgamesh, Homer, Iliad, Odyssey; Hesiod, Theogony; Theater of Dionysus, tragedy, comedy, Oresteia of Aeschylus, Antigone & Oedipus the King by Sophocles, Medea by Euripides, Lysistrata by Aristophanes, characteristics of tragedy, hubris, hamartia, catharsis Thought: Pre-Socratic...
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...The French Revolution, which took place at the end of the 18th century, was perhaps the most significant revolution in history to date. Not only did it have an enormous impact on politics and social order within France but also across the European continent which was, at that period in history, the fulcrum of civilisation and modernity. A bitter dispute ensued about the French principles of ‘liberty, equality and fraternity’. This essay intends to focus on the impact that the Revolution had on Britain at that time and we will reflect on the influence that literary writings had upon shaping Britain’s views of the revolution and its espoused ideals, and in turn the consequences that they would have on British society into the 19th century. Leading up to the beginning of the French Revolution political and social unrest was spreading in Britain. The country was divided on one argument: the rights of man. On one side of the argument were the radicals who strongly supported a new form of government, that of elective democracy. This group were countered by the loyalists who adamantly opposed such drastic changes and remained allegiant to the church and the monarchy. Loyalists vehemently opposed what they saw as the threat against traditional British values. The radicals were part of a post-enlightenment movement that believed citizenship and its right derived from natural human rights such as that of all men being allowed to take part in politic regardless of their status or background...
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...oppression in South Africa and interlink it with very grim themes that are very raw and brutal. There are many themes in the novel ‘Disgrace’’ such as sex, family (relationship between David and his daughter Lucy), violence, men and masculinity, and women and power. In this essay, my main focus is the theme of women and power and the injustice they face in their society. This essay will also briefly explain how the men’s perspective towards women can be viewed as degrading and immoral. It is an intense theme, the text represents a male dominated society and women are followers. It outlines the idea that men do not value women, they have very little respect for them. It also emphasizes the idea that men hold a lot of power compared to women. However, throughout the novel the characters, especially David, they change. He is represented as an arrogant man, feels superior. Throughout the novel, his character tends to change; he becomes powerless in the sense that he loses everything, his job, and reputation and not to mention his dignity. David Lurie is an intriguing character; he is a professor teaching romantic poetry and has so much passion for literature and arts as well as culture but the irony is that his personal life is led by ignorance, this is evident in the way he objectifies both Melanie and Bev Shaw. David’s thoughts and values are recognized through his actions and personal thoughts as well as his morals. They all portray who he is as a man. He is portrayed in the novel as...
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