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    Life of Franics Macomber

    Shalonda Fields ENG 102-55 29 October, 2014 The Literary Details in “The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber” The complicated details used by Ernest Hemingway made a stroke of genius of secrets in his story "The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber". The anonymous secrets does not reveal itself to the reader until the end of the story, yet it leaves a lot to the imagination. At the end of the story Margaret Macomber kills her husband by accident, in order to save him from being attacked

    Words: 918 - Pages: 4

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    Rear Window Opening Mise En Scene and Cinematography

    Analysis of the opening to Rear Window The opening scene starts by the camera looking out of a window whilst the credits are shown. Slowly, each blind is raised revealing a section of the courtyard at a time already linking to its title ‘Rear window’ indicating that this particular window will play a big part throughout the duration of the film. Much like the curtains in a theatre, the viewer feels as if they are watching a show or play when the blinds are lifted slowly creating an exciting opening

    Words: 1223 - Pages: 5

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    Eng 225 Week 3 Dq the Impact of Cinematography and Editing Options New

    ENG 225 Week 3 DQ The Impact of Cinematography and Editing Options NEW To Buy This material Click below link The Impact of Cinematography and Editing Options. Explore movie clips from the Movieclips website or the Internet Movie Database –IMDB. Choose a clip that you wish to analyze. The clip you choose must be from a film (preferably from a film with which you are familiar) – not a film

    Words: 310 - Pages: 2

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    How Does Cinematography Create Meaning in an Extract from ‘Source Code’? (Directed by Duncan Jones – 2011)

    How does cinematography create meaning in an extract from ‘Source Code’? (Directed by Duncan Jones – 2011) In the first scene of Source Code, we are shown the main character, Captain Colter Stevens played by Jake Gyllenhaal. The shot shown is an extreme close up of his face as he is waking up (see fig.1). The view from the window is blurred so all focus is on him. The shot then changes suddenly as a close up shot as he quickly sits upright (see fig.2). The quick shots reflect what is happening

    Words: 1635 - Pages: 7

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    Children Of Men Mise En Scene Analysis

    Britain and the idea of not being able to reproduce allowing the audience to witness a troubling circumstance. that could potentially happen in the world. This particular film creates a dark, dreary picture of modern society with the elements of cinematography and mise-en-scene that allow viewers to connect

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    Comparing Miller And Kennedy's Success In Mad Max Films

    larger picture of love, corruption, and the fall of society. The fist Mad Max was also the first film in Australia to use wide screen anamorphic lenses (themoviedatabase, 2016). Each film is uniquely Australian through the components of Australian cinematography (landscape and colour) and “ruddy” look that the films have which is often how Australia is perceived. This just goes to show how “Australian” the Mad Max franchise are and how the nationality of Australia is being displayed through the

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    The Battle of Elderbush Gulch and the Shirt

    on the white colonialist perspective but The shirt focus on post colonial perspective. Compared to the background, this essay is going to illustrate how the cinematography and background setting portrays the representations of the colonial and postcolonial perspective. These two films start from very different ways in terms of cinematography. By watching the Battle of Elderbush Gulch, majority scenes are using medium shots to telling story, and never moving cameras. Meanwhile, through medium shots

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    Alfred Hitchcock's Film Strangers On A Train

    a young tennis player. The other is Bruno Anthony and he is a charming, yet demented man. Bruno suggests to Guy a plan on how they both can ''get rid'' of someone, by ''exchanging'' murders. That way, they will not get caught. Hitchcock use of cinematography is the driving force of the movie. It helps move the story along and unravel the suspense of the meeting of these two characters. The opening scene of the film shows an unusual, yet interesting way on how these two characters meet. The film begins

    Words: 606 - Pages: 3

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    Vertigo Essay

    In this essay, I will discuss the cinematography, montage, musical composure, and the effect it had on the movie it was used in. I recently had the pleasure of viewing Alfred Hitchcock’s movie titled “Vertigo”. It is based on the 1959 novel “D’entre les morts” that was written by Boileau Narcejac. Jimmy Stewart who was portrayed “Scottie” was stellar in this film as well as Alfred Hitchcock’s presence and directorial style; paramount. Cinematography, which is the combined art and technology of

    Words: 1443 - Pages: 6

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    Evaluative Essay

    the meeting room. He quickly tries covering his embarrassing act but with no success as the awkward stares continue from all around the table. This Volkswagen Feeling Carefree Commercial was successful because humor was used appropriately and cinematography was able to represent the intended emotions for the commercial. Humor is what keeps the audience entertained to want to keep watching that commercial. It gives it more of a possibility for the audiences’ mind to be opened and be more influential

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