The Negative Effects of Tuition Fee Increase to the Academic Performance of First Year Students of the University of Mindanao GROUP 6 Setting Problem The Problem And Its Setting Tuition fees are fees charged for instruction during higher education. Tuition payments are charged by educational institutions in some countries to have funding on school equipment, staffs, teachers, and facilities to provide a comfortable learning experience. In some countries there are no or only nominal
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Effects of Student-Teacher Ratio on Academic Achievement of Selected Secondary School Students in Port Harcourt Metropolis, Nigeria By Idowu Rasheed Ajani Department of Educational Foundations University of Lagos, Nigeria Oluwole Bamidele Akinyele Department of Educational Foundations University of Lagos, Nigeria Abstract The study investigated the effects of student-teacher ratio on academic achievement
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AFFECTING NIGERIAN SECONDARY SCHOOL PUPILS’ ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE By Dr. Olaniyi Bojuwoye ABSTRACT A ten-item questionnaire containing various descriptions of school-related characteristic which have been found to adversely affect pupils academic performance was administered on 809 teachers and 1012 students of secondary schools from ten randomly selected states in Nigeria. The respondents ranked the characteristics in terms of their degree of effect on pupil academic performance. The result showed that lack
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educational strides are being made in the country. Each student needs to be helped to strengthen his abilities to make nice choices and to face problems encountered in society. Those who fall by the way side because of physical, intellectual or emotional inadequacy particularly need guidance"(p.72). In the above statement, Durojaiye points out clearly the fact that guidance and counseling is very important in our schools as it helps students to face the challenges of life and be useful to themselves
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government and families, and aligned with international practice through the K-12 policy. The poor quality of basic education is reflected in the low achievement scores of Filipino students. Many students who finish basic education do not possess sufficient mastery of basic competencies. One reason is that students do not get adequate instructional time or time on task. This quality of education is reflected in the inadequate preparation of high school graduates for the world of work or entrepreneurship
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choice for so many business professionals. I have often thought about the vest means of achieving success. Success can be measured in many different fashions. There is career success, success in academics, competition, and self-actualization. For the scope of this research paper, I will limit the definition of success as being measured by financial freedom and independence. As both a student and working professional, I have a strong belief and desire to perform to my highest potential, both
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leaner–resident, school–resident, home-resident or societal–resident. One of the consequences of these problems is academic underachievement and academic failure caused by poor or improper study habit. On the part of the affected students, ethological suggestions to motivate them for achievement and psycho-stimulants to develop their reading skills can be of use in reducing the effect of this educational problem, poor study habit. Studies have established the prevalence of poor study habit among
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a cognitive bridge between journalism theory and professional practice. Through it, students develop self-reliance, confidence, problem solving, and adaptability, while simultaneously gaining knowledge and developing a sense of efficacy in their ability to negotiate inherent dilemmas in practice. When pedagogical strategies “block the exits” to escape from the implications and effects of their practice, students are held to high benchmarks of critical and reflective thinking. The “lived” experience
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Educational Research and Reviews Vol. 6 (7), pp. 522-527, July 2011 Available online at ISSN 1990-3839 © 2011 Academic Journals Review The effects of poverty on academic achievement Misty Lacour1 and Laura D. Tissington2* 2 Southern Arkansas University, Magnolia, Arkansas, USA. th University of West Florida, 1732 N. 13 Avenue Pensacola, Florida 32503, USA. Accepted 12 May, 2011 Poverty, which forms a specific culture and way of life, is a growing
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by President George W. Bush to give socioeconomic leverage to the people of color in America. The Act which was successfully passed by the U.S. Congress in 2001, sought to make quality elementary and secondary education accessible to disadvantaged students, particularly, the children of color people. The Act is an upgrade of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) passed during President Lyndon Johnson’s time in office in 1965 to help states create a leveled field for children living in poverty
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