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    The Godfather

    also for its major elements used in film, e-g cinematography and music. The cinematography is done in really nice way which filled up with the magnificent scenes and shots, each one of them are unique and memorable. From the silent opening of Bonasera’s plea to Don Corleoneto the tense close up of Michael’s face just before he kills, Sollozzo and McCluskey to the eventual doomed closing shot. The movie is filled with artistic flair. The cinematography in general of Godfather is very realistic and

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    Rear Windw

    she has never been married and is not in a relationship. He also wants to show what kind of a person L.B. Jefferies is and why he is the protagonist of the story. In general, Alfred Hitchcock delivered his beautiful art of mise-en-scene and cinematography to covey this scene. In terms of mise-en-scene, the most noticeable elements observed in the scene were the production design and acting. For the production design, the 1950’s urban feel of the movie was effective because of the set design

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    Close Viewing-the Shawshank Redemption

    verbal techniques to show underlying themes within the film. Numerous techniques are applied in the scene ‘Norton’s Introduction at the Line-Up’ (11.58-14.45), such as lighting, dialogue, cinematography and voice-over. The first techniques the couple together are lighting and dialogue, whilst voice-over and cinematography also combine together effortlessly. Darabont said in an interview that the film “works gorgeously as a metaphor-everybody who sees it can project their own trials and tribulations, and

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    Civil War

    Captain America: Civil War Submitted to: Ms. Abigail Deabanico Submitted by: Jan Michael Eli SM. Bautista (1 Microbiology) Submitted On: May 2, 2016 Captain America: Civil War (April 2016) Following the events of the previous film in the Marvel Franchise, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Captain America: Civil War was released in April 27, 2016. The film’s events come directly after what happened in the second avengers movie: the Avengers has lost the faith of the public due to their otherwise

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    Taxi Driver

    of the antiheroes of the genre. The film noir anti-hero, or corrupted hero, is most known for their descent moralistically or in the case of Travis Bickle, mentally. The conventions used to display this mental ambiguity is via the mis en scene, cinematography, and editing. Most normal formal elements that are used in film noir are within Taxi Driver. The hero, most of the time in film noir, is a washed up hero who is preconditioned to descend into darkness in order to let justice prevail. In Taxi Driver

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    All About Eve

    and unique sense of portraying human nature. Joseph L. Mankiewicz’s clever writing and good directing helped capture the audience in All About Eve. Later to become Academy Award winner in Three Coins in the Fountain (1954), Milton R. Krasner’s cinematography projected

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    Shawshank Redemption

    Tatiana Bartosic English 101 – 4006 Assignment Sheet Evaluation 15 November 2012 Redemption Within Walls There is something that needs to be said about slavery; no, not the physical manacles that were bounded around ankles and wrists but the imaginative ones given to us by those of higher authority – as William Blake once decried “mind-forged manacles.” Andy Dufresne’s character in Shawshank Redemption offers a brilliant message to any audience – old or young – about the power of resilience under

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    Orson Welles 'Revolutionary Change In The Film Rosebud'

    Welles caused a revolutionary change in the film industry with his production of Citizen Kane. With the help of cinematographer Gregg Toland, and music by Bernard Herrmann, the movie received recognition for it’s narrative structure, sound and cinematography. The story is centered around Charles Foster Kane and his mysterious last words, “Rosebud.” As the audience, we are put in the position to piece together the puzzle from the various stories we are told by different points of views. The narrative

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    Wall-E: Sustainability Through Film

    relationship with his love interest Eve. This undermines the importance of the film’s ecological message by portraying it as a love story. Through its dramatization of excessive corporate control, iconography of relevant waste culprits, and somber cinematography, Wall-E actually serves as a social critique of consumer mentality and illuminates corporate effects on the environment. It appeals and educates an extremely wide audience, but its ability to subliminally introduce the importance of sustainability

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    Eng225 Week 1 Discussion 1

    didn’t stay at a certain point too long during this scene and that put a sense of intensity of some sort, especially when the killer was stabbing her victim and the shots were jumping constantly to different shots. Cinematography The Long Take: Goodfellas The cinematography in this Goodfellas scene tends to focus less on the couple and more on what is going on around them. The camera follows them while portraying everything else that is going on through each room or hallway they are walking

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