A Literature Review of Unethical Behavior of Sales Agents Marilia Gabriela Vieira De Melo Franklin Pierce University Table of Contents Introduction ………………………………………………………………………… Introduction Business ethics has many issues that are relevant in many aspects of business. This type of behavior begins mostly because of the relationship between the salesperson and the buyer or buying organization. That relationship can be led by a great ethical attitude which will create a nice environment and
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compensation claims and payments were unwarranted — and saved some US$9.5 million during 2012 alone. This is not an isolated example: many leading organizations have started to regard their information as a corporate asset. • Improving business performance — enabling agile planning, more accurate forecasting, better budgeting and trusted decision-making support. Business benefit can be gained by creating systems that can convert information into actionable insights, all within the context of
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CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction: Organizational conflict and management involves all types of conflict that occurs in organization and management of this conflict. The present study explored and compared various conflict and their management practice in organizations. The present study also aimed at assessing how much of commitment in the company can be attributed to conflict management practices. 1.2 Keyword: Organization, conflict, management, inters intra. 1.3 Objective
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stress and job performance. In working environment there may be various job related stress. Personality affects the stress. Because the ability of adopt with the level of stress depends on the Type of Personality. And the level of stress affects the employee’s performance. 1.2 Objective of the study The objective of the study is to determine the personality and level of job stress experienced by the employees of Bank Asia Limited. We find out whether there is a significant difference in term of
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combination of knowledge, skills, behaviors, and attitudes that contribute to personal effectiveness. Managerial competencies: sets of knowledge, skills, behaviors, and attitudes that a person needs to be effective in a wide range of positions and various types of organizations. Six managerial competencies: 1. Communication Informal communication Formal communication Negotiation 2. Planning and Administration Information gathering, analysis, and problem solving Planning and organizing
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CHAPTER 11 - LEADERSHIP AND TRUST LEARNING OUTCOMES After reading this chapter, students should be able to: 1. Define the term “leader” and explain the difference between managers and leaders. 2. Summarize the conclusions of trait theories of leadership. 3. Describe the Fiedler contingency model. 4. Summarize the path-goal model of leadership. 5. Explain situational leadership. 6. Identify the qualities that characterize charismatic leaders. 7. Describe the skills that visionary leaders
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RESEARCH BACKGROUND Job performance has been defined as ‘‘behavior or action that is relevant for the organization’s goals and that can be measured in terms of the level of contribution to goals that is represented by a particular action or set of actions’’ (Campbell, 1999; p. 402). According to Campbell and his colleagues (Campbell, 1990; Campbell, McCloy, Oppler, & Sager, 1993), job performance is a multidimensional construct consisting of eight dimensions, one of which is job-specific task
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Performance Appraisal System Discussion – Part I Team D University of Phoenix Human Capital Management – HRM 531 Scott Beck August 30, 2010 Abstract As a group, it was discussed the means of converting an individual appraisal system into an appraisal system for team application. In discussion, the points considered include: a) differences between the two appraisal systems, b) difficulties of evaluating team performance, c) unique needs of a team appraisal system, and d) team motivations
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an outcome (Boudreau and Cascio, 2011, p. 145). Job satisfaction is a willing to get involve in programs that will help make the organization successful. With job satisfaction there is the energy to come to work and perform with the highest job performance. Job satisfaction also secures job stability and helps reduce cost in turnover ratio. Engagement is a positive, fulfilling, work-related state of mind that is characterized by vigor, dedication, and absorption (Boudreau and Cascio, 2011, p. 145)
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International Scientific Research Journal, VOLUME – V, ISSUE – 2, 2013, ISSN 2094 - 1749 FACTORS INFLUENCING THE ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE IN PHYSICS OF DMMMSU- MLUC LABORATORY HIGH SCHOOL FOURTH YEAR STUDENTS S.Y. 2011-2012 Noemi Mangaoang-Boado noemi2569@yahoo.com Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University Mid La Union Campus San Fernando City, 2500 La Union, Philippines ABSTRACT This study focused on the investigation on the predictors of the academic performance in Physics of Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State
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