GLOBAL WARMING Luis Ormeno Prof, LaShawn Smith SOC 300 Sociology of Developing Countries 03/05/2012 GLOBAL WARMING OUTLINE 1. Introduction………………………………………………………… 3 2. What is Global Warming…………………………………………… 4 3. Causes of Global Warming………………………………………… 5 4. Effects
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Global Warming: A Global Threat Over the period within which human beings have existed, man has been in the forefront of all technological marvels to date. Man has created, destroyed and revived many natural cycles and dynamics that balance the delicate nature of this world. Although global warming is not a recent phenomenon, very few people had knowledge of its existence a decade ago. However, in the last few years, the media started to shed light into the dangers of global warming, and the idea
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ethics, morals, and values might influence perceived environmental risk. Environmental risks are also known to affect individuals’ emotionally which can make unwanted stress happen, in regard to the effects of these risks on nature and humans. One of the most talked about environmental risk is global warming; this happens when the average temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere and the oceans gradually increase. These increases are permanent temperature changes to the oceans and atmosphere, which result
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The effect of global warming on the United States Global Warming was first recognized in the 1950's and will continue to be a problem for us, as humans keep contributing by releasing heat trapping gasses in our everyday life. The drought in Texas was very sever and caused a lot of problems while also creating expenses as well. Texas suffered from extreme wildfires in more than twenty cities. In the year 2011 there were 30,457 fires recorded in the state of Texas. More than seven thousand square
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environmental risk that is taking over now and is getting a lot of press is global warming. I decided to pick this risk because if we do not do something now we will be in a lot of trouble later with this issue. It seems like the world is taking this environmental risk lightly, and I attribute this to the lack of education. I feel that if the world were more educated on this issue it would get the attention that it needs. Global warming has been one of the more commonly discussed environmental issues in
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Capstone 1/7/2012 Global Warming Outline 1. What is the theory of global warming? 2. Theory of man-made global warming is credible a. Evidence b. Causes c. Effects of global warming 3. Theory of man-made global warming is not credible Global Warming Global warming is a hotly debated theory that states that there is an increase in the earth's average atmospheric temperature (Global Warming). The tedious bickering over if global warming is occurring has stopped
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Global Warming: Fact or Fiction By Lorrie Fontanilla Professor John Hargiss BUSN300-1202B-55 April 27, 2012 Introduction: I. Definition of Global Warming A. What is Global Warming The Green House Effect Who is Responsible for Green House Emissions Debates on Global Warming A. Opposing Viewpoints 1. What do Scientists Agree on What do Scientists Disagree on Evidence of Global Warming A. Climate Changes 1. Melting Polarized Caps * 2. Rise in Sea Level
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Global Warming: Fact or Fiction Abstract The purpose of this paper is to educate U.S. Congress on the facts and unreliable theories of the progression of global warming. What is global warming? The topic of global warming has been met with much controversy over the past several years. What is it, does it exist, and do the facts support the claims of greenhouse gases and high levels of CO2 created by emissions from fossil fuels. Or is there another explanation for the radical weather changes
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Running Head: Is global warming a real phenomenon? Is global warming a real phenomenon? Western Governor’s University Is global warming a real phenomenon? Global warming is the raising of average global temperature due to the increased concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere due to human emissions. While there is a general consensus among the scientific community that global warming is currently occurring
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Introduction A. What Causes Global Warning 1. Greenhouse effect 2. Human contribution B. Government Agencies report Global Warning Continues to Rise 1. Fossil fuel use has increased 2. Carbon dioxide remains in the atmosphere for many decades C. Facts and Fiction of Global Warning 1. Facts 2. Fiction II. Conclusion Global Warming: Fact or Fiction According to the New York Times, “Global warming has become perhaps the most complicated
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